Lots of Rain Right Now!

March 19th, 2020

As if we need some more rain, we have had rain off and on for the past couple days.  Some of it has been really heavy!  Supposed to be through here today with no rain Friday or Saturday.  Sunday we have a 50% chance for some more, but back to zero Monday, then slight chances again on Tuesday.  Temperatures looks like upper 40s and low 50s.

We you can well imagine, with all the rain, all the lakes are coming up and we continue to see non-stop generation.  They turned on three more spillways last Sunday (while I had a trip out), so we currently are seeing approximately 14700 cfs of water going down the river.

Thought I had posted these trips earlier, but to my surprise, I just

Ron – 3/13/20

thought I had!  Anyway, Darren on the river last Friday with Mike and Ron all day.  These two are with the SWFF club and got the winning

Mike – 3/13/20

bid on a trip.  Good day for these on a #22 black copperhead midge or a size 12 tungsten beadhead gray scud.  Lots of nice fish including a 20 inch

Beth – 3/13/20

bow that Ron caught.  Dana had Beth and Greg from Maryland out for half a day.  Very good day

Greg – 3/13/20

for them too fishing the black copperhead and ruby 2 midges.

Sunday, Carolyn took Jaime and Doug out for the day.  Fishing started out pretty good on the cerise San Juan worm.  This slowed down so we moved around a bit looking for more fish. Picking up one or two here and there.  After lunch, we regrouped and started throwing the JQ on a 4 ips sink tip line and picked up several doing this.  Kept noticing that clumps of brush that were showing the last time I was on the water were no longer visible.  When we can off the water we found out they had turned on three more spillways while we were out.

On another note, we understand your not getting out and about.  However, it there is anything you need in the way of fishing equipment or tying materials, please give us a call.  We’ll get them shipped out to you ASAP.

The Trout Are Happy and Healthy!

March 12th, 2020

Kind of dodging the bullet on the rain the past few days.  Got some, but much less than forecast….so far.  The past two days have turned out beautiful with blue skies and lots of sunshine.  Woke up this morning to temperatures in the mid 50s and it already up to 67 degrees at 11:00 a.m.  Should hit the upper 70s.  Front coming through so Friday will only be in the upper 50s and Saturday is currently showing chances for rain and mid 40s.  Sunday and Monday are 50s then moving back into the 60s for the rest of the week.  Chances for rain showing up here and there.

Due to ongoing rain, and because the fourth generator is unavailable, they opened up two spillways yesterday at 10:00 a.m.  The good news is that most of the rain now appears to be heading southeast of us.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Lots of trips on the water the past two days.  Tuesday, Darren and Dana had a group from Texas on the water.  Ed and his daughter,

Ed – 3/10/20

Elise and her husband David.  Dana took Ed and they had a good day fishing either a black copperhead or ruby 2 midge.  Elise and David are fairly new fly fishers, so Darren worked with both of them on casting.  He also let them land some fish on the ruby 2 and a size 14 scud.  Fun day for this family.

Beebe – 3/10/20

Gina and Carolyn had another family group on the water.  This group from Oklahoma consisted of  grandpa Beebe and his grandson, Bennett.  They fished with Gina.  Carolyn took the father,

Todd – 3/10/20

Todd, and the other grandson, Hayden.  Everyone

Hayden – 3/10/20

caught lots of fish on the ruby 2 midge, or a cerise San Juan worm.  Wednesday, the weather forecast was for rain.  However, it turned out that it rained very early and turned off at 9:00 a.m.  By 10:00 in the

Tyler – 3/11/20

morning, the sun started shining and it turned out to be a great day.  Tyler from Texas, had booked with us for Monday but cancelled due to the rain.  He was happy to get

Shari – 3/11/20

on the water Wednesday with Dana and have a good day catching on the ruby 2 or copperhead black midges.  We were concerned that fishing might go south because of the spillways gates opening up that morning, but it really did not seem to affect the fishing at all.

James – 3/11/20

James and Shari spent the morning on the water with Carolyn.  They did well on the cerise San Juan worm, and a ruby 2 midge dropped from either the Lightning Bug or a red tunghead midge.  Fun day for these two!  The thing all of us noticed is how beautiful and healthy the fish are.  They are chunky and really colored up well.  These pictures do no do them justice!

Beautiful Weather!

March 9th, 2020

We had a couple of gorgeous days this past weekend.  Temperatures in the 60s Saturday and low 70s Sunday!  Lots of sunshine too!  We have had rain off and on today.  It’s supposed to be cloudy but dry tomorrow with temperatures in the low 60s.  Wednesday and Thursday show 50-60% changes of rain but temperatures in the 70s.  Wow!  Friday through Sunday will be in the 50s and then back into the 60s next week.  Some changes for rain on Saturday.

The down side to the weekend was the generation.  They upper the units from two to three for the weekend and today.  So we were fishing in 9600 cfs.  Not certain yet what they plan to do the rest of this week, but with forecast of rain, maybe they will continue at this level.

Fred – 3/7/20

Carolyn on the water Saturday with Fred from Lee’s Summit.  Fishing was a big slower than the day before due to the change in water level but we had a pretty good day on either the cerise or red San Juan worms under the big ruby.  He also hooked a couple stripping a holographic green crackleback.

Sunday, Dana took Jeff and Cameron out for the day.  Like I said, it was a gorgeous day with lots of sunshine.  Wind picked up a little in the afternoon but you have to take the good with the bad.  Good day catching on the ruby two and stripping the tiger tail.  Carolyn had Drew and his friend, Miranda

Miranda – 3/8/20

out for half a day.  Good, fun day for these two!  Catching was on the red or cerise San Juan worms under the big ruby.  When the sun really perked up, it was the lightning bug under the big ruby.  We also caught several stripping the JQ streamer with a holographic green trailer.  Drew actually hooked two fish at once, one on the JQ and the other on the crackleback!

ALSO!  For those of you who have fished with us over the years and met Murphy….he’s back.  This goose shows up every March and stays around until June.  It’s March and Murphy is here begging for hand outs!

MURPHY! 3/8/20

Good Fishing Days!

March 2nd, 2020

Weather looks great for several days.  Upper 50s today, 60s through Thursday, and more 50s and 60s through next week.  First sign of rain shows up next Monday and that could certainly change in a week.

Generation continued 24/7 to be the equivalent of two units.

Ralph – 2/29/20

Really good day for Ralph Saturday.  He spent half a day on the water with Dana.  They fished the ruby 2 under the big ruby or the cerise San Juan worm under the big ruby.  Found fish just about everywhere all the way to the take out.


Yesterday, Carolyn had and Michael

out all day.  They too had a really good day.  Pretty much the same patterns.  We did start with the ruby 2 or a red San Juan worm under the big ruby in the morning.  This worked well for us, but as the day moved on, the cerise San Juan worm was the

David – 3/1/20

pattern of choice.  However, the fish were taking both the big ruby or the San Juan worm.  Fished good for us all the way to the take out.


Nice Weather Ahead!

February 26th, 2020

After today, it looks like we are in for some nice weather.  Low to mid 50s tomorrow and Friday.  Then, low to mid 60s Saturday and Sunday and Monday!  Unfortunately, Tuesday is showing chances for rain.  Boo!

For the past six days, we have seen two generators going every day.  They shut down the spillways last Wednesday and so far, so good.  We did not see much increase in lake levels from this last rain so we are making headway.

Fishers who are braving this cooler weather are reporting some nice fish.  Had two new students, Tony and Helen, in the water last Saturday, we they were getting hits on anything red, San Juan or midges.  When the sun was out, Helen had several hits while learning to pull streamers on the holographic green crackeback.  Fun day and think they leaned a lot!

We are proud to announce that River Run Outfitters is one of the three nominees for the 2020 Orvis Endorsed Outfitter of the Year Award!  Thanks to our fantastic team and this awesome fishery!  Congratulations to the other two nominees, Linehan Outfitting Company of Troy, Montana and The Tackle Shop Outfitters, of Ennis, Montana.

Check Out the Nominees for the 2020 Orvis Endorsed Awards!

Spillways Shut Down Yesterday\!!……but…..

February 20th, 2020

We have had some pretty nice days this week until today.  High today should hit mid 30s.  Tomorrow will be nicer with mid 40s and sunshine and Saturday will see mid 50s and partly cloudy.  Sunday and early Monday we are seeing the chances for rain again.  Boo!  We are hoping it will not amount to much, but we will just have to wait and see.

As I said, spillways were shut down yesterday afternoon around 5:00 p.m.  Generation stayed at three units and was shut back this morning to two units, which will be the generation throughout today.   This leads me to think we will see two units again tomorrow and not spillways.  If we don’t get a lot of rain, and that is a big “if” again, they might leave the spillways closed for a while.  This would certainly be nice.  As always….to be continued

Dana on the water yesterday with two guys from Arkansas, Mike and Dave.  Fun day for these two.  They spent the afternoon catching on the cerise San Juan worm under the big ruby.

Dave – 2/19/20

A Few Days Without Rain! Wow!

February 16th, 2020

We have had a couple nice days this weekend.  Temperatures in the 50s and the sun eventually came out both days.  Monday should be in the low 60s but slight chances for rain.  After that we go into the 40s for a couple days and maybe upper 30s by Thursday.  By next Sunday the “rain” word is showing up.  Let’s hope for a change by then.

No change in the generation pattern.  Three generators and 5 spillway gates open 1′ each for a total discharge of approximately 5000 cfs.   With this flow, Table Rock Lake is holding it with Beaver releasing about 11,400 cfs.  This will probably be the trend for a while.

Nice day on the water yesterday both in the weather and fishing.  Carolyn had Dwan and Robert from Kansas out for half a day.  Nice, beautiful fish to the boat on the cerise worm under the Big Ruby in the fast water.  Where we could find slower moving water, we shallowed up and droped a ruby 2 under one of the guys and the Lightning Bug under the other while still using the Big Ruby to get them down.

Spillways Off And Now Back On!

February 13th, 2020

Cold today!  Not as cold as they said it would be, but low 30s is still cold.  Should be in the low 40s tomorrow then warming up to mid and upper 50s Saturday and Sunday. THEN low 60s Monday?  Not seeing rain in the near future.  Yeah!  We don’t need any more rain!!!!

Gates were off for a few days since my last report, but they turned them back on this morning.  We got almost an inch of rain in the area and I’m certain some areas received more.  The big issue is that Beaver is just a little less than half a foot from power pool.  They opened 7 spillways yesterday around noon.

Fishers are fishing the outflows and seeing and catching some nice fish.  If you have a boat, you can also catch some nice fish this way.  We will dry out some day.  Keep saying that!!!

Needed A Fix!

February 5th, 2020

Beautiful weekend and now we’re paying for it. Winter weather advisory right now.  However, the worst is going to be north of us.  We may see some sleet and possibly freezing conditions on the roads towards this evening.  Tomorrow will still be in the 30s but Friday and Saturday are looking at 40s and by Sunday the 50s, then back into the upper 40s and low 50s for next week.

We finally saw only two units running for about three and a half days.  Unfortunately, here came the rain and now we are back to three units and they turned on five spillways this morning to add approximately 5000 cfs to the three units.

Took myself fishing Monday as the weather was so nice and I needed a fix!  Only out for a couple hours in the drift boat but it was a very good two hours.  First cast brought in this nice male bow.

Caught several more after him on the big ruby or the cerise worm.

Spillways Closed Down Yesterday Morning

January 29th, 2020

Crazy weather.  Yesterday it was in the 60s and today it is 38 for the high!  Good news, after tomorrow, temperatures will start to rise again.  Friday will be upper 40s.  Saturday mid 50s and Sunday 70!  Like I said, crazy weather.

Spillways were shut down yesterday morning.  They are still running two to three generators all day.  This is definitely better than five spillways plus the generators.

Couple from Minnesota fished with the spillways and generators going and had a pretty good day on midges!  Where ever they could find slack water, midges were working for them.  I think they also caught some on the cerise worm.
