Enjoy It While We Can!
May 24th, 2020Every day they forecast rain and some days we get it, but others stay dry for the most part. Friday we got a lot of rain pretty early in the day. Yesterday stayed dry, and it has been dry so far today. Monday shows a 60% chance for rain with scattered storms both during the day and evening. 40% is showing up for Tuesday. Right now, Wednesday and Thursday show the best chances for rain with 80%.
Yes, the generators were off again today and are projected to be off during the morning hours both Monday and Tuesday. Cross your fingers. All the lakes are just three feet or less from flood pool.
Dana on the water Friday. That was one of those days when it rained earlier than projected. However,
until it really started to blow and go, they roughed it out and had a very good day on the black copperhead midge and an orange egg pattern.
Saturday was a beautiful day and Darren and Dana had a group of three guys on the water. Darren took Jim and they had a very good
day on a brown zebra midge, a little thread midge and the ruby 2. John and John were in the boat with Dana. They too had a very good day on the black copperhead midge early, then it was the ruby 2 or an orange egg pattern. No generation for this group until 11:00 a.m. and then it was only one unit for an hour. Fishing was good during this one hour of low generation.
Sunday, Carolyn took John and his son, Joel out for half a day.
Another no generation morning! Slow start on the midges. Think Joel “picked and rolled” three fish and John was getting no action on the midges. So we moved and changed
patterns. Right spot and right pattern as they both started catching stripping the Tiger Tail trailing the JQ streamer on a 4 ips sinking leader. Fun day. Turned on one unit at 11:00 a.m. so up river we rowed and hooked some more up there on the ruby 2 and black copperhead midges. Joel caught his first 20 inch rainbow! Congratulations!
All the fish everyone is catching are absolutely fat and full of fight. Lots of them are really colored up.