Rain In The Forecast For The Next Few Days!

August 30th, 2020

Beautiful weather the past few days.  Not as hot as it was for a while.  We also have rain in the forecast through Wednesday.  We certainly could stand a little rain.  Trees are turning brown as are the yards.  And, the temperatures are nice.  The warmest day next week looks like Monday with upper 80s.  Otherwise, it is low to mid 80s all week!

Water continued to be off during the morning hours.  Came on one day this past week at 11:00 a.m. but most other days were noon or 1:00 p.m.

Will & Drew – 8/22/20

A week ago this past Saturday, Darren on the water with Will and Drew from Wildwood.  Fun day for these

Will – 8/22/20

guys on lots of patterns.  Size 20 scuds, red ass soft hackle trailing the crackleback and a black soft hackle.

Last Sunday, Carolyn took Tim and his son-in-law, Donghun out for the morning.  Both were pretty new to fly fishing, so we worked a bit on casting, line management, hooking and playing a fish, and then proceeded to catch some fish on the black #14 wooly bugger, a B-bug under a ruby 1, and when the water came on a red San Juan worm under the big ruby.  Fun day!

Dana on the water with Phil from Oklahoma last Tuesday.  They had a good day up near the root wad on the ruby 2 midge.

Wednesday, Billie and Dolph fished with Carolyn.  Slow morning with a few on a black soft hackle.  When the generators fired up things picked up and we fished the rise using the red San Juan worm under the big ruby.  Caught fish on both!

Gregg wanted his with Janell to learn how to fly fish, so they spent Friday morning in the water with Carolyn.  Janell got a good handle on the roll cast and regular pick up and lay down cast.  However, it was not a good day for landing fish.  One fish to the boat after the rise on a JQ streamer.  Had a few hits on other patterns, but just  TOUGH DAY!

Dana took Ken from Texas out for an instructional trip Saturday.  They got rained out at 11:00 a.m. and called it a day.  Carolyn had two new fly fishers on the water also…..Jim and John.  Worked on casting and headed up to the root wad.  Had a couple hits and break offs and the sky started turning black.  When the wind picked up and almost blew Carolyn into the river, it was get off the water time.  Waited out the storm in the car and headed back out just before the generators came on.  Fished and rise and located some fish on the ruby 2 under the big ruby.  They are both planning on getting fly fishing gear and heading to the water when they get home.

We continue to see low dissolved oxygen levels in Taneycomo and slow fishing.  Just another reminder, please take extra time to revive you fish when releasing.  I am starting to see dead fish on the bottom of the river.

Water Still Off Every Morning!

August 23rd, 2020

Beautiful weather and beautiful water.  Temperatures mostly in the upper 80s the past few days.  Looks like a warm up and we will see mid 90s for a few days then upper 80s to low 90s from Wednesday through the weekend.  Slight chances for rain by mid week.  Think it is probably that hurricane heading for Louisiana early next week.

Generators continue to be off every morning.  Most days it has been coming on at noon.  There have been a few days where it was as early as 11:00 a.m. or as late as 1:00 p.m.  They eventually bump it up to all four units for three to four hours during the afternoon.

Just a note as to the condition of the river.  The oxygen levels in Taneycomo during the morning hours while the water is off is extremely low.  Our levels are actually lower for this time of the year than last year.  The fish are still healthy looking and giving us a good fight.  However, if you don’t take a little extra time and make certain they are in good shape before you release them, they just might swim away and roll over!  Please take a little more time in releasing your fish.

Ryan & Robert – 8/17/20

Last Monday, Robert and his son, Ryan spent the morning on the water with Carolyn.  Good day for these guys on the ruby 2, #18 gray scud, red San Juan worm, and a black wooly bugger.  Gina was on the water with one of her regulars, Billy.  Monday was a tiger tail or charcoal sculpin, or a black copperhead midge.  Billy fished

Bill – 8/17/20

again on Tuesday and this was it was only a Wendell wooly, size 14.  Fun couple of days both catching and the weather.

Thursday, Darren took Tom and his wife, Kimmy out.  Tom wanted to get Kimmy hooked on fly

Kimmy & Tom – 8/20/20

fishing and hopefully, they succeeded.  She caught fish on a #20 scud and the white mega worm.  Fun day for both!  Dana

Justin – 8/21/20

was on the water with Justin from Texas.  They caught fish Thursday on the b-bug.  Justin had such as good time, he decided to hit it again on Friday.  Friday was even a better day catching on

Tommy – 8/21/20

cracklebacks.  Tommy and his son, Will, fished with Gina on Friday.  They had a good day on

Will – 8/21/20

the black wooly, pine equirrel sculpin and Wendell’s wooly.  Peter and his friend, Charlie, fished with Carolyn.  They got off to a slow start, but finally started picking up fish on a #20 gray scud, a tan B-bug, or stripping the black wooly bugger.

Saturday, Dana took Brian and Anita from Oklahoma out for half a

Jeanne – 8/23/20

day.  They had a slow day but caught some on the copper dun midge.  It was a slow day for scudding or midging.  The only thing

Chris – 8/212/20

the fish were really good on were various streamers.  Gina had Jeanne and her son Chris out.  They started early and had a good day stripping the mini sculpin or Wendell’s woolie.  Meanwhile, Carolyn took Rich and his sons, Eli and Kaylor out for the morning.  Rich and Eli took a one-day clinic with us a couple of weeks ago and they have already fished

Rich – 8/23/20

with us a couple times since.  This was Kaylor’s, who is seven, first time with a fly rod.  He is getting his fly into the water where he needs to and getting a good drift.

Eli & Kaylor – 8/22/20

Unfortunately, the fish were pretty picky on what they wanted.  Rich and Eli were both stripping the mini sculpin and catching.  Kaylor took on the position of “official netter”.  He was netting their fish and going a good job!


We’re Seeing Off Water In The Mornings!

August 16th, 2020

Pretty nice weather the past several days.  Lots of sunshine and not as hot as it had been a couple weeks ago.  Looks like this will continue into next weekend.  Temperatures mostly in the upper 80s.  Sure beats the upper 90s we had been having.  Very slight chances for rain by next Sunday.

Generators have been off every morning since last Monday.  Some days they turn on one or two units around 11:00 a.m. then ramp it up to a low four units with a couple hours.  Off in the evening by 8:00 to 9:00 p.m.  Table Rock is now below power pool so we will probably see this trend continue.

Darren on the water last Tuesday.  Tough day for his guy Vernon.  They caught a few fish on the thread midge or the egg/scud combo.

Thursday, Carolyn took Sharon and Penny out for the morning.  Fun ladies day out catching on the ruby 2 or a red San Juan worm.

Friday, Dana was on the river with Al from Parkville.  Tough day for them but they did catch a few on the ruby 2 midge.

Sam, Rich and Eli took a one day clinic with Carolyn on Friday, so she had them on the river fishing Saturday.

Eli – 8/15/20

Good day for these guys on a #16 scud or a copper dun midge.  They loved fly fishing enough that they booked

Terry – 8/15/20

another day for Sunday.  Terry and his nephew, Doug were fishing with Darren.  Pretty good day for them on the ruby 2 midge or the egg/scud combo.   Dana fished

Derek – 8/15/20

Derek and Kevin from Kansas.  Good day for them on the black copperhead midge.  These were some of the off generation days during the morning hours, so we are all staying

Kevin – 8/15/20

up around the boat ramp and not going all the way through.  When the water comes on, it trashes up the water so bad you cannot keep you fly clean and the fishing goes south.

Sam – 8/16/20

Sunday, Sam, Rich and Eli fished with Darren.  Good day for them again.  Casting is looking better and hooking up

Rich – 8/16/20

with fish was even better.  Their best patterns were a size 18 or 20 gray scud, white mega worm, and the copper dun midge.  Dana and Carolyn had the Curry family on the river.  Dana had the guys, Ryan and Jack, and Carolyn took the ladies, Julie and Scout.  Good day for everyone!  The ladies started off the morning with a double.  Both Julie and Scout had a fish on at the same time.  And, it was pretty steady action all morning.  Lots of patterns were working.  Ruby 2, B-bug, P&P, #20 gray scud and the copper dun midge were probably the most productive.   Dropped my camera in the water Saturday so I’m waiting on pictures from Ryan of their nice fish they caught.















Lower Water Levels The Past Few Days!

August 6th, 2020

We have been having some great weather here the past few days.  In the 80s.  Lows in the upper 50s one or two mornings.  However, that is coming to an end.  But it’s not going to be as hot as it was.  Mid 90s seems to be tops over the next several days.  It is looking like some rain tomorrow morning, then slight chances next week.

The past couple days have seen a lower generation level for a few hours in the morning than we have been seeing.  Actually a low one unit last night and then one unit this morning until around 10:00 a.m. Right now it is not quite a full two units.  But, according to the projection, it should be a low four units for about four hours.  Looks like this will be the pattern again tomorrow.  Equivalent of one unit in the morning until noon, then it will up to two units for an hour, and then a low four for 4 hours.  After than it will slowly ramp back to a low two through the night.

Karl – 8/3/20

Carolyn on the water Monday with Karl and his son, Matthew.  Not a lot of fish, but a fun day on the ruby

Matthew – 8/3/20

2 midge under the big ruby.  Matthew’s first trout on a fly rod

Matthew with little wild bow

was a little wild one.  You could still see the parr markings on it.

Tuesday, Darren had Dennis on the river for the

Josh – 8/4/20

morning.  Good day for them on the egg/scud combo or a #14 scud.

Wednesday, we had a group of guys with their sons.  First time for several of them.

Charlie – 8/5/20

Tough day.  Darren had Farhan and his son, Zayd.  Dana had Brian and Oliver.  They had a few hits and “pick and rolls”, and a fish on the red San Juan.  Chris and his two sons, Charlie and Max fished with Carolyn.  No one pattern was working.  Ruby 2, #12 gray scud, or the big ruby each caught a fish and tempted a few others, but their was no pattern that was consistent.

Cooler Weather!

August 2nd, 2020

Wow!  Looks like our high today will be 84 degrees.  Monday shows low 80s; Tuesday upper 70s, then mid to upper 80s through Friday.  The weekend and into next week will be low 90s.  What a wonderful difference.  Slight chances for rain Friday and Saturday.  We’ll see….that’s a ways off.  But enjoy!

This weekend was back to two full units until noon, and then bumping it up to three or a low four around 1:00 p.m.  Back to the two units by 8:00 p.m. or so.

Mike – 7/26/20

Mike from Kansas on the water with Dana last Sunday.  Pretty good day for him on the cerise San Juan worm or the ruby 2 midge.

Thursday, Darren took Russell and Anderson out for half a day.  They had fun catching on the UV roe yarn egg with a scud dropper.  Fished best for them that day on the front run of Lookout Island.

It was a half day Friday for Mike and his friend Bob, from Iowa, with Darren.  Another UV roe yarn egg and scud dropper day for them.  Fun day.  Would have been better if they could have stopped a big fish Mike hooked up with at the log hole.  If hung on the bottom for a bit then took off upstream and Darren could not row fast enough!  Dana had Robert out and Roberts caught his biggest

Robert – 7/31/20

trout.  Happy man on the copperhead black midge.  Meanwhile, Gina and Carolyn were infecting three ladies with the art of fly fishing.  Anne, Jan and Margie took the 2-day school Thursday and Friday.  All indications are that they like it!

Mark and Ken from Illinois, spent Saturday morning on the water with Dana.  He had they catching on the black copperhead midge and the peach eggstasty fly.  Lots of “pick and rolls” but also fish to the boat!  Darren had a fly fisher from Florida in his boat Saturday.  Another egg and scud combo day.  He caught a nice 20 incher at Eagle Island and that was the end to a good day!

Jerry – 8/2/20

Jerry and his friend Mike, fished with Carolyn today.  Good day for these guys on the ruby 2 under the big ruby midge.  They caught a few

Mike – 8/2/20

stripping the JQ streamer, but it was a midge day.  Fished best in the run behind Long Island.  Barbara had a good, fun day

Barb’s fish – 8/2/20

fishing with Dana.  Red San Juan worm, ruby 2 midge and stripping an orange crackleback.

Little Lower Water Flow In A.M.

July 26th, 2020

Looks like a little cool down in the temperatures next week.  Seeing lots of mid to upper 80s all week and into the following feel.  Yeah!  Also, the chances for rain are pretty good for Monday through Wednesday.

A change in the generation pattern the past few days.  Dropping down to the equivalent of one unit around midnight.  At this level until 9:00 a.m then up to two units for a three hours, then a three for an hour a finally four.  Same projection for Monday.  We’ll have to wait and see what the pattern looks like next week.

Kaya’s 1st on fly rod – 7/24/20

This change in the flow pattern made catching a little difficult last Friday.  But, we managed to catch fish.  Carolyn had Eric and his grandson, Kaya on the water Friday morning.  This was Eric’s first

Eric – 7/24/20

time with a fly rod.  Eric had been working with him on casting and he did very well.  He even outfished Eric!  They had a good day catching early on the Ruby 2 midge under the big ruby.  As they kept upping the water, it was a UV Roe yarn salmon egg pattern.

Kyle – 7/24/20

Rob and his son, Kyle, were fishing with Dana.  Ruby 2 early then it was a red San Juan worm.

Saturday, Dana took Shannon, from Kansas, out for half a day.  It was another ruby 2 and red San Juan worm day.

Rob -07/24/20

The Missing Week!

July 24th, 2020

Somehow, it looks like almost a week of fishing trips disappeared.  So, we will make certain they are back on the site.

Alex – 7/15/20

Last Thursday, July 15, a group of guys fished with Dana and Carolyn.  Dana has Alex and Adam.  These two guys were pretty

Adam – 7/15/20

new, so Dana worked with them on basic casting and line management to the point where they could catch some fish.  They

Joel – 7/15/20

had a fund day on the ruby 2 and red d-rib midges and stripping a crackleback.  Carolyn took Joel and Zach.  Good day for these guys

Zach – 7/15/20

on the ruby 2 midge and stripping the holographic green crackleback.   Darren was also on the water that day with Roy from Texas.  Good day for Roy on a peach eggstacy egg fly with a gray

Beth – 7/17/20

scud dropper.   Beth and John were spending their first of two days on the water with Gina.  A little slow for them on the first day but they made up for it on the second day.  Gina made

John – 7/17/20

a stripping out of Beth on the second day as she was stripping a black bugger on Friday or they were nymphing the black copperhead midge.   Jonathan and his daughter, Sydney spent

Sydney – 7/17/20

Friday morning on the water with Carolyn.  This was Sydney’s first time with a fly rod and she did great.  I think Jonathan has a new fly fishing partner and she really liked it.  They had a good day on the

Jonathan – 7/17/20

eggstacy salmon egg pattern under the big ruby.

Saturday, Evan and Erin again fished with Dana.  They were out with him last month and came back for more.   Good day for these guys on the ruby 2, red San Juan worm or stripping a crackleback.

Tough Day!

July 23rd, 2020

Still lots of hot, sunny weather.  Might have a chance for rain early next week, but otherwise, hot!

No change in generation.  Two early, then three for a few hours.  Four units around 4:00 p.m. for two to three hours then back to two through the night and into the next morning.

Jeremy spend the morning with Dana on Sunday.  Jeremy fished with Dana just about the same time last year.  Even more interesting, they caught the same number of fish with year as last and the largest fish was the same size as last year.  Only difference were the fly patterns.  This year the catching was on a crackleback or ruby 2.

Nick – 7/20/20

Gina on the water Monday with Nick from Nebraska.  Good day for Nick pulling the tiger tail, or nymphing a black copperhead midge.  He really liked stripping the tiger tail as he had not caught a fish using this presentation.

Tuesday, Dana took Lloyd and Mary out for half a day.  New fly fishers had a fun day on a salmon egg pattern and stripping the a crackleback.

Wednesday was tough!  Four of us on the water wondering where the fish were.  We all managed to catch some, but nothing like it has

Linda – 7/22/20

been fishing.  Carolyn has Linda out on an instructional half day float.  She wanted to learn to use all the stuff she had purchased, so we worked on casting, rigging, but mainly presentation.  Linda has a good feel for pulling streamers on a sinking leader and definitely got in a lot of mending practice while standing in the fast water.  Best pattern for her

Jake – 7/22/20

was a red San Juan worm.  And, she is throwing a good line!  Dana was out with Jerry and Jacob wondering where the fish were.  They also managed to catch a few

Jerry – 7/22/20

on an orange crackleback, JQ streamer or the big ruby.  Darren’s guys, Ryan and Scott did best on an egg with the scud dropper.  Gary took Ella on a wade trip and was also wondering where the fish were.  They tried up by the cable with no takers.  Best place was a gravel bar down by the landing where they landed a few fish on a red soft hackle.

The good news is that today was much better.  The fish were where we normally find them and eating pretty much the same things we have been doing well on.  JP and Andy spend this morning fishing with Darren.  They had a good day on the egg pattern with a size 16 gray scud dropper.

The Fish Don’t Like This Heat Either!

July 14th, 2020

Really see no relief in sight for the heat.  But, must remember, it is July!  Chances for rain late tomorrow night into Thursday morning.  That’s about it for a while.

No change in the generation pattern.  Table Rock is not about 7 feet above normal pool level.  Still have a ways to go.

Jennifer – 7/12/20

Dana on the water Sunday with Matt and his girlfriend, Jennifer.  Fun day for them catching on the ruby midge or stripping the holographic green crackleback.  We are still catching fish, and nice fish, but certainly not the numbers we were catching 3-4 weeks ago.


Judy – 7/13/20

Carolyn took Jerry and Judy out for half a day.  It was a Judy day.

Jerry – 7/13/20

She was catching on the ruby 2 under the big ruby.  Even had a few fish take her big ruby.   Jerry was fishing right next to her with exactly the same rig and she just had her day!  Todd and Mark from Oklahoma were fishing with Darren.  Good day for them stripping a tiger tail or crackleback.  Nymph fishing was not the thing for them that day.

Today, Dana had Bob from Oklahoma on the water for the morning.  His wife Laneese rode along to enjoy the day.  They had a good day stripping a crackleback or nymphing a ruby 2 midge.


Temperatures Will Be In The 90s All Week!

July 12th, 2020

Hot, sunny days are in the forecast for the coming week and into the weekend.  Very little chances of rain.

No chance in generation pattern.  Two units on on the a.m. then up to three by noon or 1:00 p.m. for a couple hours, then on up to four until evening when they cut it back to two units again.  We are making progress.  Table Rock Lake is down to 924.5′.  Normal lake level for this time of year is 917′.

Jim on the water last Tuesday with Chris out of Texas.  They were catching fish on a size 12 scud or pulling a size 8 JQ streamer.

Wednesday, Jim took Brandon out for half a day.  Brandon really wanted to learn, so Jim worked with him and said he was a very good student.  They mainly caught fish on the scud.  Streamers were

RRWFFC – 7/8/20

not the ticket that day.  If you were in the area and heard a lot of hooting and hollering, some of the gals from the River Runners Women’s group were also on the water Wednesday.  Fun day catching on ruby 2 midge, JQ streamer, holographic green crackleback, and the cerise San Juan worm.

Thursday, Carolyn took Roger and

Cole – 7/9/20

his son, Cole, out for half a day to teach them how to fly fish.  Before the morning was over, both were throwing a pretty

Roger – 7/9/20

good line.  A few tangles here and there, but when you first get started, it’s a norm.  We had a good day catching on the ruby 2 midge dropped under the big ruby.  Definitely think both are “hooked” on fly fishing!  Darren was also on the water Thursday.  He had Jason and Tsianina, from Oklahoma, out for

Tsianina – 7/9/20

half a day.  They were trying lots of different things and catching on this one and then that one.  No definite single pattern was working for them, but they switched out enough to have a good day.

Friday, Dana took Ken and his son, Shawn out for half a day.  This was Shawn’s birthday.  They caught fish on the black copperhead midge, a ruby 2 and stripping the holographic green crackleback.


