Warm Days……Freezing Days!

December 12th, 2021

Well, it’s that time of the year.  One day we have had 70 degree plus and the next day the high is 45 degrees.  Looks like a trend that is continuing for the next couple of weeks.  Next week looks like warm days Tuesday and Wednesday and then possibility of rain and cooler temperatures.  Following week might hit low 60s toward the end of the week.

Little change in generation schedule.  Low to a full one unit most of the day.  Little bumps during the day up to a low or two two units for a short period of time.

Darren on the water last Monday with Steve.  Good day for them on the P&P midge under the big ruby.  Nice quality of fish!.

Watch for those nice days and get on the water.  Fishing is definitely picking up!

Awesome Weather and Good Fishing!

December 5th, 2021

Just finished a run or great weather.  Several December days in the 70!  And, lots of sunshine.  However, we are about to go back to normal for this time of the year….50s.  We do have a couple days this coming week in the 60s.  Enjoy them all!

Continue to see generation 24/7.  Some days the flow is fairly stable, and on others they ramp it up to a low two for an hour or so then back to a one of low one level.

Doc – 12/2/21

Had our oldest, old customer on the water Thursday.  Doc and his friend Brian spend half a day on the water with Carolyn.  Doc was our very first guide trip customer back in early 1999 and he will be 89

Brian – 12/2/21

years old in January.  Happy Birthday Doc!  Fun day for these two on a P&P midge under a red d-ribbed midge or a roe colored egg pattern.  And, it was one of those 70+ degree days!

Jim on the water Friday with Kevin.  Good day for them although the flows were up and down.  Fished a JQ streamer, ruby midge and red San Juan worm.  Darren

Don – 12/3/21

was on the water with Don from Texas.  Good day for Don on lots of different patterns,  It was not a one or two pattern day for them.  Big ruby, copper dun, black beauty, tan scud, peach egg…..   Peter from St. Louis fished with Dana both Friday and Saturday.  They had a good day Friday and a much better day Saturday.  Friday was an orange egg pattern, cerise San Juan worm, and the P&P midge.  Saturday, was the big ruby with the P&P dropper or a cerise San Juan worm.

Saturday, Darren had Bill and his friend, Dave from Iowa

Bill – 12/4/21

on the water for half a day.  Another good day.  Like I said, the oxygen it up and the fish are happy!.  P&P and copper dun

Dave – 12/4/21

midges were their patterns.   Carolyn had Cole and Carsynn from Oklahoma on the water.  Good day for these two on a roe egg pattern, or the P&P or copper dun midges under the red d-rubbed midge.

Cole – 12/4/21

Fishing has definitely improved over the past couple weeks and is only going to get better.  Time to get out there and catch some nice fish!

Oxygen Is Looking Better!

November 28th, 2021

Nice weather we’re having for late November.  Looks like December is going to start out nice too.  Monday and Tuesday will be mid 60s.  Then we start out December in low 60s and finish up Thursday and Friday with upper 60s.  Back to upper 50s for Saturday and Sunday with slight chances for rain Sunday.  Not too bad!

Good news is that it looks like the lake is turning as we are starting to see some better oxygen readings.  The other good news is that they have been running 24/7 at a reasonable level most of the time for the past five days.  By reasonable I mean a level where you can still wade in many places.

Darren on the water last Tuesday with Adam and Lincoln from Texas.  Brand new fly fishers managed to bring some fish to the boat on a Ruby 2 & P&P combo or a Scud and egg pattern.

Jenny – 11/24/21


Bryce – 11/24/21

Darren took Bryce and his daughter, Jenny out

for half a day.  Also brand new and they hooked them on the big ruby with a copper dun

Al – 11/24/21

midge dropper.   Dana was on the water with Al and Matt.  They had a

Matt – 11/24/21

fun day catching on a copper dun midge and red San Juan worm under the big ruby.

Friday, Dean from Kansas fished with Carolyn.  They found several fish using a small roe

Dean – 11/26/21

egg pattern under the big ruby.  Also caught a few stripping the holographic green crackleback.

Benji – 11/27/21

Saturday, Dana and Carolyn took some more new fly fishers out on the water.  Patty, Benji and their son, Landon.  Dana started out catching some on the P&P midge.

Patty – 11/27/21

When they shut down on this he changed his guys to a yellow egg pattern.  Carolyn had Patty catching on a dark roe egg.


Lots Of Cool Weather Ahead!

November 21st, 2021

Glad to say we are going to have some cooler weather.  Today might hit upper 50s with a slight chance for some rain.  Monday looks like 50 and dry.  Tuesday and Wednesday are low 60s and a chance of rain Wednesday afternoon or evening.  Then 40s and 50s into next weekend.  This will give us the cooler weather we need to cool down Table Rock Lake so we can get that thing to flip.  Once that happens, the oxygen level will greatly improve!

Even though they projected generation all day yesterday, they did not run anything.  They also projected generation for today and so far…..nothing.  Otherwise, same pattern as we have had for several days, one to a low three for one to three hours, generally in the morning, then nothing the rest of the day.\

Dana on the water last Tuesday with one of his regulars, George from Kansas City.  Another slow day.  What they caught was on a P&P under the big ruby.

Lewis – 11/17/21

Carolyn on the water the next day, Wednesday, with Lewis.  He caught a few fish on a very small apricot egg pattern.

Thursday, Dale and Elmo with with Darren.  Yep!  Another tough day.  For them it was a soft hackle trailing a tan scud.

Fly tying clinics are scheduled for the 2021-2022 season.  Check out our site under “Fly Fishing Schools/Fly Tying Classes” to see the schedule.  No charge, just give us a call ahead of time to get on the schedule.  Class sizes are limited. 



Awesome Weekend!

November 16th, 2021

Couple of beautiful days yesterday and today.  Cool down tomorrow, especially toward the afternoon.  Then we will see upper 40s and low 50s for Thursday and Friday, and mid to upper 50s through the weekend.

One to two units running for 2-3 hours over the weekend.  Today they have not run anything.  Not projected to but that certainly can change.  One of the days over the weekend they did not project anything in the morning but they did run a couple units for a couple hours.

Trace with 22″ rainbow – 11/10/21

Last Wednesday, Ansel and Trace spent most

Ansel & Trace – 11/10/21

of the day on the water with Darren.  It was one of those run water in the morning days and the dissolved oxygen was great.  This resulted in great fishing

for them.  Catching on tiny scuds and midges.  Trace had his best day with a nice 22 inch rainbow.

The awesome weekend was the long awaited

Bobbie – 11/13/21

gathering of the River Runners Women’s Fly Fishing Club.   In the past, we annually gather to fish Taneycomo some time during the month of November.

Tabby – 11/14/21

Thank you COVID, this gathering missed two years.  But, this was the year!  Wonderful to see faces you had not seen for a long time and even more wonderful was the time we all spent on the water.  A

Susan – 11/14/21

great time was had by all and almost everyone caught some fish.  Again, thanks to a little generation during the morning hours each day, we have some oxygen in the water for the fish and

Carolyn – 11/14/21

they were happy to make use happy by hitting our flies.  These are just a few of the nice fish we caught over the two-day event.   Lots of 20 inch plus fish!!  But even more, lots of fun seeing old fly fishing friends again!

Ketchup Time!

November 9th, 2021

Beautiful past two days.  Looks like a slight chance for rain tomorrow, especially late.  Little cooler day than today in the upper 60s.  Thursday starts the cool down.  Mid 50s Thursday and upper 40s Friday.  The weekend looks like mid 50s with lows early in the mornings of mid 30s.  Shiver!!  At least it looks dry.  Back into the mid 60 by Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

We continue to see very little generation.  Over the weekend, they turned on one unit for one to two hours.  Saturday it was early.  Sunday it was around 2:00 p.m.  Today it was 8:00 a.m. for two hours.

Last Tuesday, Dana had Bob and Kem on the river for half a day.  New fly fishers who picked up casting and mending pretty quickly.  Caught a few fish on the P&P midge.

Gina had Carol and Jim on the water Thursday.  Few takes on the copper dun midge but couldn’t get any to the boat.

Carolyn on the water with a student Sunday, Lisa. and she picked and rolled one on a black wooly bugger just after they turned on a couple generators.  We then hopped into the drift boat and she hooked a couple more…nothing to the boat…on a gray scud.

Jim and Greg from Minnesota fished with Jim.  Few fish in on a P&P midge or a gray scud.

Dissolved oxygen is still low so fishing is still tough!





















Fishing Is Better….Catchin!

October 24th, 2021

Had a little rain yesterday and expecting more this afternoon.  Current forecast has more rain in the picture Wednesday and Thursday.  Temperatures Monday and Tuesday in the mid 60s to low 70s.  After that it looks like mid 50 and into the mid 60s by the weekend.

Still lots of wading time.  Off every morning with something flowing mid afternoon for one to four hours.  Think we will continue to see this pattern for a while.

Gary on a wade trip with Matt and his son, Riley a week ago this past Friday (yes, I’m a little behind again!).  They caught some fish on the mop fly, a black wooly bugger and the tiger tail.  Dana and Jim were out with Jimmy, Brandon, Luke, and Jimmy W.  Slow day, but they caught some on the mega worm and a P&P midge.

Tadan – 10/17/21

Last Sunday, Gina and Dana took Jeff and his two sons, Thomas and Tadan out for a wade trip.  Fun

Thomas – 10/17/21

day for everyone.  Dana had Thomas fishing an orange egg pattern.  Gina had

Jeff – 10/17/21

Tadan and Jeff fishing a rainbow sow bug, tan mini sculpin and gray and tan scuds.

Monday, Jim took Ian, who had just finished our two-day fly fishing school, out for a half-day wade trip.  Worked a little more with him on skills and they managed to get a fish to the net.  George, from Kansas City, fished with Dana.  Had so much fun, he fished with him again on Tuesday.  Couple of good days on the orange egg pattern, a ruby 2 and the P&P midges.

Wednesday, Carolyn took Karen out for half a day to work on casting and presentation.  She and her husband had attended our two-day fly fishing school back in September.  Fun day!  Dana was on the water with Preston and his daughter, Raegan.  Raegan caught her first fish.  She had fished with Dana a couple years ago and Dad caught all the fish.  They were catching on a tan scud and the mega worm.

Phil from Oklahoma fished with Dana last Thursday.  No generation so they stayed up around the boat ramp and above.  Catching was on the P&P and ruby 2 midges.  Carolyn had Tom out for half a day.  He was catching on the holographic crackleback when the water was off.  Water came on around 11:00 a.m. so they floated on through catching on the cerise San Juan warm.

Friday, Gary took Aaron and Jayne out for half a day.  Good day for them on the mop fly and a black wooly bugger.  Darren was on the water with a couple of fishers from Indiana, Matt and his friend Jim.  Good day for them on scuds up near the gravel bar.

Matt – 10/23/21

Matt and Jim fished with Darren again on Saturday and had a great day including a 24 inch brown for Matt.  Scuds and the black soft hackle were the ticket.

We are hearing good fishing reports from the folks coming into the store the past two to three days.  Looks like catching is picking up!

Lots of Rain The Past Couple Days!

October 14th, 2021

We have been getting some much needed rain yesterday and again today.   Might get some more later today and into tomorrow.  The weekend looks dry with temperatures in the mid 60s to low 70s.  That trend seems to be what we will see through next week.

No change in generation pattern.  We have picked up over an inch of rain, but right now, Table Rock Lake is below power pool and will probably continue to be below power pool.

Fishing is still up and down.  Last Thursday, Jim took one of his regulars, Jim, out for half a day.  Jim has fished with Jim for over 10 years and this was their first no fish to the boat day.  Had a few on but not to the boat.  Dana was out with another couple regulars, Gary and Barry.  They did get several to the boat on a copper Dun midge, the mega worm and one on a black hopper.

Friday was another story for Gary and Barry.  They spent another half day on the water with Dana and it was tough going.  Got a couple on a mega worm and the red San Juan worm.  Jim and Darren had a group out and they did not fair much better.

Jim had a new fly fisher on the water Saturday.  Larry from Illinois managed to get one nice seventeen incher in.

Sunday, Dana took a group of three guys on a wade trip.  Dean, Michael and Clayton.  Got some fish in on the grey scud, mega worm and an orange egg.  Also had a lot of misses, plus a lot of fun.  Darren was out with Ed and Tammy.  They too had several missed fish, but also brought some in on a zebra midge, thread midge and scuds.

Mark – 22″ rainbow – 10/12/21

Mark and Charlie fished with Carolyn on Tuesday.  They had a good day stripping the holographic green crackleback behind the black wooly bugger.  Picked fish all day on this combo.

Charlie – 10/12/21

Did catch a few on the cerise San Juan worm when the water first came on, but after a short period of time, the water cleared up and it was back to the crackleback.








Lots of Morning Wading!

October 7th, 2021

Other than yesterday, weather has been beautiful.  Temperatures in the 70s and sunny.  Yesterday we got dumped on.  However, we certainly needed the rain.  Today is mid 70s and we are going to see a warm up for the weekend.  Mid to upper 80s through Sunday.  Next week we’ll see mid 70s to low 80s.  Possibility of rain Sunday night into Monday.

Generation schedule continues to have no generation during the morning hours.  Two generations on around 1:00-2:00 p.m. for five to seven hours.

Carolyn on the water Monday with Terry from Kansas.  He had fished with her earlier this year and took the two-day fly fishing school last year.  Good day for Terry mainly stripping a #14 black wooly bugger with a holographic green crackleback trailer.

Wednesday, Ralph and Bill from Oklahoma fished with Dana.  They were fishing an orange egg, a crackleback, or the mega worm.

Bill – 10/6/21

Bill and Steve from Illinois fished with Carolyn on Thursday.  No water running in the river but lots of water falling from the sky.  Caught some fish on a light roe egg from from either the ruby 2 or black copperhead midge.  Jim was on the water with Bill and LeAnne from Oklahoma.  They had some luck on a #14 JQ streamer.  Wet day!

Still Tough Days!

October 3rd, 2021

Got a good soaking yesterday.  Today is cool and cloudy.  Should hit mid 70s.  The rest of the week looks pretty dry with mid 70s.  By the weekend, it looks like mid to upper 80s and dry.

No change in generation pattern.  Off during the morning and late evening hours.  Two to three units coming on anywhere from noon to as late as 2:00 p.m.

Carolyn on the river with Lee and Charlie from Texas last Tuesday.  It was one of those OMG days.  Had some hits, but nothing to the boat.  Dana had John and Gary out for half a day.  They found one spot where the fish were taking an orange egg pattern or crackleback.

Ken – 9/30/21

Last Thursday, Ken spent the morning with Carolyn.  Another tough day but we managed to get a few fish to the boat on a mega worm.

Saturday, Andy and Philip spent half a day with Dana.  Yep, another OMG day.  Had a few bits and a few on, but nothing to the boat.

Just keep thinking…..this too shall pass.
