Had a little rain yesterday and expecting more this afternoon. Current forecast has more rain in the picture Wednesday and Thursday. Temperatures Monday and Tuesday in the mid 60s to low 70s. After that it looks like mid 50 and into the mid 60s by the weekend.
Still lots of wading time. Off every morning with something flowing mid afternoon for one to four hours. Think we will continue to see this pattern for a while.
Gary on a wade trip with Matt and his son, Riley a week ago this past Friday (yes, I’m a little behind again!). They caught some fish on the mop fly, a black wooly bugger and the tiger tail. Dana and Jim were out with Jimmy, Brandon, Luke, and Jimmy W. Slow day, but they caught some on the mega worm and a P&P midge.
Tadan – 10/17/21
Last Sunday, Gina and Dana took Jeff and his two sons, Thomas and Tadan out for a wade trip. Fun
Thomas – 10/17/21
day for everyone. Dana had Thomas fishing an orange egg pattern. Gina had
Jeff – 10/17/21
Tadan and Jeff fishing a rainbow sow bug, tan mini sculpin and gray and tan scuds.
Monday, Jim took Ian, who had just finished our two-day fly fishing school, out for a half-day wade trip. Worked a little more with him on skills and they managed to get a fish to the net. George, from Kansas City, fished with Dana. Had so much fun, he fished with him again on Tuesday. Couple of good days on the orange egg pattern, a ruby 2 and the P&P midges.
Wednesday, Carolyn took Karen out for half a day to work on casting and presentation. She and her husband had attended our two-day fly fishing school back in September. Fun day! Dana was on the water with Preston and his daughter, Raegan. Raegan caught her first fish. She had fished with Dana a couple years ago and Dad caught all the fish. They were catching on a tan scud and the mega worm.
Phil from Oklahoma fished with Dana last Thursday. No generation so they stayed up around the boat ramp and above. Catching was on the P&P and ruby 2 midges. Carolyn had Tom out for half a day. He was catching on the holographic crackleback when the water was off. Water came on around 11:00 a.m. so they floated on through catching on the cerise San Juan warm.
Friday, Gary took Aaron and Jayne out for half a day. Good day for them on the mop fly and a black wooly bugger. Darren was on the water with a couple of fishers from Indiana, Matt and his friend Jim. Good day for them on scuds up near the gravel bar.
Matt – 10/23/21
Matt and Jim fished with Darren again on Saturday and had a great day including a 24 inch brown for Matt. Scuds and the black soft hackle were the ticket.
We are hearing good fishing reports from the folks coming into the store the past two to three days. Looks like catching is picking up!