On The Water Every Day!
I keep saying, “it’s July”, so we are continuing to see days in the 90s and possibly more. Slight chances for showers Monday and Tuesday. Otherwise, just hot!
No change in the generation pattern. Two generators until noon, then three units for a couple hours and then four units for three to four hours.
We have had a guide or guides on the river every day. Lots of folks wanting to get out and try fly fishing and just have some fun. Last Monday, Darren took Todd and Mark, from Oklahoma, out for half a day. They started right off stripping either the tiger tail or holographic green crackle back and did well. Nymphing was not a player, it was streamers all the way.
Bob and Laneese, spent Tuesday morning on the water with Dana. Laneese just rode along to enjoy the day. Bob was catching on the ruby 2 or stripping the holographic green crackleback.

Joel – 7/15/20
Wednesday, Dana and Carolyn took a group of four guys out and half a day. Carolyn had Joel and his friend Zach. Dana

Zach – 7/15/20
took Adam and Alex. Fun day for everyone! Good day for Joel and Zach catching on the ruby 2 midge dropped under the big ruby. Introduced

Alex – 7/15/20
Zach to stripping and he hooked a few on the crackleback. The big catcher was the

Adam – 7/15/20
midge. Dana’s guys were mainly catching on the ruby 2 or red d-rib midges.
Roy, from Texas fished with Darren Thursday. Roy had a fun, good

Beth – 7/17/20
day fishing a peach egg fly and a size 16 scud. Gina was on the water with Beth and John both Thursday and Friday Thursday was a

John – 7/17/20
little tough but they caught fish on the ruby 2 and JQ streamer. Friday was a black copperhead midge or black wooly bugger.

Sydney – 7/17/20
Carolyn was on the river Friday with Jonathan and his daughter, Sydney. Sydney was a natural. This was her first time with a fly rob and Sydney had three fish to the

Jonathan – 7/17/20
boat before Dad hooked one. Once Dad was changed to the same pattern, they were pretty much running nip and tuck the rest of the day.
Evan and Erin fish again with Dana on Saturday. Good day for these guys on the ruby 2, red San Juan worm and stripping a holographic green crackleback.