Rainy Day Today!
Thursday, May 11th, 2023Rain moved in last night and will continue into this afternoon. Looks like a little more rain tomorrow morning. Temperatures will continue in the 80s and slight chances for rain continue through the weekend.
Generation has been spastic. Yesterday they turned on two units at 2:00 p.m. for a couple hours then ramped it up to four units. Today, they turned on two units at 10:00 a.m. and it will continue all day at that level. Tomorrow will be another surprise.
Dana on the water last Friday with Steven and Kyle. Tough day. Water came on early and when it did, everything went south. When the generators came on, it turned the water to junk! Cleaning flies every cast. Fortunately, Steven attended the one-day fly fishing school with Carolyn on Saturday and the water was more agreeable. He managed to get several to the net while working on presentations.
Monday, Dana took one of his regulars for many years, Jeff, and his friend Don. They had a good day on a gray scud, black copperhead and ruby 2 midges.

Chris – 5/10/23
Wednesday, Dana and Carolyn had a group from Texas, Bill, Chris and Nick. Dana took Chris and

Nick – 5/10/23
Nick and Carolyn had Bill. Started out really slow, but we finally found a pocket of fish and Bill had a good day catching on the ruby 2 midge. Dana’s guys picked a few on the ruby 2. Darren had Ron from Pennsylvania out wading. They were catching on a micro scud and a #22 midge.