Archive for the ‘Fishing Reports’ Category

Time To Tie Flies!

Thursday, January 7th, 2016

We are getting just a little rain this morning.  It should be out of here this afternoon with temperatures in the mid to upper 40s.  Really warm tomorrow with sunshine and 60s?!  Then, Mother Nature will remind us it is January and give us some rain and possibly snow showers Saturday afternoon.  Should not be too bad as temperatures are forecast in the upper 30s.  Back to sunshine Sunday and moving into the coming week with low to even upper 40s.

They still have all flood gates open but shut them back considerably over the weekend.  I believe we are getting somewhere around a total cfs in the 20,000 range between the generators and flood gates.

It is that time of the year to get things ready for the coming season.  Don’t forget we are having fly tying clinics at the shop every Saturday.  The schedule is posted here on our site under “Fly Fishing Schools/Fly Tying Classes”.   This Saturday we are tying the Big Ugly and the 56er.  Both patterns were created by local fly fishers for fishing the White River system.


Still Dumping Water!

Sunday, January 3rd, 2016

Beautiful weather we are having for the early part of the New Year.  Yesterday was in the upper 40s and we can expect to see that again today.  Mid to upper 40s through the weekend and into the coming week.  Right now I am seeing upper 30s in the forecast for the following week.

Still running 10 flood gates but they have cut them back significantly from what they were.  I think the current flow from the gates is 6900 cfs and, of course, we still have the four generators open flowing 12,600 cfs +/-.

Gina and a couple of the ladies from our women’s fly fishing group took an expedition trip yesterday on Taneycomo.  They have a fun day and caught some fish.  The water is still a little off color, so they did best on cerise or hot pink San Juan worms with the 1/8″ tungsten bead.  Fish were spotty but they will start hanging out in places as this flow continues.

If you are looking for something fun to do.  Check this out for next weekend in Oklahoma.

zoklahoma Extravaganze


What A Difference A Couple Days Make!

Thursday, December 31st, 2015

Sun is shinning and We see no rain in the forecast for at least 6 days and then it is not very big chance.   At least that is the forecast right now.  Temperatures in the mid 40s to low 50s.  I am certain everyone will take that!

Ten flood gates still open but the lake has gone down a little over 1 foot in 24 hours.  Taney has dropped almost eight feet!  Big difference as you can see by the pictures below of the pavilion before and after.

Pavilion on 12/1915

Pavilion on 12/1915

Pavilion 12/31/15

Pavilion 12/31/15







When It Rains, It Pours!

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015

Wow!!  Did we have some rain over the weekend.  I don’t think any place in the state of Missouri was spared from some type of weather over the past several days!  The rains have stopped and we are on a slow warming trend for the next several days.  Hope for sunshine and NO RAIN!

Managed to get a few pictures to give you an idea of what we are doing.  Table Rock hit her peak yesterday around 6:00 p.m. at 933 feet.  Beaver reached it’s peak day before yesterday at around 1132 feet.  Flood pool for Table Rock is 931 and Beaver 1120.

Yes, the flood dates are still openFlood Gates 2015.  We will probably see all ten for several more days.  The last time we had this much water, they cut them back to five gates after about a week.  We’ll just have to wait and see what their plan is this time.  Lots of flooding downstream so I know they would like to cut back as soon as they can, but we need to get Table Rock to a reasonable level.

A few more pictures to give you an idea of where the water levels are.


Pavilion 2015This is the roof of the pavilion located downstream of the parking lot at outlet 2.  The roof of the restroom is sticking out about the same.




Trophy Run 2015





For those of you who have fished below the boat ramp, you might recognize the Trophy Run building that sits on the high bank across from that area.



Boat Ramp 2015

Last, but not least, here is how our boat ramp looks right now.  The water is half way up the stairs going down to the ramp.  Nice quiet water.  Humm!  Might be a good place to wet a line,


Ready For The New Year!

Saturday, December 26th, 2015

Overcast but warm today.  According to the forecast, we are expecting rain starting this afternoon and continuing off and on through Monday morning.  Cross your fingers we don’t get what they are forecasting!  Looks like a cool down next week into the 40s.  Still good for this time of the year.

Running water 24/7.  Maybe they are getting ready for the rain!  Ha!  Anyway, we are almost at pool for Table Rock, but that will change with the weather we are expecting.

Stan on the river last Wednesday with Eric from Texas.  30-40 mph of wind and 10,000cfs of water.  Between the two, a good drift was impossible.  Needless to say, it was not a great day for them.  Caught a few fish, but worked hard for each one!


We will be open New Year’s Day!

One Week Until Christmas!

Friday, December 18th, 2015

One week until Christmas and we are still seeing 50s and even low 60s in the forecast.  Yesterday and today are probably a couple of the cooler days we have had so far and it will be in the 40s today!  I am still seeing low 60s in the forecast for next week right into Christmas day.  At this time, I am seeing a chance for showers on Monday and next Saturday  And, December is almost over,.

Still running water 24/7.  Today we have had a few hours of the equivalent of only one unit, but they will also be running a low three for a several hours.  We are less than a foot above power pool, but Beaver is 5 feet up and Bull Shoals is 3 feet up.

Jim - 12/16/15

Jim – 12/16/15

Wednesday Jim had a good day on the water with Gina.  They had four squirrely units running that day.  Up then down, then back up again.  Plus it was a pretty windy day!  Could not get a good drift, so they stripped an olive sculpin or the JQ streamer for most of their fish.   Nice, pretty, healthy fish!






Sunny and 60s Again!

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

Guess we should be happy that we rain we received was rain and not snow.  With the warm temperatures, we lucked out again.  Even with the rain, it was not a bad day.  Yesterday was probably the worst as there were 30mph or better winds at times.  Today is sunny and temperatures in the 60s.  We will see 50s tomorrow, then upper 40s for Thursday and Friday.  Into the mid 50s Saturday then low to mid 60s through Wednesday.  Christmas day is right now looking like upper 50s!

We were getting very close to power pool when we got this latest batch of rain.  So far, it had put about a 1/2 foot of water back into Table Rock which is now sitting at 915.7 feet.

Had to get a fix so I went fishing Saturday afternoon for a few hours.  A good two units running when I put in the boat.  It was a short day, but I had several fish to the boat and missed several while trying to do a balancing act with oars and a fly rod.  Good reports from folks coming into the shop.  One of our regulars did very well with the JQ streamers, even in he high water, a couple days ago.  Three fishers from the St. Louis area braved the cold, windy day yesterday and had good success at the outlets.  Things are looking up!





70 Degrees In December!

Friday, December 11th, 2015

Can’t believe this weather.  We were sitting outside yesterday without all the heavy coats, etc. you normally are wearing in December eating lunch.  Talked with some friends in San Diego where it was slightly cooler than here.  Forecast is for another nice day today and again tomorrow.  But, there’s always that “but”, rain is moving in tomorrow afternoon or evening and continuing into Sunday.  Should be out by Monday but the temperatures will cool down.  The cool down is still not December weather….not until maybe Thursday when it looks like upper 40s.  I can handle that.

No let up in the generation yet.  We are getting near power pool.  This morning we were at 915.6 feet.  Pool is 915.  We’ll probably get in pool in time for the rain on Sunday.

Jim and Gina out Wednesday.  Jim had a short half day with Dick.  They did well for as long as they had to fish.  Ruby, P&P and black thorax midges were their patterns.

Jim - 12/9/15

Jim – 12/9/15

Gina’s Wednesday Jim had a good day on the lightning bug and egg patterns.

What a beautiful day to be on the water.

Fishing Should Start Picking Up!

Monday, December 7th, 2015

What a beautiful day we are having today.  And, we expect more of this great weather through Friday.  Thursday and Friday will probably see temperatures in the upper 60s.  Is this December?!  Unfortunately, Saturday looks like some rain might be moving in with a high probability of rain Saturday night into Sunday.  The following week looks like temperatures in the lower 50s.

Generation  has been non-stop this past week.  However, it dropped from four units to the equivalent of two units.  Big difference in the cubic feet per second.  Still a probable for the wade fishers, but definitely a big better for boats.

Jim on the water last Friday.  He took Dale out on an exploratory trip to see what was going on and how fishing was.  Fishing not as good as they have had, but definitely better than it has been with the low dissolved oxygen levels.  Best patterns were a P&P or thorax midge, and the miracle scud.  There are signs that Table Rock Lake is turning which means better oxygen.  It doesn’t happen over night, but things are definitely going in the right direction.  Stan had JA out for half a day and they caught fish mainly on the P&P.

Saturday, Stan had Mike and his brother Lee, from Arkansas out for half a day.  The guys caught fish on the P&P and ruby midges.  Jim’s guys, Kevin and Steve were also fishing and catching on the P&P plus a black midge.

Friday, December 4th, 2015

Looks like we are in for a run of nice weather.  Great weather this weekend. Lots of sunshine, no rain, and temperatures in the 50s.  We might even hit 60s in the middle of the week.  I think our next chance for rain will be late in the week or next weekend.

Generation has been pretty much non-stop for the past several days.  The good news is that they are dropping it toward power pool pretty quickly.  At the rate they are currently running water, we should be at power pool toward the end of next week.

Gina on the water with Wednesday Jim last Wednesday (of course!).  Since no one had been out for a few days, it was an expedition trip for them.  Not a great day, but Jim had a smile on his face.  He had boated a few fish on streamers and stuck and missed a few more.  Unfortunately, Wednesday was a very heavy water day so they had lots of water to deal with.

We will close Christmas eve at 3:00 p.m. and be closed all day Christmas Day.  We will be open New Years day! 

Get you Christmas shopping done early.  Lots of time to give us a call for gift certificates for product, guide trips, lessons, or whatever strikes your fancy!  Or we have plenty of time to ship items.



