This Is February?
Sunday, February 7th, 2016Can you believe the weather we have had so far this winter? Even if we get a few day of colder weather, we can’t complain……well, we shouldn’t complain. We are expecting a couple cooler days Monday and Tuesday. But, by Thursday it looks like 50s into the next weekend and 60s the following week. Won’t be long and we’ll be into March!
Fairly low flow all weekend. An average of 50 mw hours which means levels in the 704 to 705 feet levels on Taneycomo. The same is projected for Monday and probably during the coming week. We’ll see.
Stan on the river yesterday, and what a pretty day it was, with Roger from Kansas. Late morning start so they could hit the warmest part of the day. Good day for Roger on the cerise worm. They experienced flows around 2900 cfs while they were out. Talked with several other fishers who were wading the various areas and most of them were having good success.
Unleashed several more new fly tyers this weekend. We had a basic clinic Saturday and eventually turned out some good looking scuds and wooly buggers. Next weekend will be the Picket Pin.
Just a reminder of the spey/switch rod clinic coming up March 26. We will again have Jim Haech from Michigan come and teach this clinic. This is a very good technique for dealing with the high water conditions we frequently experience here on Taneycomo. Rods will be provided for your use. Clinic size is limited so give us a call if you are interested. 417-332-0460. Cost for clinic is $60.00.