Archive for the ‘Fishing Reports’ Category

This Is February?

Sunday, February 7th, 2016

Can you believe the weather we have had so far this winter?  Even if we get a few day of colder weather, we can’t complain……well, we shouldn’t complain.  We are expecting a couple cooler days Monday and Tuesday.  But, by Thursday it looks like 50s into the next weekend and 60s the following week.  Won’t be long and we’ll be into March!

Fairly low flow all weekend.  An average of 50 mw hours which means levels in the 704 to 705 feet levels on Taneycomo.  The same is projected for Monday and probably during the coming week.  We’ll see.

Stan on the river yesterday, and what a pretty day it was, with Roger from Kansas.  Late morning start so they could hit the warmest part of the day.  Good day for Roger on the cerise worm.  They experienced flows around 2900 cfs while they were out.  Talked with several other fishers who were wading the various areas and most of them were having good success.

Unleashed several more new fly tyers this weekend.  We had a basic clinic Saturday and eventually turned out some good looking scuds and wooly buggers.  Next weekend will be the Picket Pin.

Just a reminder of the spey/switch rod clinic coming up March 26.  We will again have Jim Haech from Michigan come and teach this clinic.  This is a very good technique for dealing with the high water conditions we frequently experience here on Taneycomo.  Rods will be provided for your use.  Clinic size is limited so give us a call if you are interested.  417-332-0460.  Cost for clinic is $60.00.



Another Good Day On The Water!

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

Biggest problem for today will be the WIND!  Almost blew me off the porch this morning…..well it seemed like that.  We will experience lots of wind today along with mid 60s.  Still 40s for Wednesday and Thursday but the flurries seemed to have left the picture.  And, the weekend is looking good…mid to upper 50s is certainly good for February.  No rain.  Plus, Punxsutawney Phil has forecast an “Early Spring!”

Table Rock Lake is now at power pool.  However, I think the plan is to now lower Beaver Lake and maintain a flow through Table Rock dam to keep up with the input from Beaver.  Bottom line, we will continue to see flows in Taneycomo.  The good news is that it should not be much more, if any, than we have been experiencing,   As a matter of fact, the flow rate for Wednesday is 50 MW almost all day.  This is the equivalent of one unit and the levels in Taneycomo could hover around 704 to 705 feet.

Janice - 2/1/16

Janice – 2/1/16

Beautiful rainbow!

Beautiful rainbow!

Good day for Janice and John from Oklahoma who spent yesterday afternoon on the water blowing around with Stan.  Water still off colored so they found the cerise San Juan worm to be the ticket.  First time we have had alpaca ranchers on the water!  Had to put this rainbow on the site.  It is gorgeous.   John caught this one.



Another fun fly tying session this past weekend.  Everyone learn to tie a pretty simple wool head sculpin!  I can even tie it.  They we did some small barbell head pine squirrel sculpins.  They’ll be ready for this pattern this coming fishing season.  Basic fly tying this coming weekend.


Can’t Get Much Better…Well Maybe

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

Great weather!  70s yesterday and probably close to that again today.  And, we’re looking at 60s tomorrow and Tuesday.  Might see some rain Tuesday, but it’s supposed to clear up in the afternoon.  40s Wednesday (sight chance for flurries on Wednesday) and Thursday, and another nice weekend coming up.  The weekend looks like it might be pretty nice.  Not as nice as this one, but still warmer than normal.

Yes, we are still seeing generation.  They have pretty much stuck with three units running the equivalent of two.  Tailwater is 915.31 at 10:00 a.m. today and the Taneycomo level has been around 706.5 to 707.4.  so, five to six feel over no generation wading levels.

As I said, what great weather.  Had boats on the water the past two days and it was wonderful.  Warm, sunny days and the fish were hitting.  Both Jim and Stan out Friday.  Jim took Tom from the Kansas City area out for the day.  Good day for them on the ruby midge, pink egg or white grub.  Stan and his guys, Gary and Gary, mainly caught on the cerise San Juan worm and a multi-colored egg pattern.

Yesterday Jim had Tom again and they caught fish on a black bug-eyed bugger, black wooly bugger and the pink egg.  Stan had Doc and Terry from Oklahoma out.  It was the cerise San Juan worm or multi-colored egg.  Everyone was happy to get a good day on the water in great weather this time of the year.









Beautiful Day…..Fat Fish!

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

Great weather for January!  Looks like we have more into the weekend.  Today through Sunday look like 60s and no moisture!  However, we are seeing moisture in some form rearing it’s ugly head by Monday.  Some forecasters are saying early Monday and other are saying late Monday…TBD  Anyway, better get out and do something to enjoy this little oasis of great weather!

Still running three units at or a little over the equivalent of two units.  The projection is the same pattern for today.  The power pool level of Table Rick this morning at 8:00 a.m. was 915.92.  Great to see 915 back into the picture.  We could see some lower or no generation days soon.

Jim - 1/27/16

Jim – 1/27/16

How about this fat fish!  Wednesday Jim was out with Gina yesterday.  They had a wonderful day.  Weather was great and the fish were biting.   What else could one want.  It wasn’t fast and furious, but consistent enough to keep them busy.  They tried various things, including stripping a few patterns, but the fish were taking the fat cerise heavy San Juan Worm, clown egg pattern and finally the red tungsten midge.  The water is still very dingy so the brighter patterns seemed to work best.












Recognize This?

Tuesday, January 26th, 2016

Yes, it really happened.  They shut down the gates at 8:00 a.m. today.  See for yourself…….

closed gates 012616

Flood Gate Update!

Monday, January 25th, 2016

Say that one three times real fast…..”flood date update”  The current plan is to shut down the flood gates tomorrow morning at 8:00.  Good possibility our generation requirements will also be less so there could be some periods where the tailwater levels will be lower.

Cross Your Fingers!

Monday, January 25th, 2016

The forecast for next weekend looks great!  We’re looking at temperatures in the 60s Friday through Monday.  Next Tuesday it currently looks like moisture, but in he form of rain and not too much….let’s hope.  We do not need any more water!

Table Rock is still doing a great job of dropping.  With what is currently flowing, we are dropping about 1/2 inch each day.  This morning it was 916.8′ so we only have 1.8′ left and we are at power pool.  After that, unless there are major power needs some where, we might see some no-generation time.  I’m not sure I’ll know how to act!  The only fly in this ointment is the level of Beaver.  Not certain what the plans are for that water right now.

Got into my car this morning and drug out all my gear.  What a mess!  Hard to believe that it will soon be time to hit the water….somewhere.  Let’s hope it’s here.  Clean up my reels, wipe down my rods and clean  out the gunk gathered at each snake guide, check and wax the ferrules.  Most of all, check my lines.  Pull off most or all of the line and check for cracks.  Any cracks, and I’ll replace the line.  Otherwise, wash the line in a non-grease cutting dish soap.  Ivory is a good choice.  Rinse well and if it doesn’t seen to have the slick feel, dress it out with a good line dressing.  Forgot to mention.  While I that tub of dish soap, I’ll  wipe off the cork handle of my fly rods.  It’s amazing how that cleans it up.  The rods almost brand new!   Now for the fly boxes.  This is going to take a while.  So, you better get started!

Fun Tying Session!

Sunday, January 24th, 2016

Probably going to hit 50s today and the sun is shinning!  Still a slight chance for moisture tomorrow, but temperatures should hit the mid 50s.  40s Tuesday and Wednesday, they back to the 50s Thursday and a great weekend.  60s and sunshine!  No more moisture until next week.

They still have five gates open plus the generators.  Good new is that we are making progress toward the power pool level of 915 feet.  This a.m. it was 917.4.

Everyone had a really fun time at this weekend’s fly tying session.  Gina, Valley and Louisa (all of whom love to bluegill fish) gave everyone a session not only on tying some really neat, effective bluegill flies, but they also gave them lots of tips on how and where to catch those fun fish.  I think everyone was ready to his the water.

Valley - 1/23/16

                                                      Valley – 1/23/16

After the clinic, Gina felt sorry for them so she loaded them into her boat and they took to the water.  Only had a couple hours to spend, but it was good couple hours.  Even though the water is still a bit off colored and, of course, fast, they caught fish!  Valley was hitting them well with her multi-colored egg patterns.  She even felt sorry for Louisa and gave her one.  Great way to finish up the day for these fishing ladies.

Half Way There!

Thursday, January 21st, 2016

Well, looks like we got those slight chances for moisture of some type!  Nasty trip home from the shop Tuesday night.  Yesterday was no where as bad.  The thin layer of frozen stuff on the road reeked havoc Tuesday!  Little more moisture last night, but it doesn’t seem to be causing major traffic problems here.  Right now, there is no more moisture predicted for this area.  A little warm up over the next three days and moisture rears it’s head again on Monday.

Five flood gates were shut down yesterday.  They are still running this morning, but it appears they may have been shut down a little more as the total flow has reduced about 3000 cfs.  On one hand I’d just like to see them keep the gates open and get rid of this water.  However, boat fishing would be a bit better with no gates.

Talking to several fishers the past few days (brave souls aren’t they?)   Quite a few reports of shad in the water.  More some days than others.  Good news is they are catching fish.  Lots of different fish!  Bluegill, walleye, and bass, PLUS trout.  Best patterns, of course, have been something white.

Speaking of bluegill.  Bluegill fly tying session this Saturday at the shop.  Have just a few open slots, so give us a call if you want to attend.


Good Fly Tying Session

Saturday, January 16th, 2016

Looks like a little cool down for a few days  They predicted mid 30s today but guess what…it is low 40s and the sun is shinning.  Sun through Monday and temperatures in the mid to upper 30s..  Tuesday through Thursday next week all have slight chances of some type of moisture.  Then it looks like we are heading back into the 50s for the following week.

At the rate they are running water, we should see 920 feet on Table Rock by Tuesday.  If so, they will probably shut down the flood gates.  At least that it what we understand the plan to be.  But of course, things change.  Good news that the dissolved oxygen level is 10 mg/l or better and the water has really started clearing up.  I think the Hatchery folks said the water temperature was around 52 degrees.

Very good fly tying group this morning.  We tied the classic Hare’s Ear nymph and Pheasant Tail nymph.  Good patterns for various techniques.  Everyone is ready to go fish them!  Next week we will be having a session on blue gill flies.  Already have several signed up so give us a call ASAP if you are interested in sitting in.

Have talked to several fishers from the outlet areas and they say some of the fish they are catching are almost as wide as they are long.  Getting a lot of food with all this water running.

