Still Seeing Low Generation In A.M.
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016Pretty nice day today. Cooler temperatures and a little overcast. Ever once in a while it feels like a heavy dew, but no rain to speak of. It did look threatening this morning, but I think we will dodge the bullet today. Slight chances of rain through Saturday with Sunday a bit higher chance at 60% as of today’s forecast. Temperatures will remain pretty much in the mid 90s.
Not much change in the generation pattern. The equivalent of one or lower every morning then kicking it up by at least the equivalent of two and usually three generators.
Stan on the water last Wednesday with Russ and Jeff from Pennsylvania. I think they were pleasantly surprised with the fly fishing here in Missouri. This was Jeff’s first time and he picked it up quickly. Not only did they fish the ruby 2 and the copper dun midges, but they had the opportunity to fish a size 20 black soft hackle. What fun!
Friday, Jim took on of his regulars, Carmen out for half a day. They introduced Carmen’s seven year old son, Rudy, to fly fishing. Rudy did not get one into the boat, but he certainly did a good job of tricking the fish into taking his fly so he had one on that god away!
Carolyn had Matt and Mindy out again. Mindy started her fly fishing passion with us last August, Lucky her. After she got her first exposure to fly fishing and it did not take Matt long to figure out that she liked it, he surprised her with a trip to Montana. That finished her off. We had a good day on the water with the ruby 2 under the big ruby and the lightning bug. Got both of them stripping the holographic crackleback under the 3 ips sinking leader and catching fish on that. We had a perfect day as far as water flow goes as it stayed at a low 1100 cfs all day. Mindy’s cast it looking very good.
Yesterday, Jim took Rich and his son Josh out for the morning. These guys mainly fish for bass so Jim put them to stripping the JQ and tiger tail streamers. First time stripping and they said they learned a lot. Fun way to fish.