Archive for the ‘Fishing Reports’ Category

Still Seeing Low Generation In A.M.

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016

Pretty nice day today.  Cooler temperatures and a little overcast.  Ever once in a while it feels like a heavy dew, but no rain to speak of.  It did look threatening this morning, but I think we will dodge the bullet today.  Slight chances of rain through Saturday with Sunday a bit higher chance at 60% as of today’s forecast.  Temperatures will remain pretty much in the mid 90s.

Not much change in the generation pattern.  The equivalent of one or lower every morning then kicking it up by at least the equivalent of two and usually three generators.

Stan on the water last Wednesday with Russ and Jeff from Pennsylvania.  I think they were pleasantly surprised with the fly fishing here in Missouri.  This was Jeff’s first time and he picked it up quickly.  Not only did they fish the ruby 2 and the copper dun midges, but they had the opportunity to fish a size 20 black soft hackle.  What fun!

Friday, Jim took on of his regulars, Carmen out for half a day.  They introduced Carmen’s seven year old son, Rudy, to fly fishing.  Rudy did not get one into the boat, but he certainly did a good job of tricking the fish into taking his fly so he had one on that god away!

Carolyn had Matt and Mindy out again.  Mindy started her fly fishing passion with us last August,  Lucky her.  After she got her first exposure to fly fishing and it did not take Matt long to figure out that she liked it, he surprised her with a trip to Montana.  That finished her off.  We had a good day on the water with the ruby 2 under the big ruby and the lightning bug.  Got both of them stripping the holographic crackleback under the 3 ips sinking leader and catching fish on that.  We had a perfect day as far as water flow goes as it stayed at a low 1100 cfs all day.  Mindy’s cast it looking very good.

Yesterday, Jim took Rich and his son Josh out for the morning.  These guys mainly fish for bass so Jim put them to stripping the JQ and tiger tail streamers.  First time stripping and they said they learned a lot.  Fun way to fish.

Nice Cool Down!

Saturday, July 30th, 2016

A little cooler temperatures the past few days.  Some isolated rain mixed in with the cooler temperatures, but that’s okay!  Seems to be the trend through this coming weekend into next week.  As long as there is no thunder and lightening, I can certainly fish in the rain.

No change in generation pattern.  Low generation in the a.m. then ramping up some time after 11:00 a.m., usually noon or after.

The water is so much clearer than it was a month or so ago so when they turn on some more water, fishing doesn’t go totally south until they hit four units.

Jim on the water Sunday with Ken from Tennessee.  Ken had a good day on the P&P with a blood worm dropper and stripping the JQ streamer.

Yesterday, Stan took Mike and his son, Aaron out for half a day.  Good day for these guys on the copper dun midge under the big ruby.  They had a full day scheduled, but, as I said, when that fourth unit comes

Kayla & Christopher - 7/26/16

Kayla & Christopher – 7/26/16

on, fishing goes south.  So they wound up with a half day trip and a good lunch!   Carolyn had a fairly new fisher, Christopher and his girlfriend Kayla, who is totally new to fishing, out for half a day.  Fun day with these two.   After going though the basics of casting, mending, etc., we hit the water with a Ruby 2 on Kayla and a copperhead black midge on Christopher.  First hook up was a double.  You can well imagine, Kayla did not let Christopher forget that her fish was larger than his.

Christopher - 7/26/17

Christopher – 7/26/17

Fortunately for Christopher, he caught one a little larger later in the trip.  Last part of the float, water had increased and we switched out to the lightning bug dropper and continued catching on the drift out.  Fun day.  Keep it up Kayla!

Shade Break!

Sunday, July 24th, 2016

One more scorcher today then it looks like we might get a break from the high temperatures.  Lower 90s and possibly some upper 80s in the forecast over the next week into the weekend.   The down side of that, if there is one, is that there are chances of rain scattered throughout the week also.  No thunder and lightning….I can handle that!

Pretty much the same generation pattern this past week as the week before.  Low generation in the morning until 11:00 a.m. or later, then they ramp up to the equivalent of two units and usually an hour or two later, up to three.  It is back down to a low one unit by 9:00 p.m. or so.

Jim - 7/20/16

Jim – 7/20/16

Wednesday Jim back on the water with Gina this week.   How about this pretty brown?  They worked for their fish, but had a fun day on the ruby 2 dropped from a chartreuse egg pattern.  He was ready for a full day, but once out there for a while, they both decided half a day was enough.  Time for another shade break!  Jim was on the water with Carl and his son Paul.  Carl comes from Ohio and visits us once a year so every year is a new start.  But he has fun every year learning how to fly fish again.  Best patterns were the CQ streamer and the white grub.

Carolyn had a brand new fly fisher, Jerry from Kansas, on the water

Jerry - 7/21/16

Jerry – 7/21/16

Thursday.  His objectives were to learn and then catch some fish, learn and catch some fish…so, that’s what we did.  Had a pretty good day on the ruby two under the big ruby and he even caught several stripping the Tiger Tail on a 3 ips sinking trip.  Right now, the nymph-style fishing is his favorite.  We were already drinking water at 9:00 a.m.  Good day and he picked up casting quickly although he went home hearing my voice in the background saying “don’t bend your wrist!”

Jacque spent the morning on the water with Dana this past Friday.  Tough day for them.  Worked hard and caught some fish on the copperhead black midge under the big ruby.

Saturday, Stan had Bryan and Jack on the water.  Bryan used to fly fish a lot but has been out of it for several years.  He decided it was time to get back to it.  He was glad he did as they had a good day with the ruby 2 or P&P under the big ruby.

Drink Lots of Water!

Wednesday, July 20th, 2016

Days have been hot and forecast is for more of the same so we have been having had advisories almost every day.  Hottest days are forecast for Friday and Saturday in the upper 90s.  Chances for rain start popping up by Saturday.  Might not be so bad if it would rain.  Next week looks like a cool down to the low 90s.  With that comes increased chances for rain.

Generation has been pretty much the same every day this week.  Low generation in the a.m. then kicking it up to the equivalent of three units by 11:00 a.m. or noon.  Running the higher level for 5-7 hours, then back down to the equivalent of one or less for the night.

Roger - 7/15/16

Roger – 7/15/16

Sitting out in the middle of the river with the sun beating down really takes its toll.  Especially if one does not keep hydrated, so take lots of water with you when you go out.

Fun day on the water for Stan last Friday when he had Dave and Roger out for half a day.   Good fishing for these guys on the

David - 7/15/16

David – 7/15/16

Ruby 2 under the big Ruby.

Saturday, Dana took JJ and his eleven year old son, Keaton, out for half a day.  Good day for these two fishers on the Ruby 2 and the copperhead black midge.

Due to the heat and funky generation patterns, Stan turned the full day trip he had scheduled on Monday with Tom and his son, Michael into a half day trip.  Hot day and fishing went south when they turned on two more units a couple hours earlier than scheduled.  It is not unusual for the Monday schedule to be a little off the wall.  Sure it’s hard to predict what they will need to do on Friday when they put out the schedule.  Anyway, they had a good half a day and were happy campers!  You guessed it….big ruby with the Ruby 2 dropper.

Yesterday, Stan took Terry and Yasuto, from Oklahoma, out for half a day.  Really good day for these two guys on the ruby/ruby combo.

Knox - 7/19/16

Knox – 7/19/16

Carolyn was fishing Knox and Gabrielle with the same pattern combo and they, too were having a really good day.  Knox had the opportunity to fish the North Platte in Wyoming with some of his friends

Gabrielle - 7/19/16

Gabrielle – 7/19/16

last fall and he would say “these fish look like those on the Platte”.  We did catch some quality fish.   Gabrielle and Knox took our two-day fly fishing school last year.


Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

Driving across the dam a couple nights ago, you could see the Branson Showboat on Table Rock and everything had that hazy look to it.  I can see why it is called “lazy” as it was very hot that day and one did not feel like doing much of anything, especially outside.  Fortunately and unfortunately, we had a lot of rain today.  We might still get some more tonight.  There is a chance for scattered thunderstorms developing later in the day tomorrow and maybe some more after midnight and into Saturday a.m.  Sunday looks pretty good, even some sunshine possible and much less chances for rain.  Monday and Tuesday are sunny, temperatures in the mid 90s and no chances for rain.

This week has seen a pattern of the equivalent of one unit or less all morning.  Then, by noon or 1:00 p.m. they turn it up to the equivalent of two units and then three, more or less.  This runs for maybe six hours then they back it down to the equivalent of one unit for the rest of the night into the next morning.

Susan - 7/10/16

Susan – 7/10/16

Stan on the water Sunday with a couple of our regular, regulars, Susan and Lionel from Oklahoma.  They had a very good day on the bug

Lionel - 7/10/16

Lionel – 7/10/16

ruby with the ruby 2 dropper.

Monday Stan had Cleo nd Diane out for half a day.  This was Diane’s first fly fishing trip and she caught some fish on the ruby 2.  However, it was a completely different day than the day before.  The fish were not nearly as hungry

Wednesday Kevin and Brendan spent half a day with Stan.  This was

Brendan - 7/13/16

Brendan – 7/13/16

their first drift boat trip.  They have been fishing one of the parks so this was a new experience for them.   Their best patterns were the big ruby with a ruby 2 dropper.


Kevin - - 7/13/16

Kevin – – 7/13/16

Some Tough Days On The Water

Sunday, July 10th, 2016

That time of the year when we have slight chances of rain almost every day.  Some days we get it, some days, especially when we don’t expect it….we get it.  Temperatures pretty much in the upper 80s to low 90s into the next weekend.  The following week now looks like mid to upper 90 and chances for rain continue (20-40% chances)

Water has been up and down since the 4th.  Today is the lowest it has been for at least four days when they had it off for a short time in the morning.  We expect the same generation pattern tomorrow that we had today.

Gina on the water 4th of July with Dale and his wife Lisa rode along.  Worked hard for their fish, but they did catch

Dale - 7/4/16

Dale – 7/4/16

some on the copperhead black midge.   Stan Phil and his son, Chris out for half a day.  Chris is on a mission to catch a fish in all 50 states on a fly rod before he goes to college.  He is now 15 years old and is in the

Chris - 7/4/16

Chris – 7/4/16

double digits on states in which he has succeeded so far.  He was really excited to catch this nice fish on a size 20 soft hackle

Tuesday, Stan was out with John and Jon.  They both caught fish on the P&P midge and worked hard for them.  Jim had Sean and his son Zane on the water.  They also were catching on the P&P as well as a blood worm dropper.

A couple new, young fishers on the water Thursday.  Gina had Stacy and his son Devin out for the morning.  Tough day, but everyone caught some fish.  Devin did a good job of hooking and

Devin - 7/7/16

Devin – 7/7/16

landing a nice rainbow.  They were fishing the SJ worm,

Stacy - 7/7/16

Stacy – 7/7/16

big ruby and the black copperhead midge under a chartreuse egg.  James Albert had Steve and his son, Case, on the water.  This was Case’s first time fly fishing and he got his first fish on a fly rod.  Looks like

Cast & Steve - 7/7/16

Cast & Steve – 7/7/16

another new fly fisher in the works.  Best patterns were the red San Juan worm under the big ruby.

Lots Of No Generation Mornings!

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

We have had some much needed rain over the past several days.  Most of it has been late at night or early in the morning.  Chances of rain are scattered over the next several days, but right now, nothing major.  Temperatures will continue in the upper 80s to low to mid 90s.  Think it will be steamy!

Almost every morning for the past several days we have had no generation.  This has allowed lots of fishers to wade again!  They are scheduled to have the generators off today until 1:00 p.m.  Table Rock Lake is slightly above power pool so we might see a change.  Will be interested in the projection this afternoon.

Last Wednesday (yep!  behind again) Stan had John from Florida on the water for half a day.  John is a salt water fisher so he could throw a nice rod.  Good day for John on the black copperhead midge and a B-bug.  Dana and Carolyn had a group of guys from Indiana on the water all day.  Carolyn took Rudy and Dana had Meredith and Chester.  Rudy had a fun day on the ruby 2, and P&P midges, and a B-bug.  He christened his new Tom Morgan rod on a pretty brown trout.

Rudy - 6/28/16

Rudy – 6/28/16

Thursday, Stan took Rudy and Dana was back out with Meredith and Chester.  Another good day for everyone on the ruby 2 and P&P midges.  Crazy bunch of guys to fish with.

Sean from New York spend most of Friday (until the water came on) on the water with Stan.

Saturday, Carolyn took Tim and his grand daughter Alyssa out for the morning.  What a neat young lady.  Slow start to the morning, but we moved around enough and tried a variety of patterns and finally struck pay dirt.  Great seam with the ruby 2 midge and Tim and Alyssa started hooking up.  Two doubles and they managed to get in one set.

Alyssa and Tim - 6/30/16

Alyssa and Tim – 6/30/16

Neat anniversary present for Nickki from her husband, Justin.  She mentioned that she would like to try fly fishing some time, so he arranged a 1/2 day instructional trip with Carolyn for the two of them.  Was she surprised!  They both went through the normal routine, roll cast, then regular cast, a little line management then off to getting a good drift, hooking and

Justin - 7/1/16

Justin – 7/1/16

Nickki 070116

Nickki – 7/1/16

playing those allusive trout!  Both did well on the P&P midge and I think Nickki likes it!  Stan was out all day with Rusty and Tim from Michigan.  These good fly fishers beat the banks all day on the P&P and had a wonderful day….at least until the water came on.  Things slowed down a lot, but they were still not ready to leave the water when they did!  Gina was out with a couple of fairly new fly fishers,

Andrew and Blake - 7/1/16

Andrew and Blake – 7/1/16

Andrews and Blake.  They had a good day on the black copperthead midge and a black soft hackle.  And, a really fun time for them with the Big Ugly and a midge dropper!


Several New Fly Fishers!

Wednesday, June 29th, 2016

Beautiful, sunny, and not too hot day today.  Slight chance of rain this afternoon.  Much better chances for rain tomorrow and Friday.  Slight chances for rain over the weekend with temperatures in the upper 80s to lower 90s.  Next week looks like a return of the upper 90s by mid week.  Ugh!

So far over the past weekend and this week, we have seen off generators in the a.m.. and then on as early as 1:00 or as late as 3:00 p.m.  But when they turn them on, it has been two units followed by two more within two hours.  Lots of water!

We had new fly fishers on the water each day last Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  What fun!  Thursday, Carolyn took Jane out for the morning.  Her husband Vince came along to watch.  By the time we finished the morning, Jane was looking good and feeling much more

Jane - 6/23/16

Jane – 6/23/16

confident with casting and line work.  Plus, she caught some fish on the ruby 2 and the copper dun midges.  It was a beautiful day on the water.

Friday, Josh was celebrating one of his significant birthdays.  His present was a guide trip!  His wife, Amanda rode along and we all had an overcast, wet day on the water.  Fortunately, the fish don’t mind a little more water!  Josh is a new fly fisher and wanted to work on skills and expand his knowledge of various ways to rig up as well as other presentation methods.  After a little work on casting, we started out nymph-style fishing and caught several fish on the ruby 2.  We then moved on to stripping the tiger tail and hooked

Josh - 6/24/16

Josh – 6/24/16

some fish on this.  His best fish of the morning was a nice 17 inch rainbow.  He managed to finesse this fish in on 7X!  Stan had John and Garland from Oklahoma out in the rain, and they were catching on the white grub.

Stan took a couple more new fly fishers out on Saturday, Caleb and Sandy from California.  This always looked like

Sandy - 6/25/16

Sandy – 6/25/16

something they wanted to try and they did.  Fun day for them, mainly on the rusty midge.


Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

Listen to the weather on TV this a.m. and they are talking about how the how much we are behind in rainfall this year!  I’m not complaining….yet.  Looks like we are in the mid to upper 90s for the next ten days.  Some chances for rain scattered throughout that time period, but nothing very major.

Generators off for a while in the a.m. this past Friday and through the weekend.  Looks like our normal pattern so far this week.  One unit in the morning then two to three units running from early afternoon into early evening.  With the heat we are experiencing, I cannot image a change in this pattern unless it is to run more in the mornings than they currently are running.

Let’s get caught up.  Gina on the water last Tuesday and Wednesday  with Paula from here in Missouri.  They fished the black copperhead midge, ruby 2 and tiger tail.

Paula - 6/15/16

Paula – 6/15/16

They had a fun and good couple days on the water.  Caught several nice fish.   Mike and Mark from Texas spent Wednesday morning on the river with Stan.  Good day for these guys on the black copperhead midge and the white grub.  Bite was slow for the first hour on the water, but it finally took off and made their day.   so

Friday, Jim had Chris and Donna from Texas on the water half a day.  These new fly fishers had a good day on the copperhead black midge and a blood worm dropper.

Jim and Stan had a group on the water Saturday.  Pete and his friend Dan from Romania fished with Stan.  Jim had Mac and his son, J.P.   This was Dan’s first time with a fly rod, but he and Pete brought several fish to the boat on the P&P or black copperhead midges.  Jim was working with Mac’s son and Mac was catching on the P&P with the blood worm dropper.  Fun day for everyone.  Carolyn had a group

1st time with fly rod, 1st time holding fish!

1st time with fly rod, 1st time holding fish!

of students in the water Saturday.  Glad to say everyone caught more than one fish.  Nymph style fishing it was on the copper dun midge and streamer style fishing, it was on the holographic green crackleback using the 2.6 ips sinking leader.  Tough getting everyone to concentrate on knots and bugs back in the classroom that afternoon!

Sunday Stan took Jeff from Oklahoma out for the morning.  Fish kept running away from their flies so he went to 7X (ugh!)  Made a difference.  They started catching fish on the P&P.  Carolyn had Kathy and her grandson, Ryan on the water.  Slow bite so us and we finally changed to 7X.  Big difference, especially after we moved back to a spot where we earlier had seen fish, but no takes.  Lost two nice fish (thank you 7X) there and landed several others.  They actually had a double on the P&P.

Really tough day Monday for Jim and Stan.  Jim had Derek from Illinois out.  They caught a few fish, but really no good fly.  Stan took Dan from Mt. Vernon out for the morning.  Grumble, grumble….water up, then down, then up, then back down.  They caught a few fish on the P&P under the big ruby.  The fish do not like the water level extremes any more than we do.


Hot! Better Get Into The River!

Tuesday, June 14th, 2016

Let’s hope the water is off so we can get into the water and fish!  Looks like upper 90s the next three to four days.  Chances of showers Friday, but that’s it for a few days.

They had the water off today after 9:00 p.m.  Back on around 2:30.  Scheduled to be off again tomorrow.

Fishing has been good.  Stan was on the water yesterday with Bob from Washington state.  He has a very good day on the black

Gina - 6/13/16

Gina – 6/13/16

copperhead size 18 midge.  Nice 17-1/2″ rainbow.  Carolyn had Gina and Bob from Florida out for the morning.  Gina’s first fish was a nice 17″ plus male rainbow.  What a say to start out.  They had a good, fun day catching on the black copper head midge and then stripping the holographic green crackleback trailing behind the tiger tail.  Gina had not fished this way before and her first cast hooked up with a nice rainbow.  Unfortyunately, this was the only one she brought in this way.  Bob

Bill - 6/13/16

Bill – 6/13/16

was hooking and bringing in several, but it faded out after a little while, so we went back to the black copper head midge and everyone started catching again.

Today, Darrell took Terry from here in Missouri out for half a day.  Terry has fished with us since 2002.  He had a

Terry's fish - 6/14/16

Terry’s fish – 6/14/16

good day on the black size 18 copperhead midge.  Jim had Dan and his daughter, Adee out for half a day teaching them the art of fly fishing.  Adee is going to be a natural says Jim.  She is throwing a very nice line.  They caught several fish on various things, but no best fly today for them.

