Archive for the ‘Fishing Reports’ Category


Sunday, November 20th, 2016

The shop will be closed:  Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.  We will be OPEN New Years Day.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Looks like more normal weather right now.  Highs in the upper 50s or low 60s and we have had some really cold mornings….20s!!  Monday looks nice with low 60s and sunshine.  Chances for rain later in the day Tuesday with low 60s.  Then sunshine through Thanksgiving and upper 50s or low 60s into the weekend.  Next chances for rain looks like Sunday and not really great.  Maybe these cold morning will get Table Rock cooled down so she can turn over.

The generation pattern has been a little off the wall the past few days.  Wednesday they was the pattern we have been seeing for a while….off in the a.m. then on late afternoon for a few hours then off again.  Thursday they ran water up and down all day.  Friday it was off in the a.m. then really cranked it on for about four hours or so.  Both Saturday and today and the projection for tomorrow is more of the same, we have water running up and down all day.  Guess we’re starting to get power needs for heat!

Monday, Stan was on the water all day with Robert from Illinois.  Robert started fishing with us back on 2007.  He missed a couple years, but he’s back and really enjoyed his day on the water.  Morning started out sloooow, but it picked

Kilby - 11/14/16

Kilby – 11/14/16

up and he was catching on the Ruby 2 and P&P midges.  Carolyn had Rob and Kilby out for the day.  We had the same slow start, but finally started catching on the Ruby 2.

Rob and Kilby spent Tuesday on the water with Stan.  Another tough morning.  They started up the water early and ran it for an hour, then off.  Fished terrible on the drop.  Finally got better when it settled down.  Carolyn had Tom out for half a day.  During the rise, it was a

Tom - 11/15/16

Tom – 11/15/16

cerise San Juan worm.  This worked for a while but when the water settled out, it was back to the Ruby 2 midge.  Caught a couple stripping the holographic silver crackleback.

Jim was out with Gina on Wednesday.  Beautiful weather and good day fishing.  Best pattern was the burgundy

Jim - 11/16/16

Jim – 11/16/16

midge, then the P&P and Ruby 2 midges.

Thursday, Stan took Mike and his friend John out for half a day.  This was a birthday present for Mike.  Another slow start, but it turned out to be a pretty good day on the burgundy and Ruby 2 midges.  Howard and his friend Richard were out with Carolyn.  They too had a slow start, but we managed to have a pretty good day too on the burgundy and Ruby 2 midges.  They also caught some tripping the JQ streamer below Lookout Island.

Friday was brutal!!!  Stan and Carolyn had a group of guys who hunt or play golf in all kinds conditions and they even said it was brutal!  Wind was blowing almost non stop with gusts at what seemed like 30-40 mph!  Carolyn had Jeff and Bob, and Stan took John and

Jeff - 11/18/16

Jeff – 11/18/16

Dave.  The chop on the water was so bad I’m certain we missed several soft takes.  All in all, it turned out to be a good day.  Carolyn’s guys had fun stripping the Tiger Tail or filoplume and catching fish.  Both boats caught on the Ruby 2, P&P and burgundy midges.


Shiver! 30 Degrees This Morning!

Sunday, November 13th, 2016

Burr.  Checked the temperature this morning while I was getting ready to come to work and it was 30 degrees!  We have been wanted it to cool down, but now I’m not sure I’m ready for it!   Yes, we need it to cool down the lake so it will turn and we can get some oxygen coming through the gates.

We continue to see no generation during the morning and early afternoon hours.  Generally one or two units come on in the late afternoon for 2-5 hours then off the balance of the night and not back on until late the next afternoon.

Jim had a couple of his regulars, Wayne and Coleen, from Hawaii out both Saturday and Monday this past week.  He didn’t think they would go our Monday as it was rainy, cold and miserable.  They came to fish and fish they did.  Good couple days for them on the baby ruby with the blood worm dropper.  Caught a few stripping the JQ or tiger tail.  Chris went out late morning with Stan for half a day.  Fortunately, they caught fish early as the generators came on earlier than projected.  Trashed up the water pretty good so Chris was cleaning his flies with every cast.  They caught fish on the ruby 2.

Thursday, Stan had Jeff and Sheila, from Texas out for half a day.  Good day for them on the P&P and Ruby 2 midges.  Carolyn was giving Sam, also from Texas, a crash refresher course in casting.

Sam - 11/10/16

Sam – 11/10/16

Now that Sam had a refresher course, he was ready to go fishing on Friday.  His wife Joyce rode along and really enjoyed being on the water and enjoying the outdoors.  It was a beautiful day.  Very little wind and lots of sunshine with temperatures in the mid to upper 60s.  Sam had a good day casting and catching on the Ruby 2.   Jim had Frank out for the day.  He was catching on the baby ruby or P&P with a blood worm dropper.


Fun Weekend!

Sunday, November 6th, 2016

Nice weather we are having.  Daytime temperatures are in the upper 60s.  Nippy in the morning but temperatures in the 40s.  It’s about time.  We are ready for some cooler weather, if nothing else to get Table Rock Lake to turn over.

Pretty much the same generation patterns.  However, this weekend, they cranked on a unit both Saturday and Sunday mornings which was not projected.  The projection was for a unit in the afternoon….which they did not do yesterday.  Not sure what will happen this afternoon.  It was okay as it certainly helped fishing!

Stan on the water Wednesday with Doc and Terry from Tulsa.  Very good day for these two guys on the ruby 2 midge.

Justin - 11/4/16

Justin – 11/4/16

Friday,. Stan took Rick and Justin, from Kansas, out for the day.   Slow start to the day, but it certainly picked up.  How about this beautiful rainbow?  It was the P&P and olive midges.

Dana and Stan had a group out Saturday celebrating Denny’s birthday (it was last month).  Dana took John and Adam.  Really good day for these guys on the Ruby 2 and black copperhead midges.  Stan had

John - 11/5/16

John – 11/5/16


Adam - 11/5/16

Adam – 11/5/16

Denny and Doug.  They too have a good day mainly on the ruby 2 midge.



Mean Bunch of Fly Fishing Women!

Mean Bunch of Fly Fishing Women!

River Runners Women’s Fly Fishing Club invaded Taneycomo this weekend.  What a group of fly fishing ladies.  17 women were fishing Saturday and everyone caught fish on everything from the ruby 2 midge to “pre-emergers”.  Fun day with five drift boats on the water.  Good thing as they cranked on one unit in the morning which limited the wading area.

Fishing Is Good!

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

Still seeing unbelievable weather.  Temperatures in the low 80s or upper 70s.  Slight chance of some rain late tonight and possibly into early Thursday, but back into the 70s by Friday.  Pretty much the trend for the following week.

No change in the generation pattern.  We have a couple mornings where they turn on the equivalent of one unit for an hour then shut it down.  Getting the normal two to three units on in the afternoon for several hours.

Fished with Sheila this past Sunday.  She and Jerry used to fish with me and Jerry passed away in June of 2015.  This past Sunday would have been Jerry’s 69th birthday and she wanted to remember him on the river where he loved to be.  He would have been proud.  Sheila had a great day on the river catching on the Ruby 2, P&P and stripping the filoplume on a sinking leader (Jerry’s favorite).  She caught enough for both of them.

Jim and Stan on the water Monday Ryan, Ryan and Robert.  Stan took the new fly fisher, Ryan.  Quick learner and he had a very good day, despite the water being messed with most of the day.  Up and down, up and down…..  It was the Ruby 2 and P&P midges.  The other Ryan and his grandfather, Robert, were with Jim.  They were using the baby ruby, P&P and a blood worm dropper.  Good day for these guys too.

Yes, I’m Ready For Some Cool Weather!

Monday, October 31st, 2016

We continue to see temperatures in the 70s and lots of sunshine.  It’s hard to believe this is Halloween!  It almost always is cold and even rainy for Halloween.  I am ready for some cool weather.  We need to cool down the take so it will turn over!

Not much change in the generation patterns.  Maybe a unit on for an hour in the a.m., but generally it has been on for a little while in the late afternoon and off all day.  No complaints there!

Jim and Stan on the water this past Monday with Meredith and a group of his friends from the Indiana area.  Jim had Bob and Mary and Stan took Meredith and Warren.  Monday fished a little slow, but they all caught fish. Jim’s was on the baby ruby with either a gray scud or blood worm dropper.  Stan fished the Ruby 2.

Tuesday, Carolyn took Bob and Mary and Stan fished again with Meredith and Warren.  This was one of the days when they fired up a unit for an hour as they had to raise the water level so a pontoon boat could go up stream with some guys to work on the dam.  What a difference this ‘kick water’

Mary - 10/25/16

Mary – 10/25/16

did for the fish.  It was like someone flipped a switch.  Great day for everyone on the Ruby 2 and P&P midges.  Mary had three fish to the boat before I could get Bob ready and in the water.  What a fun day.  Bet you could hear us all over the river!   Jim took Leonard and Curtis out for half a day.  They were catching on the bug eyed bugger and baby ruby with the blood worm dropper.

Wednesday, Jim and Charles went out with Jim for half a day.  Some weather moved in so Jim came off early.  They did catch a few fish on the baby ruby and blood worm dropper.  Stan and his guys John and his nephew Richard.  They stuck it out and caught fish mainly on the ruby 2.  This was a new experience for Richard.

Joe and Steve fished half a day

Steve - 10/28/16

Steve – 10/28/16

with Carolyn on Friday.  Very good day for these guys on the black copperhead midge, ruby 2 and even stripping the tiger tail.  A few tangles, a few misses, but a fun day.  Jim had Tom and Kelly out.  Pretty new fishers, so Jim was in instructional mode.  They caught fish on the P&P, baby ruby and blood worm dropper.

Fishing has been good.  They are still spotty.  We have had to move around to find them, but usually when we do, we can find a good number of fish.  We are seeing quite a few dead fish on the bottom as we drift down stream.  Remember, the dissolved oxygen is low and take more time to revive the fish before you release them.  Watch them as they swim away as they might swim away for 10-15 feet and flip over again.


This Is October?!

Wednesday, October 26th, 2016

Unbelievable weather we are having for October.  I think the weather channel said this was the third warmest Octobers since they started keeping records.   Slight chances for rain today with temperatures in the mid 70s.  Upper 70s tomorrow and back into the 80 Friday through the weekend.

More of the same generation pattern we have seen so far.  Yesterday, they worked on the dam so they turned on the equivalent of two units for an hour so the pontoon boat could get up river to the dam.  Then they turned in on again when they were finished.  Today we will have the equivalent of two units on around 5:00 p.m. for four hours then off.

Eric and Gary on the water with Stan last Friday.  Good day for them on the Ruby 2.

Saturday, Jim took David and his daughter, Cassie out for half a day.  They worked for fish, but had a good day on the baby ruby, with either a gray scud or blood worm dropper.  Stan and Carolyn took a group out celebrating a birthday.  George, the birthday fisher and his son, Chase fished with Carolyn.  John, George’s older brother and George’s other son, Drake, fished with Stan.  All except John were new fly fishers.  Fun day and everyone caught fish….mainly on the Ruby 2 midge.  Happy Birthday George!

Toto, I Think We’re Back in Kansas!

Friday, October 21st, 2016

Wow!  The wind the past two days has been brutal.  Felt like we were back in Kansas!  Today is cool (high will be in the low 60s) and sunny with VERY LITTLE WIND!  Saturday through Tuesday looks like mid 70s to low 80s with sunshine.  Light chances of rain Wednesday with increased chances by Wednesday.  Temps holding in the mid 70s.  Trees have turned a little more.  Need a few more cool nights.

No generation in the morning hours continues to be the norm.  Something coming on at 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. and staying on for 4-5 hours, then back off.  Today we will not see generation until 5:00 p.m.

Busy week.  Monday, Stan had Mike and his son, Steven out for half a day.  Pretty good day on the rusty midge.  it was pretty windy that day, but nothing like the past two days.  They had planned on a full day,

Mike - 10/17/16

Mike – 10/17/16

but when the generators came on at 1:00, it really dirtied up in a hurry.  So, it was a good half day.  Gina and Jim had a group of guys, Mike, Chuck and John out for half a day.  Good day for these guys too.  Mike was out with Gina and he caught on the Ruby 2 and P&P midges.  Chuck and John who were with Jim fished the P&P with a blood worm dropper.  Carolyn had Kathi and Bill out for half a day.  Pretty good day for them on the Hot Hare’s Ear, PYP and copper dun midges.

Everyone on the river again Tuesday.  Thomas from Minnesota spent the morning with Stan.  Slow morning for them.  Very slow bite but finally brought some fish to the net as the morning went on the olive midge.  Lynn and Bruce  were fishing with Jim.  Not going to repeat what he said about the fishing, but they too had a slow day.  No best

Kathi - 10/18/16

Kathi – 10/18/16

fly as they did not have very many takes.  Gina had Kathi and Bill out again.  They didn’t get enough fishing on Monday.  Another pretty good day for them on the Ruby 2 and olive midges, and the olive JQ.  Knox and Gabrielle, from Illinois, were fishing with Carolyn.  It was Ruby 2 and copper dun midges most of the trip, then the holographic green crackleback when the water first

Bill - 10/18/16

Bill – 10/18/16

came on.  Gabrielle really like this kind of fishing.

Wednesday….yes, Wednesday Jim fished with Gina.   Fast trip for Jim as he was on a time schedule, but

Jim - 10/19/16

Jim – 10/19/16

he caught fish and had fun….he always does on the ruby 2 midge.  Brad and Terry fished with Jim.  Pretty good day for them on the little ruby, P&P and blood worm dropper.  Fished best for them when the wind put a little chop on the water as the flow is sooooo slow.  Carolyn had Bob and his friend Mark on the water for the first day of their two half day fishing days.   First day was okay, but not as good as they did the second day.  Wednesday it was pretty much the Ruby 2 midge.  Gary and Bob were also on their first day of their two half day trips with Stan.  Fished pretty good for them on Wednesday on the P&P and olive midges.

Bob - 10/20/16

Bob – 102016

Thursday, fished very good for Bob and Mark.  Started out with a bang.  Mark brought a beautiful 18 inch rainbow to the net and we caught several other nice fish on the black copperhead midge in the a.m. then the Ruby 2 later in the morning up until they turned on the generators.   Tough day for Gary and Bob who were out with

Pam - 10/20/16

Pam – 10/20/16

Stan.  They could hardly find a bite and it was WINDY!.  Buddy and Pam fished with Jim.  They had a good day on the ruby midge with a blood worm dropper.

Trees Are Getting Some Color!

Sunday, October 16th, 2016

Awesome October weather!  Sunshine and in the 80s yesterday.  Today and tomorrow will again be in the 80s with lots of sunshine.  80s through Wednesday when we also have a chance for showers.  Cool front so temperatures Thursday and Friday will be in the mid 60s then low 70s through the weekend and into Monday.  Sounds nice to me.

Continuing days of no generation in the morning and something coming on around 1:00-2:00 p.m. and staying on for 4-5 hours then off during the week.    This weekend, we had one unit on around 5:00 p.m. with the same scenario for today.  Back to the normal no generation until early afternoon, then on for several hours and back off is the schedule for Monday.  Sounds like more of the same this coming week.

Stan spent last Monday morning on the river with Jack and Mary Kay from Texas.  Fun day with those two on the P&P and olive

Richard - 10/10/16

Richard – 10/10/16

midges.  Greg and Terry from Alabama spent the whole day with Jim.  Good day using the blood worm dropper on either the P&P or Ruby midges.  Still having our best fishing further downstream below the Trophy Run area and down.  Carolyn had Richard and Barbara out again.  Good day for them on the P&P

Barbara - 10/11/16

Barbara – 10/11/16

and copper dun midges.

Tuesday, Jim took a couple of his long-time customers, Price and Marge out for half a day.  They always have fun and even caught fish….thanks to Marge!  P&P with the blood worm dropper or stripping a size 10 bug-eyed bugger.  Carolyn had a couple guys she once worked with at Bayer many moons ago, John and Dave.

John - 10/11/16

John – 10/11/16

Had a slow start, but finished with a bang!  Nothing real big, but several in the 15 inch range.  We started out in the morning with the rusty midge, changed to the P&P, and finished up on the

Dave - 10/11/16

Dave – 10/11/16


Ruby 2.   Stan had Gil and his friend Randy out.  They caught fish on the copper dun and P&P.

Wednesday Jim had a good day with Gina this past Wednesday.  Ruby 2, egg pattern and rusty midge.  Another one of those days where fishing got better the further down stream you went.


Kirsten’s 1st on fly rod – 10/14/15

Another anniversary couple celebrated on the river together.  Derek and Kirsten spent half a day learning a little more about fly fishing with Carolyn.  They are good friends of another couple Carolyn took out in September who were celebrating their fifth (I think) anniversary.  Copper dun midge was the ticket early in the day.  Derek picked a few on the Tiger Tail, but the hot hare’s ear

Derek - 10/14/16

Derek – 10/14/16

nymph was the winning ticket that day.  Stan had Larry on the water.  He is a Judge in Johnson County so they had a lot to talk about with Stan having been a Sheriff’s Officer out of the Johnson County court house.  Good day for Larry on the copper dun midge.  Another slow start, but certainly picked up later in the morning g.  Jim had a couple from Canada out, John and Phyllis.  Best pattern was the baby ruby.

Andi-s 1st on fly rod - 10/15/16

Andi’s 1st on fly rod – 10/15/16

Hopefully, another woman fly fisher in the making.  Don and Andi spent Saturday morning on the water with Carolyn.  Don has been fishing for a few years, but this was Andi’s first experience.  Carolyn worked with her on the roll cast, regular cast, and some line management work.  Glad to say, she  took the normal route.  Casting was looking good, but after hooking the first fish, it all disappeared for a while.  Best day we have had for a while just below the boat ramp.  We started our trip a

Don - 10/15/16

Don – 10/15/16

little later in the morning and started hitting fish shortly after we got in the water on the P&P midge.  Don tried several other patterns, but always came back to the P&P.  Jim had Chris and Jeff out for an instructional trip and they did a good job.  Good day on the blood worm dropper under the P&P.  Stan’s couple, John and Teresa from Kansas, are fairly new fly fishers.  They did well on the copper dun and P&P.  It is really nice right now and should even get better, standing in the water looking at the trees along the river.  They are starting to show signs of coloring up.  Better get out and fish!


Feast or Famine!

Sunday, October 9th, 2016

Beautiful weather!  Crisp mornings in the 40s with highs during the day of mid 70s.  Looks like more of the same for the next few days.  Chances of rain for Wednesday but still nice temperatures.

No significant change in generation pattern.  Off during the morning, then something on in the afternoon for a few hours during the week.  Over the weekend, it has just been a unit late in the afternoon for an hour.

Fishing continues to be slow, but every once in a while we have a good day in there.  Just the difference in the dissolved oxygen levels or where we find the fish.

A week ago this past Saturday….yes, I know I’m behind again!….Stan and Carolyn took a group from Kansas out for half a day.  Stan had Bob and his grandson Seth.  Carolyn had Bill and his father-in-law, Corky.  Great half day for these guys on the P&P, copper dun and olive midge

Next day, Sunday, not quite as good, but a really good day for right now,  Stan had John and Dawn out for half a day.  It was the olive or P&P midges.

Tom and his brother John fished with Carolyn on Monday.  They worked hard and caught several fish, mainly as we got further downstream, on the P&P and olive midges.

Eve - 10/4/16

Eve – 10/4/16

Eve spent two days with Carolyn last year about this time and she came back for more on Tuesday and Wednesday.  The first day was pretty good, but the second day they turned the water on early and everything trashed up.  Fun couple of days on the P&P, copper dun and ruby 2 midges.  Jim had Jim and Steve from Clinton on the water all day.  Pretty good day on a micro scud dropped under the P&P midge.

Stan out Wednesday with Noel from here in Branson.  This was his first time with a fly rod.  Tough day for them, but he did land a few on the copper dun  and P&P midges.  Roger and Teddy from Florida spent the morning with Jim.  Jim’s feelings were “very slow”, and it was.  Caught a few on a gray scud, the baby ruby and P&P midge.

Thursday, Joshua from Oklahoma fished half a day with Gina.  Josh is fairly new to the sport,

Joshua - 10/6/16

Joshua – 10/6/16

so Gina spent some time working with him on casting and other necessary skills.  He had a fun day and caught fish on the UQ streamer and ruby 2 midge.  Cheryl and Jamie, who are best friends, have fished with River Run a few times over the past years but not together.  It was time for both of them to get on the river together and they spent half a day with Carolyn.  Not a lot

Cheryl - 10/6/16

Cheryl – 10/6/16

of fish, but a fun day on the P&P and copper dun midges.   Cheryl pulled in her best fish yet; a nice 17 inch rainbow.  John and Jamie spent half a day with Jim.  Slow day for them but they had fun and worked on skills.  Stan had Ken from Colorado out all day.  They caught most of their fish on the P&P midge.

Friday, the guys had a group of orthodontist out for half a day.  Jim had Joe and Hardy.  Dana was with Mark and Al.  And, Stan had Monte and Tom.  Everyone caught fish.  Jim was on the ruby and blood worm dropper.  Dana fished the ruby 2, white grub and an orange egg pattern.  Stan was fishing the copper dun and P&P midges.

Dave and Chris from Kansas spent half a day with Dana Saturday.  A size 22 P&P, the orange egg pattern and the ruby 2 were their patterns for the day.  Nothing very large, but they did bring in some fish.

So, we have had some pretty good days, especially for this time of the year when the DO is low, and some pretty tough days.  Have to remember….it’s fishing…..not catching!








Good Days On The River!

Sunday, October 2nd, 2016

Still enjoying his picture-perfect weather.  Nice crisp mornings with temperatures during the day in the upper 70s, light (most of the time) wind, and mostly sunny skies.  Looks like more of the same for a couple more days, then chances for rain creep in on Wednesday.  By next weekend, we’re back to the 70s and sunshine again.

No major change in the generation pattern.  Off almost all day then on for one to three hours in the afternoon.  Sometimes that kick water in the afternoon can get the fish happier for a while.

Doug with 1st on fly rod - 9/29/16

Doug with 1st on fly rod – 9/29/16

Last Sunday, James Albert took Isaac and Doug from Mississippi out for the morning.  This was Doug’s first time with a fly rod.  Good day for these guys on a size 18 or 20 tan scud under a size 14 sow bug.

Isaac - 9/29/16

Isaac – 9/29/16

Isaac brought in a nice 18 inch rainbow.

Jeff with 1st fish on fly rod - 9/26/16

Jeff with 1st fish on fly rod – 9/26/16

Jeff and his brother Dan from Illinois fished with Stan on Monday.  They wanted to learn a little more about fly fishing, where, how and what to fish.  ots of fish on the copper dun & P&P midges, including a nice 17 incher caught by Dan.

Gina took Bill out on Tuesday.  His wife, Anne rode went along for the ride and to enjoy the river.  They got a little kick water and the fish went happy, happy.

Bill - 9/27/16

Bill – 9/27/16

Really good day for Bill on the copper dun midge.  Carolyn had Carl and his friend Brian out for half a day.  Carl’s first time fly fishing was in August with Carolyn, and this was Brian’s first time with a fly rod.  Good, fun day for these

Brian - 9/27/16

Brian – 9/27/16

guys on the copper dun, P&P and Ruby 2 midges.  A bit tough start, but we finally found some fish.


Virginia 9/29/16

Thursday was Happy Birthday to Virginia.  She spent half a day on the water with Gina.  What a wonderful birthday.  This beautiful 17-1/2 inch rainbow just had to top off the day for her! Stan had Bob from Kansas out all day Thursday.  Bob had fished with us before and he came back!  Good day for Bob on the Ruby 2 and P&P midges.  Carolyn  started the first day of the two-

Bob - 9/29/16

Bob – 9/29/16

day fly fishing school with Phillip and his wife Laura.  This was to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.  Looking for something neat to do together.  Classroom work in the morning, then casting pond in the afternoon.

Laura & Phillip - 9/30/16

Laura & Phillip – 9/30/16

Friday it was to the river for Laura and Phillip.  They rigged up their gear (no guide help here) and caught fish nymph-style on the P&P, copper dun and Ruby 2 midges.  We went through the dry fly presentation and a little on emerger presentation.  The finale of catching for the day was stripping the crackleback on a sinking leader.  I think they have found something neat to do together.  Happy Anniversary guys and many, many more!


