Archive for the ‘Fishing Reports’ Category

Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 5th, 2017

Woke up this morning to a white deck!  I’m happy….that’s enough snow for the year.  Fortunately, I think we have had the snow for the next several days.  It will be really cold again tomorrow, but we will see a warming trend and actually be in the upper 40s by Monday and upper 50s Tuesday!!  Then 50s through the entire week and into the weekend.  Right now they are forecasting rain over the weekend but that it an entire week away.  We’re wait and see.  Yeah!….warmer weather.

Past few days we have seen three to four hours of generation in the morning.  Off around 10:00 a.m. for seven to eight hours then back on again for several hours.  Probably will continue with this schedule unless we get some major power demands.  They have followed that schedule so far today.

New Years Day was cold!!  Yes, it was in the 40s, but with no sun and lots of wind, it was downright cold.  A few of the gals from the club were on the river Sunday and fishing was pretty slow.  We caught a few fish and kept our tradition going.

Jamie – 1/1/17

There is one less think on Jamie’s bucket list….fly fishing.  She has been wanting to learn how to fly fish and New Years day was the day.  She took a half day instructional trip with Carolyn and definitely learned the basics of casting.  She got the natural drift down and caught her first trout on a fly rod using a ruby 2 midge !  Even though the day was raw, I hope she keeps it up.  Said she really liked it.

Monday, the three musketeers, Doc and Terry, from Oklahoma, spent most of the day on the water with Stan.

Terry, Stan & Doc – 1/2/17

Unfortunately, it was even slower fishing than Sunday.  They did catch a few fish, froze to death but had a great time.

Great Weather!

Thursday, December 29th, 2016

This wonderful weather in December was a nice Christmas present!  We have had days in the 50s almost 60s most of the week.  Mornings have been a little cool, but if you dress for it and wait out the day, it has warmed up!  Yesterday was awesome!  Today will be nice, but they are predicting some pretty strong winds.  It’s 8:30 and already it is 40 degrees and lots of sunshine.  This will be one of the warmest New Year’s Days the gals from the River Runners Women’s Fly Fishing Club have spent on the water.  It’s supposed to b e in the mid 50s Sunday.  We’ll take it!

Generation has either been off all day and coming on for 1-2 hours late in the afternoon, or running 1-3 units for 2-03 hours in the morning around 7:00, then off the rest of the day.  Today it is off and not scheduled to come on until 5:00 p.m.

Kevin – 12/27/16

Tuesday, Stan took Kevin out for half a day.  Good day for Kevin on the Ruby 2 midge.  The water turned off just before they hit the river, so there was a drop most of the trip.  Good bite but a little cool when they got there.  Sun never came out so thank heavens for temperatures in the 50s.

Wednesday Jim and Gina finished up the year with a nice day.  Sun came out for the last part of the trip as well as the fish.  Good day for them on various

Jim’s last fish of the season – 12/28/16

colors of egg patterns, the white mega worm and the ruby 2.  It was one of those days where fishing was slow for a while then took off and back to slow then take off,….



What a way to end the year!.

Very Little Generation The Next Several Days!

Thursday, December 22nd, 2016

Temperatures are going to be pretty good through the Christmas weekend, but it looks like we have3 a couple good changes for moisture.  Tomorrow they are forecasting rain most of tomorrow, but the high will be in the mid 40s.  Saturday is looking like mid 50s and Christmas day we might see mid 60S.  However, Christmas day also have very good chances for showers, thunderstorms and high winds.  Monday it will be sunny and mid 50s.  Best chances for rain show up again by Wednesday next week, but temperatures are staying in the 40s….even low 50s.

Generation this week has been two to three units in the mornings for three to four hours then off until 5:00 p.m. or so for a while then back off until the next morning.  However, the schedule through the next several days is no generation almost every day all day.

Jim on the water yesterday with David from Oklahoma.  David has been fishing with Jim a couple years now and had another fun day yesterday on the baby ruby and stripping the bug eyed bugger.  Gina out with Wednesday Jim and they too had a good day.  They were fishing the Ruby 2, root beer midge and egg pattern.  They were picking a few fish here and there most of the day but action really picked up around 4:00 p.m.  Needless to say, they

Russell - 12/21/16

Russell – 12/21/16

barely got off the water before dark!  Stan had a couple of his guys out again, Russell from Oklahoma and his

Dillen - 12/21/16

Dillen – 12/21/16

friend, Dillen from Kansas City.  They caught all their fish on the Ruby 2 midge.   Even though the temperature hit the upper 40s yesterday, it was cool on the river.

Winter Blast Coming Sunday!

Friday, December 16th, 2016

Looks like one needs to get up early Saturday if they want to enjoy the 50 degree weather.  Weatherman says the cold front will start moving in in the morning and it will be down into the 20s by tomorrow evening and worst overnight.  Good news is that most of next week looks like 40s.


50s Saturday!?!

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016

According to the weatherman, Saturday is supposed to reach the 50s.  That’s the good news.  Then, some kind of moisture will move in later that day and temperatures will drop to the teens!  This puts Sunday at mid 20s…..half the temperature it was the day before.  Fortunately, temperatures are going back into the low to mid 40s by the following Tuesday.

They ran a lot of water this morning for four hours.  Right now it is off and should remain off for seven hours.  Then, kick on a couple units for three hours and ramp down to the equivalent of one unit for a couple hours and off again.

Have had a few brave souls in the shop today to take advantage of the now generation today.  It really is pretty nice outside, for this time of the year.  Right now it is 38 degrees, cloudy and very little, if any, wind.  That’s a big factor….no wind.

Jim on the water Monday with Bob and Mike.  That was the day they messed with the water….a lot.  Even with the funky water, they had a good half day stripping the tiger tail or drifting the baby ruby midge.

Christmas Is Almost Here!

Monday, December 12th, 2016



Pretty nice day today.  It is supposed to be in the low 50s, but that might be pushing it.  A little overcast, but no wind.  40s the rest of the week and chances for rain by the weekend.  Next week looks like more 40s with some 30s scattered here and there.

Low generation both days this past weekend.  it was really a good level for wade fishing in many areas.  Today, however, it back to 2-3 units for a few hours in the morning then ramping it down to one +/- units.

Jon - 12/9/16

Jon – 12/9/16

Stan on the water Friday with Jon from Texas.  What a cold day!  Only good thing about the day was that it wasn’t as cold as the day before.  Good day for them fishing, however, on the ruby 2 under the big ruby.  It turned out to be a little shorter than our normal half day as both of them had frozen fingers.  The saving grace was the hot soup as the end of the trip!!

Feeling A Whole Lot Like December!

Wednesday, December 7th, 2016

Wow!  Lows in the teens for at least the next two mornings.  Highs not even hitting the freezing mark.  Slight chances for rain Sunday with temperatures in the low 40s.  Next week looks like 40s early in the week then mid 30s for the rest of the week.

We continue to see non-strop generation.  Most of the day it has been a low or full one unit.  However, each morning around 7:00 they run two to three units for a couple hours before they cut it back to the one.

Stan on the water Monday with Philip and George from Texas.  Pretty good day for these guys fishing wise.  The weather was not too pleasant with the wind!  They had the equivalent of two units running all day and caught fish on the big ruby with the ruby 2 dropper.


Sunday, December 4th, 2016

It’s a cloudy 46 degrees today and I just can’t get warm.  Monday will not be must warmer, but it should be sunny.  That will help.  Upper 40s for Tuesday and a good chance for rain on Wednesday with temperatures in the low 40s.  Thursday’s high looks like upper 20s with the low in the low teens.  The extra bad news about Thursday is the wind.  20 mph or better.  Friday is sunny and mid 30s.  Saturday low 40s and partly sunny.  Right now, Sunday is showing chances for rain.

Generation schedule over the weekend was running….all weekend.  Most of the time it was fairly low so you could wade in places, but it did move up and down at little.  Generation scheduled for all day tomorrow with a two hour shot at 7:00 a.m. of two full units, then back to a low one unit.   We will see!!!

Wednesday Jim out with Gina this week.  Good day for them on the ruby and ruby two.  Fishing was definitely better than the weather.  They had overcast with light mist off and on all day plus lots of wind.  Based on what the wind did with them, stripping the tan filoplume was good when they could not get a drift with the midges.

Stan had Kevin and Steve out for half a day Saturday.  Another lovely day of cold rain most of the day.  Fishing was pretty good on the ruby and ruby two midges.

The river has been off colored for several days and the oxygen levels seem to be improving.  Looks like the lake is turning.

It’s Feeling Like December!

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016

High today is 49 with lots of wind!  At least it’s sunny but the wind just sends s chill up your spine.  Looks like mid 50s tomorrow and Friday with the weekend showing chances of rain and temperatures in the mid to upper 40s.  Monday’s chances for rain are less, but that a whole four days away.  Temperatures next week are upper 40s early in the week and dropping to mid 40 and upper 30s by later in the week.

Generators off most of today.  There supposed to be off most of yesterday, but as I always say….the Monday projection is a “crap shoot”.  Thursday we will be three hours of generation from 7:00-9:00 and again from 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Stan on the water the day after Thanksgiving with Brandon and his mother Brenda.  They have fished with Stan on this day for years in good or bad weather.  Very good day for them this year on the ruby 2 midge.  Brenda was supposed to send me a picture of her nice fish but I haven’t seen it yet.

Mike - 11/26/16

Mike – 11/26/16

Saturday, Carolyn took Mike out for most of the day.  We started a little late because of the generation schedule and the cool morning.  Very good day for Mike, especially early in the day, on the ruby 2 or blue poison midges.  As the day went on, fishing seemed to get a little slower and our normal patterns were not working.  We changed off to the white grub.  Several nice size fish for him that day.

How about this beautiful reflection of the trees in the water that I saw this morning!

Golden Morning

Golden Morning

Fishing Has Been Great

Friday, November 25th, 2016

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Weather is going to be beautiful today.  Sunny skies and temperatures in the mid to upper 50s.  Low 60s tomorrow and probably Sunday with sunny skies.  Lookes like chances (50% right now) for Monday then clearing back up for the rest of the week with temperatures in the mid to upper 50s.

Non-stop generation all week.  Yes, including Thanksgiving Day and again today.  Don’t know yet what they are planning this weekend.  Schedule will not be up until later this afternoon.  Good news is the generation level is only 35 mh which is wadeable in some areas.

Dale - 11/21/16

Dale – 11/21/16

Gina out Monday and Tuesday with Dale and Jay from Oklahoma.  This was Dale’s birthday and he celebrated his birthday on the water fishing!  The fish knew it was a couple of special days they certainly cooperated.

Jay - 11/21/16

Jay – 11/21/16

Great day and a half fishing for Dale and Jay on the ruby 2, burgundy and black midges dropped either under a size 16 ruby 2 or an egg pattern.  Happy Birthday Dale!!  Ron and Kathy from Louisiana spend all day Tuesday on the water with Carolyn.  Great day for these

Kathy - 11/22/16

Kathy – 11/22/16

two on the blue poison and ruby 2 midges.  As usual, Kathy out fished Ron.  But in Ron’s defense, he was in the back of the boat.

Wednesday Jim had a great day with Gina on, of course, Wednesday.  Still generating water and the bite was on.  Ruby 2 midge under a chartreuse egg was the ticket that day.

Jim - 11/23/16

Jim – 11/23/16


Carolyn had Bill and his father, Jerry, out for half a day.  Jerry was just going along for the ride as he is not a fly fisher.  Bill is getting started and we worked a little on casting, but mainly catching.  Great day for Bill on the ruby 2 or blue poison midges.

Bill - 11/23/16

Bill – 11/23/16

Worked with Jerry a little on casting and after seeing Bill catching so many fish, he decided he wanted to give it a try.  Think we have another fly fisher in the making.jerry-112316  First fish he hooked was a nice 17 inch rainbow.  Told him this doesn’t happen every day.     Everyone out over the three day period caught at least one 17 inch trout.  Maybe the lake is turning.  The dissolved oxygen readings are looking good.


