Archive for the ‘Fishing Reports’ Category

Getting Tired of Temperatures in the 70s LOL!!

Monday, February 20th, 2017

February and we are having days of temperatures in the 70s.  This weekend, it was in the upper 70s and we are expecting that again this coming week.  Wednesday and Thursday look like upper 70s.  Back to the 60s Friday, and probably upper 50s over the weekend, then back into the 60s next week.  What a February!

No generation since last Friday night.  Friday they actually ran less than 40 mwh early in the day, then shut down for a few hours and again less than 40 mwh at 4:00 p.m. which ran for a few hours.  Today, the projection was 35 mwh most of the day, and as we stated in a report last week, 35 mwh much be their new norm for “zero” actual generation as they are not running anything right now.

Jim and gorgeous bow – 2/15/17

Wednesday Jim hit the last cool day last week.  But, he had a very good day and caught some nice fish.  Jim and Gina spent the day on the was fishing the ruby 2, black copperhead midge and stripping tiger tail.  Several smaller fish, which we have seen a bunch of the last couple weeks, but a colorful 19″ male and fat, colorful 18″ female made up for the “dinks”.

Stan had John from Oklahoma on the water Friday afternoon.  Good day for John on the P&P and Ruby 2 midges.  John is pretty new to the sport and he wanted to hone his midge fishing techniques.  Fish were definitely taking midges Friday.

Lots of fishers on the water this weekend.  Weather was awesome and the fish were happy.  Lots of good reports on gray scuds, ruby 2 midges, tiger tail. and the P&P.  One guy came in and he had had a good day on the rusty midge.  Oh, and don’t forget the red soft hackle.



You Should Have Been Here Yesterday!!

Monday, February 13th, 2017

Great weather we are having.  Definitely cooler today than over the weekend, especially Saturday when it was in the 80s, but we are still having great weather for this time of the year.  Today, tomorrow and Wednesday will probably be the coolest days we have for over a week.  I see lots of 60s and even 70s in the forecast.

Although the generation projection published over the weekend called for low generation all day, both days, we had zero generation.  Today they projected generation all day with it ramping up this morning for a few hours then backing off to the equivalent of one for the balance of the day.  So far today, they are pretty much on target.

Yes, you should have been here over the weekend.  As I mentioned, the weather was great and  fishing was the same.  The pattern of the day or I should say days, was the Tiger Tail.  I know folks were catching on other patterns, but several fishers came in to tell me they had caught, in some cases, over 100 fish this weekend on the Tiger Tail.  I went out and fished for a couple hours and had an excellent time of solid catching on the Tiger Tail.  Walked off the river with a smile on my face.

Better Be Outside This Weekend!

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

I heard on the weather channel this morning that we might break records this weekend with our high temperature which should be in the mid 70s!!!  Friday is no dog with temperatures!  Hard to believe this is February.  We will probably get hit with some cold weather pretty soon, but it better hurry up.  The next two weeks look great.  The only cool days in the two week forecast are today and tomorrow.  Otherwise, we’re looking at 50s & 60s with the closest chances for rain popping up week after next.

I think the new norm of zero generation is 35 mwh.  Every day for the past four or five days, we have seen 35 mwh at the minimum with higher numbers usually in the morning.  Every day, at some point during the day, they have turned the generators off so there has been no generation.  Only thing flowing is the in-house generator at 20 cfs.  Not complaining, but it would be nice to have a better clue at what they intend to do.

Fishing has been very good to very bad, depending on where you are fishing.  Talked to several fishers who were out yesterday and they all had a great day……just a few said it was tough.  Fishing different areas.  If you’re not catching up in the hatchery area, move on downstream.

Everyone has been concerned and talking about how low Table Rock Lake is right now.  Just as a bit of trivia, the lowest Table Rock Lake has every been is 881.54′ on December 5, 1965.  Stan and I remembered another low, 893.55′ set March 26, 1981.  We thought that was low!  Fun site if you want to keep track of this kind of information click on:

A Few Warm Days Coming

Sunday, February 5th, 2017

Looks like we have three great days starting with today.  Low 60s today, mid 60s tomorrow and mid 60s to low 70s? Tuesday.  Then a breath of winter for a couple days before we go back into the 60s.  Next weekend looks like low 60s to upper 50s.  I’ll take it.

Not sure why they even publish a water generation projection.  Projected a low one unit all weekend!  In reality, no generation….so far….this weekend.  Keeps us on our toes.  They have run the in-house units at 20 cfs all weekend.

Good day for Jim on the water for Jim Friday.  He had David from Oklahoma out for half a day.  Lots of fish in the 14-016 inch range on the ruby and the hot hare’s ear nymph.  They also pulled out a few on the Tiger Tail.

Hearing several folks having good luck on the hot hare’s ear lately.  Also hearing good reports overall on fishing.  A few folks having tough days, but the number of those with good days are outnumbering the ones with tough days.


Great Weather!

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

60s to finish up January and upper 50s today to start February.  We’re going to pay for this some day down the road.  Looks like low to mid 40s into the weekend then back into the 50s maybe low 60s by Tuesday.  Monday has some chances for rain.  Out for the next two weeks does not look like February weather.

Generation schedule is still pretty much the same.  They projected generation over the weekend and they shut it down.  Who’s to know.  So far this week, we have had the normal three to four units in the morning for a few hours, then shutting it back to not quite a full one unit until late in the afternoon, then kick it back up for a few hours again.  We’ll just have to see what the rest of the week looks like.

Jim and Carolyn on the water Monday.  What a beautiful day!  Temperatures were in the 60s with a light breeze.  Monday had four units on in the morning, but it dropped off fast when they shut it back to the equivalent of one unit around 10:00.  Jim had Pat from Illinois out all day.  Pat last fished with Jim about ten years ago.  They had a fair day on the ruby, ruby 2 and stripping the tiger tail.  Mike, from Iowa, spent half a day on the river with Carolyn.  We had a good, fun day mainly on the ruby 2.  Several in the 15 inch range or better, plus like of little guys.  Hard not to have a good day when the weather was so great!.  Mike’s saying for the day was “what happens on Taneycomo….stays on Taneycomo”!


Beautiful Rainbow!

Thursday, January 26th, 2017

Pretty nippy today with a high in the upper 30s.  Sun might come out today, but it better hurry.  Rest of the week looks like upper 40s, dry and sunny tomorrow with sunny to partly sunny into next week.  Staying dry until possibly next weekend when a 40% chance of rain shows up.  Temperatures are in the 40s to 50s most of this time.

Same pattern on generation pretty much.  Today, however, they say they will run more in the a.m. then keep a low flow all day.  They said that a couple days ago but actually shut it down in the middle of the day.  At any rate, it should be on in the a.m. and either off or low during most of the day, they back on around 5:00  That has been the pattern.

Jim – 1/25/17

Windy day yesterday, but it was Wednesday.  And, Jim and Gina were on the water for half a day.  A beautiful rainbow certainly made it worthwhile.   Plus, they caught several other fish on the Ruby 2.

How about the kipe jaw on this gorgeous bow?

It Was A Bluegill Day!

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

Weather looks pretty darn good for the next seven to ten days.  Temperatures mostly in the 40s with a few 50s here and there.  No moisture!  Looks like we might start seeing the sun.

Running water all day today.  We will just have to see what the week brings.  Probably go back to routine we have been seeing…..two to three units in the morning, then off most of the day until they turn on a couple units in the late afternoon or early evening for a few hours.  Off most of this past weekend.

This Saturday’s fly tying session was spent on bluegill flies.  Lou “Let’s Go” Runnells and Gina “Trout Mum” Leitle led the session Saturday and everyone had a ball tying bluegill flies.  They were very busy as you can tell by the picture of all the flies they got tied.  What fun.

Lou, Gina, Sharon and I went fishing Saturday after the fly tying class.  It wasn’t fast and furious.  We caught a few on the ruby 2 midge, an egg pattern and the holographic green crackleback.  As it got later in the afternoon, the holographic green crackleback trailing a tiger tail took off.  Hooked and missed several fish in a short time on this rig right around 4:30.

Yesterday, Gary and his friend fished the rebar area for a while.  They did well on a wine colored San Juan worm.


Are We Ready For Sunshine!!!

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to see the sun!  According to the forecast, it might stick it’s head out here tomorrow afternoon.  Plus, temperatures will be in the mid 60s. Yes to all of the above.  Saturday, it looks like sunshine all day and again, temperatures in the mid 60s.  Unfortunately, Sunday’s forecast says light rain early.  Not so bad if we get the sun Friday and Saturday.

Generation schedule continues to be two to four generators on in the morning for three to four hours then off until late afternoon.  Wednesday had that projection, but they ran water all day except for two hours in the afternoon.  Today is the normal on for a while, off, then back on this afternoon.  Although they were supposed to only have two units on for one hour, they actually ran one or two units for four hours.  It is now off and dropping.

Jim – 1/18/17

Wednesday Jim out with Gina yesterday.  Despite the erratic generation, they had a very good day on the ruby 2 and an egg pattern.  Kind of a cloudy, misty day, but it was worth it.




Dodged The Bullet!

Sunday, January 15th, 2017

Weather forecast for Friday and into the weekend really looked like we were in for a bad case of ice!  Fortunately, at least for this area, we dodged the bullet.  We even brought in more wood for our fireplace just in cast we lost power.  Yeah!  No need for a fire in the fireplace due to weather, but we did build one just enjoy the fire.  Temperatures have stayed above freezing.  It is 43 degrees right now with light rain off and on, so it has been overcast all day.  We have chances for rain again tomorrow, but temperatures will be in the low 60s!  Upper 40s Tuesday…upper 50s Wednesday and Thursday.  Slight chances for rain Thursday and Friday.  If the forecast is right, low 60s and sunshine Saturday.

Generation following pretty much the same pattern.  I was surprised they ran some water yesterday morning, but they did for about 4 hours then it was off the rest of the day and has been off all day today.  We will see about 4 hours generation tomorrow morning, then off until 6:00 p.m. when it will come on for a few hours.

Jessica – 1/12/17

Thursday, Carolyn took Jessica out for half a day.  Jessica recently moved from Missoula, Montana to the state of Washington.  Tough duty.  Fortunately, coming from this part of the country, she was dressed for the day on the water.  Hit a fish on the first cast then it went dead for a little while.  As we moved down the river, things picked up and we pulled off a good day on the ruby 2 and black copperhead midges.

Time To Get Ready For A New Fishing Season

Sunday, January 8th, 2017



The weather over the next two weeks might make it difficult to stay at home and get ready for the new season.  We might hit the 60s a couple days this coming week.  Unfortunately, right now, Friday and Saturday both look like rain chances and temperatures in the mid 30s to mid 40s.  The following week we are back into the upper 40s to low 50s.  I can take that!

Somewhat of a pattern to the generation right now.  Nothing over the weekend and units running in the a.m. for four hours then nothing for 7-8 hours.

Fishers have been on the water the past three days.  Reports are fishing is pretty good on almost anything.  One fisher yesterday said the only thing he did not catch on was the white mega worm.  A couple other guys had told him that was working, but he couldn’t get a hit.  He did well on the tan scud, ruby 2, tiger tail and a soft hackle.

Back to getting ready for the new season, it’s time to check your fly lines for cuts.  Be sure to check the area around the leader loop.  Clean your line well with line cleaner or wash it in a non-grease cutting dish soap such as Ivory.  Rinse well, dry and put a good line dressing on.  Then….on to tying  up a good stock of flies for the season.  Lots of clubs holding fly-tying events right now as well as many of the fly shops are holding weekly fly tying seasons.  Something to check out.

The spey/switch rod clinic date has now been set.  We have Jim, from Michigan, coming in to do the clinic again  this year.  The date is March 25.  If interested, give us a call to sign up.
