Archive for the ‘Fishing Reports’ Category

Mornings Have Been A Little Nippy!!

Saturday, November 30th, 2024

Past several morning have been a bit nippy, temperatures in the mid to upper 20s.  Looks like we will be seeing a few more days like this.  Highs have been in the 40s.

Continue to see some like of generation almost every day.  This past Sunday they only ran one unit for an hour and then turned it off.  Otherwise, two units on early then ramping down to zero for five to six hours and then back on.

Dana had Richard and Kathy on the water Tuesday.  Ruby 2 midge, Cerise and Red San Juan worms were their patterns.  This was Kathy’s first time with a fly rod.  Carolyn had Ted and his daughter, Mary Clare.  This was her first time with a fly rod also and she had a wonderful day.  Both of them brought a brown trout to the boat.  Ruby 2 was their best pattern.  Caught a few on the tan mop fly.

Every Day Is A New Day!

Monday, November 25th, 2024

Getting some weather today.  Light rain off and on.  Temperatures will probably stay in the low 50s.  Tomorrow we are looking at another low 50s day but it should be sunny during the afternoon.  Wednesday will be cloudy and chances for showers during the day.  From Thanksgiving through next week, the highs will be in the low 40s!!  Guess it’s that time of the year.

Generation schedule continues to be spastic.  Plus, when they say there will be no generation, surprise!  They turn on a low one unit.  The good news of that is they are probably injecting some liquid oxygen when they do that.

Fishing continues to be up and down depending on what they are doing with the water.  Carolyn on the water a week ago this past Saturday with Brett and Cody from Texas.  Low generation at put in so they fished above the boat ramp.  Generation continued to increase slightly during the trip so did the full run.  Very good day on the Ruby 2 midge under the Big Ruby.  Dana on the water with Landon who is also from Texas.  Good day for them on the black copperhead, Ruby 2 and Big Ruby.

Last Tuesday, Michael and Brayden fished with Dana.  He was fishing the P&P midge.  No generation day and everyone worked for fish.  Carolyn had Gary and Ansel out for half a day.  They caught fish on the Ruby 2 under the P&P midge.

Saturday, Jim took Steve and Jeff out for half a day.  Ruby midge and mop fly worked for them.  Dana had Todd and his grandson fishing the Ruby 2 midge.

Chase, Randy and Stacey fished with Dana and Carolyn Sunday.  Started out the morning with no generation (as forecast for the day).  Around 10:00 A.M. a horn blew and they turned on a low one unit.  Dana had Chase and he caught a few fish on the Ruby 2 midge.  This was Chase’s first outing with a fly rod.  Carolyn took Randy and Stacey.  Their best pattern was also the Ruby 2 midge.  John and Nancy from Florida fished with Jim.  JQ Streamer, Ruby 2 midge and tan mop fly were their patterns.



Nice, But Cool Weather! Rain Moving In!

Sunday, November 17th, 2024

We have had some great days this past week.  Temperatures in the mid to upper 60s and lots of sunshine.  Unfortunately, it looks like rain for Monday.  Good news is that will probably be it for another week.

Generation schedule still crazy.  Turned on one unit yesterday at 8:00 a.m. then two at 9:00.  Today was supposed to be off until 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. but they blew the horn at 9:00  and water chased the waders off the river.  Tomorrow is supposed to be off until 1:00 p.m. when a low one will come on for an hour then up to two units for three hours, three units for a couple hours, back to two for two hours and then off……we’ll see!

Jim on the water a week ago last Saturday (I’m behind) with John and Kyle from Oklahoma.  They caught fish on the JQ streamer, ruby and black copperhead midges.  Water was off so they stayed above the boat ramp.

Sunday Dana took Scott and Jacqueline out for half a day.  This was her first time with a fly rod.  They caught a few fish on the ruby 2 midge.

Chester – 11/11/24

Meredith and Chester had a great day last Monday with Dana.  They had a full day and caught all day on the Ruby 2 and black copperhead midges.

Tuesday was a completely different day for Meredith and Chester.  They fished with Jim but the water can on and then the water went off so the fish were trying to figure out where they should be instead of eating.  They did catch several on the ruby 2 midge and a micro scud.  Carolyn on the water with Kenneth.  Same problem with the water levels.  He caught all his fish on the Ruby 2 under the big ruby.

Thursday, Norman fish with Carolyn for half a day.  Three units running when starting and then it was dropped back to two.  Ruby 2 and P&P midges and a red San Juan worm were the patterns.  Lots of water and lots of wind.  At one time the wind was so hard it blew the boat upstream with three units running!!

Norman – 11/14/24


Crazy Weekend!

Sunday, November 10th, 2024

Gorgeous, sunny day today with temperatures in the upper 60s.  Looks like more through Tuesday.  Wednesday, slight chances for rain and again next weekend.  Otherwise, mostly sunny days in the mid to upper 60s.

Generators off almost all day yesterday and again today.  Monday the schedule says they will run some level of two units from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. when they will cut it back to one unit.  Then off six hours and two units will come back on for three hours.  Tuesday’s schedule says two units for two hours in the morning, 8:00 a.m. then off until 4:00 p.m.

Carolyn on the water Wednesday with Gail from Oklahoma.  She wanted to work a little on her casting.  After casting practice, we set out and caught some fish on the ruby 2 midge.

Thursday, Gary took Monte and Mike out wading for half a day.  Good day for them on the Ruby 2 midge and a peach egg pattern.  Carolyn had Debbie and Ginny out wading.  This was Ginny’s first time with a fly rod and Debbie’s second time.  Fun day and we caught a few fish on the ruby 2 midge.

Mike and Rebecca fished with Carolyn on Friday.  Good day on the ruby 2 midge dropped under the black copperhead midge.  Jim had Jason and his nine year old son on the water.  They pulled streamers and caught a few fish.

Saturday was the annual River Runners Women’s Fly Fishing Club on the river.  About 20 ladies from all over the place showed up and invaded Taneycomo!  Hoot of a day.  We took over the area across from the boat ramp all the way down through the narrows.  Misted off and on throughout the day and finally around 3:00 p.m. it just started raining.  Harassed the fish until 4:00 p.m. and we hung it up and went to dinner!  Small group of the ladies back on the water today.  More hooting and hollering!!!!  AND, of course, catching fish!

Getting Some Much Needed Rain!

Sunday, November 3rd, 2024

Finally, we are getting some much needed rain.  Raining off and on all morning and it looks like it will continue into the afternoon and evening.  Tomorrow looks like more rain.  Right now, slight rain chances are forecast almost every day this week.

Generation patterns have been a bit erratic.  One day they turned on three units at 8:00 a.m. for three hours, cut back then off, then back on again!  Today it is off all day.  Tomorrow is another erratic day.  Low one at 5:00 a.m. then three for three hours.  Low two for an hour and then off for three hours and it just continues?!?  Not sure what the plan is.

Howard and Richard fished half a day with Carolyn last Tuesday.  This was one of those few perfect flow days.  Very good day for these guys on the ruby 2 midge.  Dana had Mac and Bob on the water for half a day.  They were catching on the black copperhead midge or an olive wooly bugger.

Wednesday, Mac and Bob spent half a day with Carolyn.  Pretty good day on the Ruby 2 midge.  One of Gina’s regulars, Dale, spent the day catching mainly on the Ruby 2 midge.

Dale – 10/30/24

Dale and Gina went out again on Thursday and it was another Ruby 2 day, especially under an egg pattern.  The afternoon definitely fished better than the morning.  This has pretty much been the case with the low oxygen levels.  They increase as the day goes on.   Dana had Matt and Bob out for half a day.

Bob – 10/31/24 – 20″ Rainbow

They were catching on the black copperhead midge.  Bob caught a nice 20″ rainbow.  Carolyn had one of her regulars, Dean, on the water both Thursday and Friday.  It was mainly Ruby 2 under an egg pattern and a few on a black copperhead midge.

Dean – 10/31/24



Beautiful Weather!

Sunday, October 27th, 2024

Lots of sunshine and temperatures in the mid 70s to low 80s.   Unfortunately, by Thursday, we are looking at possibilities of rain and temperatures in the mid to upper 60s.

No change in generation pattern.  Off during the morning hours and back on with two to three units around noon or 1:00 p.m.  Today, Sunday, they are going to keep it off almost all day.  A low two units on at 5:00 p.m. for one hour.  Monday will see a low two units on at 1:00 p.m. and up from there after two hours.

Dana on the water last Monday with Russell and Morgan.  Good day for them on the olive wooly bugger.  Morgan is new and did very well.  Carolyn had a regular, Jim, on the water that day.  They too had a very good day on the ruby 2 under the lightning bug.

Monday, Ted, from Kansas fished with Carolyn.  He wanted to learn to fish Taneycomo and that was a good thing as Tuesday certainly did not fish like Monday.  Tough day but we found some fish on the ruby 2 and black copper head midges.

Mike from Arkansas fished with Carolyn on Wednesday.  His wife Kathy rode along to enjoy a beautiful day on the river.  Weird currents that day and we had to look for fish.  When we found them, we had a very good day on the ruby 2 midge.

A group of four guys fished with us on Thursday.  Gary had Alan and Richard.  Carolyn took Ted and Kerry.  Fairly good day on the ruby 2 and black midges.

Tough Days…….Good Days! What A Difference A Day Makes!

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

Another beautiful day.  Not a cloud in the sky, light wind and high temperature was 80.  Looks like more of the same all next week and into the weekend.

No generation today.   No generators tomorrow until 3:00 p.m. when they will turn on two for two hours and then up it to three units for a couple hours, back to two for an hours and then off for the evening.

Dana on the water Saturday with Steve and Beckham from Oklahoma.  Tough day but they caught fish on the olive wooly bugger.  Gina had Ted and his grandson Judah out for half a day.  Judah

Judah – 10/19/24

caught his first fish on a fly rod.  Really no best fly for them.  Carolyn had John and Lindsay out for half a day.  Tough day for them too.  This was Lindsay’s first time with

Ted – 10/19/24

a fly rod and glad to say she caught her first fish on a fly rod.

Sunday was another day.

Levi – 10/20/24

Fishing the same places but the fish were certainly eating better.  Carolyn had Gary and his 11 year old grandson out for the first time.  Yeah!  Levi caught his first fish and several more on the ruby 2 midge.  So did grandpa, Gary!








On The Water Almost Every Day!

Saturday, October 19th, 2024

Had a cold snap come through this week.  Lows one morning in the upper 20s.  Next morning a little warmer, 30s!  Looks like a run of nice days ahead.  Lows in the 50s and highs in the upper 70s or low 80s.

Some spastic generation days this past week.  Low one unit running until 10:00 a.m. then off for four hours and back to a low two for an hour then up to three.  Or, low one unit for one hour in the morning then off.  Two units on at 2:00.  Tomorrow, Sunday it will be no generation all day.

Dana had Steve from Oklahoma on the water all day last Thursday.  Pretty good day on an orange crackleback, olive wooly bugger and a leech pattern Steve had and wanted to try.

Friday and Saturday, Dana took Janis and Donna out for a couple all day outtings.  Couple fun days for these ladies on the live wooly bugger and orange crackleback.

Carolyn on the water Saturday with a couple of her regulars Terry and Alex.  It was a pretty good day for the on the Ruby 2 and P&P midges and a holographic green crackleback.

Sunday Jim and Dana had Kelley, Bennett, Sean and Jack on the water.  Kelly and Bennett stay in the boat and Sean and Jack waded.  Had his hands full!  They good day for them on the Y2K, ruby midge and crackleback.

Dana back on the water Tuesday with Evan and Dan.  Little tougher day but they got some fish on the Y1K, Peach egg and crackleback.

Anne and Anthony from Alabama fished with Carolyn Wednesday.  Anne is a brand new fly fisher and she got off to a great start.  Worked a little with her on casting.  Spastic generation that day but it worked out great.  Some wade fishing, but lots of drifting and catching with the Big Ruby, Ruby 2 and red D-rib midge.  Dana and Gina had a group of four fly fishers on the water.  Gina had Matt and Sam.  Dana was with Jim and Glen.  Dana’s guys were catching on a crackleback.  Gina’s boat on the Ruby 2 midge under an egg pattern or Big Ruby.

Thursday, Gina took Bill and Kathi out for half a day.  Good day for them on the Ruby 2.  One of those spastic generation days where they had a low two units until 11:00 a.m   Then off.   Carolyn had Dirk from Kansas on the water most of the day.  Good day for him on the Ruby 2 or P&P midge.

Dirk back on the water Friday with Carolyn.  Another good day again on the Ruby 2 and P&P midges.    Dana had George out for the day.  They had a good day on the Ruby 2 and olive wooly bugger.

We have been seeing really good days and a day or two later, you wonder where are the fish?  Certain some of that has to do with how much or when they injected liquid oxygen into the water.  Also, please remember right now to not keep the fish out of the water any longer than you have to.  They are fighting very had to live, but the oxygen level of far from good for them.  You might notice we are not taking many pictures right now as we don’t want to stress the fish any more than they are stressed right now.  Seeing lots of dead fish in the water.  And, please wet your hands before handing.



Lots Of Fishing!

Thursday, October 10th, 2024

Cool mornings (40s), but the days are warming into the upper 70s or low 80s.  Suppose to warm up a little through the weekend, but a cool front is coming through Monday.  Upper 30s to low 40s in the morning and highs next week in the 60s!

Not much change in the generation pattern.  Off during morning hours and on any where from noon on.  Still low dissolved oxygen but they are pumping in liquid oxygen to help the situation.

Landon and Gary on the water last Sunday with a family of five from Kansas.  Troy, Nola, Emma, Cameron and Nicole.  First time fly fishing for the 13, 18 and 19 year olds.  Fun day for everyone on the ruby 2 midge.

Mike – 10/7/24

Monday, Carolyn took Dave and Mike out for the day.  One of those weird days when they started running a low one unit at 9:00 a.m.   Ran that for a couple hours and bumped it up to a full one unit.  Fished the full run from above the boat ramp down to our normal take out about five miles down.  Pulled fish almost all the way.  Almost everything on the ruby 2 midge.  Did do some streamer fishing and caught them on the holographic green trailer on sinking leaders.  Fun day!  Jim had Randy and Terry out for half a day.  They had just finished our Orvis two-day fly fishing school and wanted to get more!  Tough day and there was no best fly.  They did, however, bring from fish to the boat and worked more on techniques.

Tuesday, Dana took Steve and Kyle from Kansas out for a half-day wade trip.  Fairly new fly fishers so they worked on casting.  Landed some five on the olive wooly bugger.

Landon on the water Wednesday with Bob from Arkansas.  They were catching on the Ruby 2 midge, Holographic green crackleback, and a peach egg pattern.

Thursday, Gary took Jay from Illinois out for half-day wade trip.  Pretty good day for them catching on  the black copperhead midge and a gray scud.  Carolyn had Randy and Art on the water for half a day.  Pretty good day for them too on the ruby 2 and P&P midges and a peach egg pattern.



Sunshine All Weekend!

Thursday, October 3rd, 2024

Nice and sunny the rest of this week.  Temperatures in the mid to upper 80.  By next week, temperatures will drop a little and it will be mostly sunny.  Trees are starting to show signs of turning.  Unfortunately, since it has been so dry this year, it will probably not be a pretty Fall.

Lots of fishers on the water this week.  Catching some really nice size fish.  Looks like the fish are moving up for spawn.  Several reports of caught fish dropping eggs.  Dissolved oxygen is still low even though the Corp is injection liquid oxygen on an almost daily basis.  Fish are fishing hard and appear to be in great shape.  Still take a little extra time when releasing your catch to make certain they are doing okay.

Generation has been off every morning.  Even though they have shown coming on earlier several days this past week, it has been one or two hours later.  Nice for us.  However, don’t count on this trend to continue.  Just listen for the horn and move on.  When it come on, it is one unit for an hour or so, then up to two.

Taylor - 9/29/24

Taylor – 9/29/24

Gary and Landon had a group of fishers

Thomas – 9/29/24

on the water last Friday.  Taylor, Thomas, Bo and Nick.  Good day for these guys on the peach egg with a

Bo – 9/29/24

black midge dropper.

Nick – 9/29/24

Sharri – 9/29/24

Carolyn – 9/29/24

Dana was out with a couple ladies, Carolyn and Sharri.  They had a good day on the olive wooly bugger.

Tuesday, Landon took Amy and John out for a half-day wade trip.  Another good day on the peach egg with a black copperhead midge dropper.   Dana had one of his regulars, George, on the water.  They too had a good day of fishing with the olive wooly bugger.

One of George-s fish – 10/1/24


Don’t forget to check out site.  We have posted the 2024/2025 Fly Tying schedule.  If interested, give us a call to get on the schedule.  We have limited space.  417-332-0460
