Archive for the ‘Fishing Reports’ Category

Ice And Snow!!! Oh No!!

Saturday, February 8th, 2025

Looks like we have some weather coming in next week.  They are predicting ice and snow starting Monday evening into Tuesday.  Then another round for Wednesday.  Good news is that by the weekend, it looks like upper 40s or possibly 50s!   Hope this is it for winter!

Generation schedule has been pretty stable over the past several days.  One unit or less 24/7.  Haven’t seen this pattern so I’m not certain what they are doing.  It will probably change over the next few days with this really cold and nasty weather coming in.  We’ll probably see an increase in flow sometime during the day.

Not many trips going out right now.  Jim was on the water a week ago this past Tuesday with Robert.  They had a good day.

Reports from the wade fishers coming into the shop is that they are seeing some nice quality fish right now.  Good size and really healthy looking!  Unlike most days, a couple days their best pattern was a size 12 gray scud.  Normally, it’s 14 or smaller.  The JQ Streamer was also doing well.  Not a lot of fishers out, but those going are catching some nice size fish.




Great Weather Ahead!

Thursday, January 30th, 2025

After we get through the rain today, it looks like we will have at least five days in the 60s!  Unfortunately, there is a chance a rain showing up again Thursday.  Temperatures will drop next weekend into the 40s.

Generation has been two to three units for a while in the morning, then off somewhere around 10:00 a.m. or later and starting back up around 5:00 p.m.  The weekend had no generation most of the weekend.   Today is a weird one.  They are running not quite a unit most of the day.  We’ll see what tomorrow will bring!

With the nicer weather, lots of folks wade fishing up near the dam.   Reports from these fishers is that fishing has been good most of the time.  We have had a few days when it has been tough or it fished great during the early hours and shut down around 2:00 or 3:00 p.m.  The JQ streamer was the ticket Sunday and Monday.

Dana on the water yesterday with Craig from Kansas.  Their best patterns were the JQ streamer and the ruby 2 midge.  Yesterday was one of those fish stopped hitting around 2:00 p.m.  Fun day catching fish!






Hope You’re Starting Off With A Great New Year!

Sunday, January 5th, 2025

Poopy weather right now!  At least we are not getting the heavy snow they are getting north of us.  So far (knock on wood), we are just having much cooler temperatures.  Had some rain last night and light rain off and on today.  Might get some light snow this evening.  Cooler temperatures this coming week, but looks like a slight warming streak next weekend and the following week.

Generation on most of the time during the week.  No generation this weekend.  They are running three and then two generators all day tomorrow.  We’ll have to see what the trend is this week.

Dana on the water last Monday with Gene from Texas.  Caught some fish on the Ruby 2 and an wooly wooly bugger.

Dean – 12/30/24

Dean, from Kansas, fished with Landon.  They had a pretty good day on the Ruby 2, a peach egg and red San Juan Worm.  The were running a low two units Monday.

Thursday, Gary took Jason out for a few hours.  He wanted to learn the areas to fish and what to fish.  They caught some fish on the Tiger Tail and Ruby 2.

Fly tying classes are going on every Saturday morning.  Give us a call if interested.




Twas The Night Before Christmas!

Tuesday, December 24th, 2024

Rainy weather right now.  Looks like we might have chances for rain Christmas day and again on Thursday.  Best part is that the temperatures Thursday through next Tuesday will be in the 50s and maybe 60 on Monday.  After that, the temperatures will start dropping into the 40s and upper 30s.  However, that’s not bad for December.

Water continues to generate.  Good news is that Thursday, they will run one unit for a couple hours early in the morning and then keep it off until 5:00 p.m.  Better go fishing.

Jim on the water last Thursday with Sally and Donald from Illinois.  These two wanted to learn a little about fly fishing as they had not tried that yet.  They are very outdoors people and this was on their bucket list.  Unfortunately water was running and there was no good fly that day.  They had several on but played them a little too hard.  Fun day!

Tuesday, Jim took Robert out for half a day.  JQ streamer and the big Ruby were their flies.  Takes were very soft so quite a few short strikes.


Wow! Christmas Is Almost Here!

Tuesday, December 17th, 2024

Weather looking pretty good for the through most of next week.  Temperatures in the 40s and 50s and for the most part, partly sunny days.  Until the day before Christmas when we are looking at chances for rain.  Of course, this will change by the time we get there.

Water was off most of Saturday but ran most of Sunday this past weekend.  Today they are running two units until supposedly noon when it will go off for four hours then back on with two units.

Carolyn on the water last Monday with Bob from Michigan.  He started fishing with us in 2001!  Good day for Bob on the Ruby 2 midge.  When the wind picked up it was a cream colored mop fly.

Last Thursday, Bill fished with Dana.  Missed several fish but just couldn’t get any to the boat.

Sunday, Jim had Tom and Jeff from the Kansas City area out for half a day.  Baby ruby and micro scud were their patterns for the trip.  Water a little weird as it was backing up.  Made for picky fish!


Slight Warm Up Next Week

Thursday, December 5th, 2024

Pretty cool this morning.  Upper teens this morning with a high projected at 32.  Tomorrow will be a little better.  Start the morning off at 30 degrees and get into the mid 40s.  The weekend looks like highs in the mid 50s!  Next week will be in the mid to upper 40s and 50s by next weekend.

Running two to three units non-stop for the past three days now.  Not certain yet what to expect for tomorrow or the weekend.

Landon had Gary from Oklahoma on the water last Saturday.  Fun day for them on the Ruby 2 and black copperhead midges.  Low flow so they stayed high and worked the boat ramp bank and the narrows.

John and Liz on the water with Jim yesterday.  Tough day with two units running and the wind really running heavy!  Also looks like the lake might be in the process of turning as the water turned greenish black while they were out.  Brought a few fish to the boat but there was no good fly.

Don’t forget, fly tying classes start this Saturday, December 7.  Run most every Saturday until March.




Mornings Have Been A Little Nippy!!

Saturday, November 30th, 2024

Past several morning have been a bit nippy, temperatures in the mid to upper 20s.  Looks like we will be seeing a few more days like this.  Highs have been in the 40s.

Continue to see some like of generation almost every day.  This past Sunday they only ran one unit for an hour and then turned it off.  Otherwise, two units on early then ramping down to zero for five to six hours and then back on.

Dana had Richard and Kathy on the water Tuesday.  Ruby 2 midge, Cerise and Red San Juan worms were their patterns.  This was Kathy’s first time with a fly rod.  Carolyn had Ted and his daughter, Mary Clare.  This was her first time with a fly rod also and she had a wonderful day.  Both of them brought a brown trout to the boat.  Ruby 2 was their best pattern.  Caught a few on the tan mop fly.

Every Day Is A New Day!

Monday, November 25th, 2024

Getting some weather today.  Light rain off and on.  Temperatures will probably stay in the low 50s.  Tomorrow we are looking at another low 50s day but it should be sunny during the afternoon.  Wednesday will be cloudy and chances for showers during the day.  From Thanksgiving through next week, the highs will be in the low 40s!!  Guess it’s that time of the year.

Generation schedule continues to be spastic.  Plus, when they say there will be no generation, surprise!  They turn on a low one unit.  The good news of that is they are probably injecting some liquid oxygen when they do that.

Fishing continues to be up and down depending on what they are doing with the water.  Carolyn on the water a week ago this past Saturday with Brett and Cody from Texas.  Low generation at put in so they fished above the boat ramp.  Generation continued to increase slightly during the trip so did the full run.  Very good day on the Ruby 2 midge under the Big Ruby.  Dana on the water with Landon who is also from Texas.  Good day for them on the black copperhead, Ruby 2 and Big Ruby.

Last Tuesday, Michael and Brayden fished with Dana.  He was fishing the P&P midge.  No generation day and everyone worked for fish.  Carolyn had Gary and Ansel out for half a day.  They caught fish on the Ruby 2 under the P&P midge.

Saturday, Jim took Steve and Jeff out for half a day.  Ruby midge and mop fly worked for them.  Dana had Todd and his grandson fishing the Ruby 2 midge.

Chase, Randy and Stacey fished with Dana and Carolyn Sunday.  Started out the morning with no generation (as forecast for the day).  Around 10:00 A.M. a horn blew and they turned on a low one unit.  Dana had Chase and he caught a few fish on the Ruby 2 midge.  This was Chase’s first outing with a fly rod.  Carolyn took Randy and Stacey.  Their best pattern was also the Ruby 2 midge.  John and Nancy from Florida fished with Jim.  JQ Streamer, Ruby 2 midge and tan mop fly were their patterns.



Nice, But Cool Weather! Rain Moving In!

Sunday, November 17th, 2024

We have had some great days this past week.  Temperatures in the mid to upper 60s and lots of sunshine.  Unfortunately, it looks like rain for Monday.  Good news is that will probably be it for another week.

Generation schedule still crazy.  Turned on one unit yesterday at 8:00 a.m. then two at 9:00.  Today was supposed to be off until 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. but they blew the horn at 9:00  and water chased the waders off the river.  Tomorrow is supposed to be off until 1:00 p.m. when a low one will come on for an hour then up to two units for three hours, three units for a couple hours, back to two for two hours and then off……we’ll see!

Jim on the water a week ago last Saturday (I’m behind) with John and Kyle from Oklahoma.  They caught fish on the JQ streamer, ruby and black copperhead midges.  Water was off so they stayed above the boat ramp.

Sunday Dana took Scott and Jacqueline out for half a day.  This was her first time with a fly rod.  They caught a few fish on the ruby 2 midge.

Chester – 11/11/24

Meredith and Chester had a great day last Monday with Dana.  They had a full day and caught all day on the Ruby 2 and black copperhead midges.

Tuesday was a completely different day for Meredith and Chester.  They fished with Jim but the water can on and then the water went off so the fish were trying to figure out where they should be instead of eating.  They did catch several on the ruby 2 midge and a micro scud.  Carolyn on the water with Kenneth.  Same problem with the water levels.  He caught all his fish on the Ruby 2 under the big ruby.

Thursday, Norman fish with Carolyn for half a day.  Three units running when starting and then it was dropped back to two.  Ruby 2 and P&P midges and a red San Juan worm were the patterns.  Lots of water and lots of wind.  At one time the wind was so hard it blew the boat upstream with three units running!!

Norman – 11/14/24


Crazy Weekend!

Sunday, November 10th, 2024

Gorgeous, sunny day today with temperatures in the upper 60s.  Looks like more through Tuesday.  Wednesday, slight chances for rain and again next weekend.  Otherwise, mostly sunny days in the mid to upper 60s.

Generators off almost all day yesterday and again today.  Monday the schedule says they will run some level of two units from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. when they will cut it back to one unit.  Then off six hours and two units will come back on for three hours.  Tuesday’s schedule says two units for two hours in the morning, 8:00 a.m. then off until 4:00 p.m.

Carolyn on the water Wednesday with Gail from Oklahoma.  She wanted to work a little on her casting.  After casting practice, we set out and caught some fish on the ruby 2 midge.

Thursday, Gary took Monte and Mike out wading for half a day.  Good day for them on the Ruby 2 midge and a peach egg pattern.  Carolyn had Debbie and Ginny out wading.  This was Ginny’s first time with a fly rod and Debbie’s second time.  Fun day and we caught a few fish on the ruby 2 midge.

Mike and Rebecca fished with Carolyn on Friday.  Good day on the ruby 2 midge dropped under the black copperhead midge.  Jim had Jason and his nine year old son on the water.  They pulled streamers and caught a few fish.

Saturday was the annual River Runners Women’s Fly Fishing Club on the river.  About 20 ladies from all over the place showed up and invaded Taneycomo!  Hoot of a day.  We took over the area across from the boat ramp all the way down through the narrows.  Misted off and on throughout the day and finally around 3:00 p.m. it just started raining.  Harassed the fish until 4:00 p.m. and we hung it up and went to dinner!  Small group of the ladies back on the water today.  More hooting and hollering!!!!  AND, of course, catching fish!
