It’s Summer Time!
Gorgeous day yesterday. Temperatures in the upper 80s and a little wind with lots of sunshine. Had some very light showers this a.m. but expect 80s and partly cloudy most of the day. Tomorrow is our best chance for rain but still temperatures in the 80s. 80s and 90s seem to be the trend for the next week and after tomorrow, just slight chances for rain….we know how that can change!
Since they shut down the gates, we have seen some low flow at least part of each day. Today we are supposed to see the equivalent of one or less until noon or 1:00 p.m. when they will pump it up to the equivalent of two units. Back down to one by 8:00 p.m.
Carolyn on the water with Tony and his son-in-law, Bryson this past Sunday. This was the first day of lower water and it fished well. The morning started out pretty fast stripping the tiger tail and/or the holographic green crackleback. As soon as they stopped hitting these patterns, we changed over to the big ruby with the ruby 2 dropper and the catch was on again. Really good day for Tony and Bryson!
Folks coming into the shop are either catching really good or having a tough time. Tan scud and tiger tail have been the best two patterns being reported.