Spring…..Where Are You?
Bummer! Just enough warm weather to make one ready for Spring then back into the deep freeze. Good news, Spring will be here someday. Blue sky right now, but I looked out the window earlier this morning and snow flakes were flying. We will probably see rain (I hope it is rain) on Friday as the temperatures are supposed to be in or near 50. Sunday may be another story. We will just have to follow the weather forecasts and see what turns out.
Low generation almost all weekend. A few periods early in the day of higher flows, but pretty much one or a low one unit during both days. Of course they are turning the generators off from late morning until late afternoon each weekday so far. That is again the projection for today. Don’t worry, we will get a weekend with no generation!
Stan on the water Saturday with Scott from Arizona. Lots of fish day on the blue poison in the morning and the P&P in the afternoon. In between using these, Scott also caught several fish stripping the CQ streamer, but especially the holographic green crackleback. Still seeing lots of smaller fish in the daily catches. But, that’s fishing! Other than yesterday, reports from the river are that fishing has been good on almost everything. Most folks yesterday said it was pretty tough.
We still have a few spaces left in the Spey/Switch rod clinic we are holding here March 22. Give us a call if you are interested. The instructor will have all the necessary equipment for this clinic.