Time Flies when You’re Having Fun!
Looks like we have peaked out in our fall colors. However, it is still very pretty and sometimes difficult to focus on fishing since everything around is to beautiful right now. We had a couple warm days last week and some rain. Today is supposed to be sunny and mid 60s. Little color through the weekend and a chance of showers starts creeping back in last monday into Tuesdy and Wednesday of next week. High 50s to lower 60s into the weekend and mostly sunny.
No generation scheduled for today except for a couple hours late in the day and then only the equivalent of less than one unit. With the draw down scheduled for November 3, we will be surprised if they run much, if any water tomorrow. Sunday will start the draw down and they want low water Monday for the work to be done on the generator. Probably, if the work is completed on Monday, Tuesday will see generation to fill Taneycomo.
Lots of trips over the past week. Last Thursday and Friday, Stan took Gary and his friend Bob, out for half days each day. Good day for these guys, when they were fishing and not telling jokes, on the big ruby and lightning bug. I think their largest was a beautiful 17″ rainbow. Friday, Dana had Mitch and his father Phil on the water all day. both are beginners and they had a great time, learned a lot and caught fish on the little ruby, the red midge and the big ruby.
Sam, from Texas, wanted to get two of his sons introduced to fly fishing, so Stan and Carolyn took them out Saturday and Sunday for a couple half days. Good couple outings for these guys. Quick learners and Dad had done some homework with them on casting. Fish were cooperative too.
Nick hooked a nice 17 incher on the first day and this 18 incher on the second day. Justin brought in a beautiful 17 incher on the second day. Big ruby and the lightning bug were probably the best patterns for both days.
David, from Oklahoma spent the morning on the water Monday with Stan. They had a good day, again on the big ruby and the lightning bug. Jim was on the water with Mark, from Rogersville. There best patterns were the ruby, the lightning bug, and the hot hare nymph. Last, but definitely, not Carolyn took Jerry and his wife out all day Monday. This was part of Jerry’s birthday gift from his wife. (How about this for a sweet wife?) Lots of fish day, but nothing of any size. I think the largestfish we landed was 15 inches. At least, we kept busy bringing in fish. It was the big ruby, lightning bug, black size 16 midge in the a.m. and then again late in the day. The egg pattern dropped from the big ruby worked well on the high bank down from Pointe Lookout. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jerry!!