Beautiful Morning On Taney!
Pretty warm days we have been having. Mid 90s expecting through Thursday. Forecast right now is for mid to low 80s through next weekend and into the following week.
Generation pattern has been pretty much no generation in the morning. One unit for an hour, then two to three units coming on after that for four to five hours. So far, the earliest the first unit has come on is 1:00 p.m., usually 2:00-3:00 p.m. Really a mess when the units come on. Lots of algae and other gunk in the water.
Fishing has been up and down the past several days. Stan on the water with Rick from Illinois last Tuesday. Good half day for Rick on the olive CQ streamer, holographic green crackleback and the P&P midge. Jim had a couple new fly fishers, Eric and Joni, from California. They got off to a good start. Learned the basic and caught fish on the P&P and rusty midges, and stripping a size 12 olive bugger.
Wednesday, Darrell had Malcolm from the St. Louis area on the river all day. Malcolm can throw a stick and they had a good day pulling the CQ streamer. When the water came on they changed out to the big ruby and pulled fish most of the drift out.
Stan took Marty our for half a day Thursday. Hoot of a day for her. She loves to fly fish, especially dries. Well you know the story on dries on Taney. They did have a few opportunities on both dries and soft hackles, but the bulk of the fish were caught on the P&P midge.
Bruce and Kathy, from Texas, fished with Jim on Friday. Pretty good day on the P&P midge and blood worm dropper. They also caught some on the olive wooly bugger. Carolyn had Sam, also from Texas, out for the morning. Sam throws a good stick too and caught some on the CQ streamer. But, it was not a real good streamer day, so we changed out to the P&P midge and had a pretty good day.
Sam didn’t get enough on Friday, so he spent a few more hours on the water with Carolyn on Saturday. In the short period of time we had, it wasn’t a bad day, but the ruby midge was the best pattern on Saturday. Did pull a few on the CQ. Jim took Fred and Julie out for half a day. They wanted to learn a little about where and how to fish Taney. Good day for them on the copper dun midge with a size 20 gray scud. Also caught some on a size 12 BH olive wooly.