Really Good Day Today!

Great weather. No rain, very little wind and temperatures in the low 90s. Looks like more of the same through next weekend. Low 90s to upper 80s, with nights in the mid 60s. No rain and lots of sunshine.

Generation is starting to look agreeable for waders. Today, we had low generation until 8:00 a.m. when they shut down the generators. Didn’t turn them back on until 1:00 p.m. Projection for tomorrow is no generation until 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. when they will turn on one, then a low three for 6-7 hours and back off again. Can we hope for no or little generation for the weekend?!? According to the projection, we can. No generation all day Saturday and Sunday except for one unit for one hour at 3:00 p.m.

Stan on the water this past Saturday with Kenny and Andrea from the St. Louis area. Good day for these guys on the big ruby with a white grub dropper (still seeing the shad affect). Three generators going, but it was not real high.

Sunday, Stan had Geoff and Tony off for half a day. Good day for these guys too on the same combo…..big ruby and white grub.

Four boats out today and what a wonderful day it was. We all expected the worse as the generation projection was one unit going until 8:00 a.m. then shut down until 1:00 p.m. when they would ramp up one unit then three. Usually, the dropping water does not fish well. NOT! Good day for everyone. Gina had Billy, from Illinois out for half a day. Billy just started fishing about a year ago and really wanted

Billy - 8/22/13

to work on everything, stripping, line management, mending, etc. She gave him the full course and all-in-all, it was a really good day. Carolyn had Bill and Chlorine out for the morning. Great day for these two.

Chlorine - 8/22/13

Started the morning while the fog was on the river with a size 18 black zebra midge with the copper head and copper wire, dropped from the size 18 ruby midge. As the sun lifted, the hot hare’s nymph pulled several fish. Once the

Bill & his uncooperative rainbow - 8/22/13

generators came on, Chlorine pulled several nice rainbows using the 2/6 ips sinking leader and a holographic green crackleback.

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