Lots of Fishing Going On!
Hot! That is the only word you can use to describe the temperatures today. It was 102 in Branson around 4:00 p.m. today. We are looking for a slight cool down over the next few days. Upper 80s to low 90s….at least into the first part of next week.
Generation has been off for most of every morning, and the past three days they have turned on two, then three generators anywhere from 11:00 a.m. to as late as 2:00 p.m. Today, they came on at noon. The projection for tomorrow is generation to come on around 11:00 a.m. or noon and we will see two to three generators until late in the day.
Lots of fishing going on. Last Friday, we had four boats on the water. We were scheduled for five, but one of our customers hurt his back and had to cancel. We hope he is feeling better! Stan, Darrell, Gina and Dana took out a large party of eight fly fishers. Stan had Chris and Jeff. They had a good day on the P&P and black zebra midges. Ron and Jimmie were with Darrell. Started with the black zebra and finished up with the CQ streamer.
Gina had Cade and Carter. These two brothers are good fishers. Carter was good as manipulating the olive filoplume. They they also caught on the tiger tail, and the P&P midge. Dana had Dusty and JD. They had a great day on the tan B-bug and the P&P midge. Good day for everyone until they turned on the generators and the water turned to “juck”! Really turned very dirty.
happy with this either. Had to work for them, but they were there. Best flies for Brandon were the burgundy midge dropped from an egg, the UV gray scud, and stripping a flasher behind the CQ streamer. Darrell had Ben and his father Tom out for the morning. Best patterns were the black zebra and copper dun midges.
Elayne and Carl, from Illinois, were out with Dana. They are thinking of retiring the the area one day. Best flies for them were the B-bug in tan and an olive scud. Stan took Ron, who now lives in Branson out for half a day Saturday. Carolyn had Ron’s son, Aubrey who currently lives in Chicago, and his brother-in-law, Warren from Texas. Ron had a good day with Stan on the P&P and copper dun midges. Carolyn’s guys are new, so they were wading and working on casting. Early on, their patterns were the black zebra (very early), then the copper dun and finally the P&P midge. Once they started throwing some line, it was the CQ streamer. Good day for these two new fly fishers.
Sunday, Bob and his father-in-law, Alan were out with Stan. Good day for these new fly fishers on the copper dun midge. One unit came on at 9:00 a.m. and it was the big ruby midge with a red San Juan dropper. Little tough keeping the bugs clean when the water first came on. Once it cleared up though, the bite was back on.