Indian Summer!
Other than the wind, beautiful days. Yesterday out down right warm! Today it is in the 80s and that is the projection for the next couple of days. It does look like we will have a cool down by Friday when temperatures will drop to the 50s. Whoa!
Other than last Thursday, we are still enjoying little generation during the day. They will run a low something every afternoon (yesterday it was a bit more than it has been), but only for a couple hours, then it is off again.
We have a couple boats on the river last Thursday with four generators going. Fortunately, the trips did not go out until after the generators had been on for a while so the water cleaned up a little. Jim had Randy from Texas out for the morning. Randy fishes every other year, so it’s work on technique for a while before they start catching. Best patterns were the CQ streamer, red midge and a gray scud. John from Colorado decided he wanted to try our Missouri fly fishing, so he took a half day with Stan. Lots most water than he normally sees. They had a good day, despite the water, on the big ruby with a P&P dropper. Lots of fluctuating water and lots of wind! Good thing John could cast.
Saturday, Jim took Jeff and Lisa out for half a day. They had a good time and caught fish on the size 10 CQ streamer.
Trish and Mike from Texas were out with Carolyn Sunday. She caught this nice fat male on a P&P midge under the Big Ugly. Good day on the P&P, golden variant sculpin and the holographic green crackleback. John from Colorado had to fish one more time before going home, so he spent the morning on the water again with Stan. Good day for him also on the P&P midge. Water certainly look different this time (he was out in four generators last Thursday).
Having to work for your fish. But, they are there and they are feeding. The bite is very soft so set the hook on anything unusual. Streamer fishing seems to be more productive, but even here, the fish are bumping the fly several times before they take it.