Another Beautiful Weekend Coming…
Check under Fly Fishing Schools/Fly Tying Classes for Fall dates on upcoming one-day Women’s Fly Fishing Clinic and Mixed Fly Fishing Clinics.
Tempeatures have been great for the past several days. Chance for showers tomorrow, especially in the afternoon. Low 90s both days with the weekend looking like low to mid 80s and no rain. How nice it that!?
Still little change in the generation pattern. Lots of wading time in the morning. We did have generation all day last Saturday, so let’s hope we don’t see that again this weekend. However, it was a low one most of the time which is a nice flow and wadeable in some areas. Should be some other lakes turn.
This past Saturday, Stan had Chris and Mike, from Oklahoma out for the morning. New fly fishers, but they caught on pretty quick and had a good day on the big ruby, the size 16 red midge and a P&P midge.
Monday was the annual outting for a group from Texas. Lindi and her new husband, Taylor were with Stan. Alex and Chase went with Dana, and Eric and Beau were with Darrell. Jim had Rick and Davis. It was a slow morning, but everyone managed to catch some fish. No one good fly, but the P&P, copperheaded/black zebra and a blood worm were the best patterns.
Yesterday, Darrell and Jim took the Louisiana Kerrs out for half a day. Jim and Dawn had a good day stripping the CQ streamer. JA and Albert were with Darrell and they caught on a size 16 white tunghead midge, size 16. Stan had Bruce and his grandson, Cyler, who are from Florida, out for the morning. Slow start, but they had a good day on the red midge, the P&P and the CQ streamer.
Fish are not jumping on your fly, but if you stay with it and change patterns colors, and especially location after you catch a few fish, you will probably keep on catching. Once the sun has come up, they have been laying off the midges. Go to a streamer. After the sun has been up a while, try the white or P&P midge, and think 7X when you’re drifting a pattern, especially if you notice fish looking at then refusing your pattern.