And Another Big Ugly Day!
Not sure, but I think the weather forecast was a little off today. It was supposed to be overcast and in the low 50s. Yes, it was overcast, and maybe in the low 50s, but we also had light showers off and on all day. Anyway, tomorrow is looking like mid to upper 50s, probably overcast and chance of rain tomorrow evening. Sunday looks like sunshine but temperatures only in the 40s. Monday, oh no!, chance of snow flurries. Tuesday and Wednesday, back to sunshine and temperatures in the mid 30s to 40s. Guess it’s about time we get some cooler weather.
Over the past five days, generation has been non-stop, except for Wednesday, when it was off…then on…then off..then on. Today, it was projected to be on all day. Guess what?!? They turned it off at 9:00 a.m. and left it off until 6:00 p.m. Projection for Saturday and Sunday is off almost all day! Hope so, as it fished great today. But, as I keep saying, that is just a projection. It was supposed to be on today and it was off. Anyway, Thank You!
Stan on the water yesterday with Roger and Rich from Kansas. When they started out, they had four generators going and the level was 708.9. Tough when they keep ramping it up and then dropping it. Fish are totally confused and so are we. Anyway, the guys had a pretty good day although they had to work for their fish and had at least one long dry spell. Best patterns were the big ruby midge with a size 16 red midge dropper or the size 18 ruby midge. Quite a few missed opportunities.
Guides day today as they were projection generation all way. So much for projections. As I said earlier, they turned it off around 9:00 a.m. today and it was wonderful! Water dropped out pretty quickly, so by the time Gina and Carolyn got to the water with the drift boat planning to go with the flow, it was pretty low. Stopped at the shallows, aka, the narrows just above Trophy Run, aka the KOA area. JJ”S articulated sculpin pattern was hot. First cast, a miss. Second, cast a fish. This pattern fished very well in this area. Must say, it fished well in many places, but this fast water area was the best. We were on a mission to look at and fish the changes in the water thanks to the Spring floods. We are still looking for and learning the best places to fish since then. Caught a few on the copper dun and ruby midges down from this area, but really had a great time on the high bank (south) down from the Lookout Island. Big Ugly with a copper dun midge dropper right against the bank was the ticket! Didn’t need much flow, just put the fly against the bank and someone would come out and get it. Most were taking the midge, but the biggest took the dry! What fun! All in all, great day on the water. Hope it is off again tomorrow… projected.