Good Days – Tough Days
Even up at the hatchery area, the guys are saying one day there are lots of fish near the outlets and the next day or later in the day you can’t find one.
Boats out all week. Stan had Jason on the water Tuesday for his 30th birthday (nice birthday gift from Mother). He had a good time. Learned a lot and caught some fish. Jim was on the water Wednesday with Frank and Shirley from Arkansas. They worked a lot of bugs, hooked a few fish, but all in all it was a tough day. Thursday, Jim had a couple of new fly fishers from Nebraska, Doug and Darrell. Got the casting down pretty good, but a bit behind on takes. Caught fish on the red midge, orange San Juan and black thorax midge. Carolyn had Wanda and Joanna on the water. We hit a lot of fish on the red midge with tne red San Juan dropper. Spotted some fish rising and tried a few dries. Caught a few on the parachute Adams, but pretty slow so we moved on and Joanna got the chance to catch some on the sink tip with a holographic green crackleback. Decided she really liked that technique and hooked up with quite a few fish. In the meantime, Wanda was picking a few fish with the Big Ugly dry and a rusty zebra midge dropper.
Friday Stan had two new fishers, Bob and Dale from Kimberling City, and Carolyn had Phil and Meri from Kansas on the water. Again, some areas fished well, especially with the red midge and red San Juan worm dropper. Carolyn’s boat spotted the rising fish again and tried to catch some. Picked a few on variious dries and emerger patterns but no great numbers and no consistent pattern. Went back to the red midge and in the afternoon, Meri hooked several fish on the blondie crackleback and when they shut off this color, the holographic green crackleback.