Looks like a couple more days of rain….Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday might see some clearing in the afternoon. Right now, they are calling for showers and storms mainly in the morning then partly cloudy in the afternoon. After that, it looks like smooth sailing through the weekend and into next week. We won’t know how to act if we get a run of days without rain!
Generation schedule has been a little spastic. For a few days, they were running one unit for a while, then up to two and then three late in the afternoon. Then it was two most of the time and up to three later in the day. Today, it is three units all day! We’ll see what they do tomorrow.
Carolyn on the water last Thursday with Charlie and Brenda. It was one of those start off with one unit at put in. Then they bumped it to two units around noon. Pretty good day starting out for Charlie on the black copperhead midge under the big ruby when we started. He had three to the boat pretty quickly. Brenda finally picked up a couple, but the best combo was the tiger tail trailed with a holographic green crackleback using a 5 ips sinking leader. Brenda had found her patterns for the day. She did let Charlie catch a few this way. They had to be off the water early, but Charlie kept adding 30 minutes to their time! Fun day.
Friday, Darren had Mike and Clyde out for half a day. Good day for these guys on the ruby 2 under the big ruby and a mega worm. Clyde was a bass guide out west and brand new to fly fishing. Think he might like it.
Happy birthday to Chris. Jim had Chris and his Dad, Larry out for half a day last Saturday. Really good day for them on the ruby dropper or stripping a JQ streamer.

Jim – 6/5/22
Jim spent half a day with Carolyn Sunday. Tough day. Pulled a few fish but really had to work for them. Didn’t see a lot of fish, but the one group of fish we found did not seem interested in anything we threw at them.