Weather Looking Good!
Looks like we are in for several nice days. Temperatures in the low 70s for the most part. Some chances for rain sneaking in toward the end of the week and into the weekend.
No generation all day this weekend. Three units on tomorrow morning, then off at 10:00 or 11:00 a.m. with a low one unit running most of the balance of the day.

Brian -03/20/25
Dana on the water Thursday with Brian from Minnesota. Good day for them on the ruby 2 midge.
Taz spent part of Friday on the water with Carolyn. He was wanting to hone his skills, so we spent some time working on the various casts. Then he finished up the outing catching some trout on the the Ruby 2 midge.
Saturday, Dana and Carolyn took a group out for half a day. Don and Tim fished with Carolyn.

Don – 3/22/25
They wanted to learn the river on where and how to fish as Don has his own drift boat. Dana had Dan and Mike who are both pretty new to fly fishing. Dana’s guys caught some fish on the Ruby 2 midge.

Tim -03/22/25
Car0lyn guys were catching on the Ruby 2, cream mop fly and Tim threw a red soft hackle for the first time and caught a nice fish on it. Fun day.