Lots Of Fishing Going On!
Up until Monday, weather has been great. Monday it rained all day with lots of heavy downpours. Tuesday and Wednesday a cold front that moved. Low 30s Tuesday morning and I think the high made it to the low 40s. Upper 20s Wednesday morning and it made it into the low 50s…I think. Now back into the 60s and 70s. Yeah!
Water generation continues to be a little weird. Low one unit in the mornings until 10:00 or so, then two units on for one to two hours, then back to one for a couple hours and maybe back to a low two for an hour and back to low one for the rest of the day. Not certain what this pattern is.
Dana on the water Thursday with Dennis and Beckham. Catching day on the ruby 2, black copperhead

Beckham 3/21/24
and the big ruby.

Dean – 3/23/24
Friday and Saturday, Carolyn had Dean, from Kansas, on the water again. Friday he was catching was on the cerise worm under the big ruby. The Saturday catching day was on the black copperhead midge and the P&P midge. Fun days!

Julie – 3/23/24

Sherri – 3/23/24
Saturday, Jim had Tom out for half a day. Good day for them on the ruby midge, mop fly and the JQ streamer. Gina was on the water with Julie and Sherri. They had a fun day catching on the Ruby 2 and black copperhead midges.
Tuesday, Carolyn took one of her irregular regulars, Terry and his daughter, Kylie out again. (He’s really a regular) This was that cold day and the wind was blowing almost non-stop. Nasty day! Despite the nasty conditions, they hung with it and caught some fish on a red or cerise San Juan worm. Gina had Adam from Wichita on the water. They were really tough as they didn’t come off the water until almost 6:00 p.m.!

Adam – 3/26/24
Catching picked up in the afternoon so they stuck with it! Black copperhead and ruby 2 midges.