Great Days On The Water!
Weather continues to be wonderful. Nice, sunny day today with highs in the upper 50s. High 60s Tuesday and Wednesday. By Thursday, we will drop to the lower 60s and chances for rain both days with Thursday being the best chance. Back to sunshine Saturday and mid to upper 60s.
Generation pattern has been a little spastic. Wednesday and Thursday it was off all day. Friday they turned a couple on during the afternoon. Saturday they had units running until 11:00 then off and back on around 7:00 p.m. Off all day today. Tomorrow they are running something almost all day.
Fishing continues to be really good. Dana was on the water almost all day Thursday with Don and his grandson, Tyson. This was the day we had storms come through around 3:30. Good day on the black copperhead midge and a cream mop fly. Darren was also out. He had Jeb and Colin on the water. It was a midge pupae and scud for them. Jim’s guy, Steve caught on a biot midge and the black copperhead midge.
Fun day Friday. Dana, Gina, Jim and Carolyn had two fathers and their six sons on the water. Dads Matt and Marcus were out with Dana. Gina had Mark and Preston. Carolyn took Christen and Connor. Jim gave his boys names and couldn’t remember their real names. Plus, he jumped into the river, got soaked and they came off the water early. He was pretty cold and his boys were cold too. Anyway, for

Christen – 3/15/24
the ones who stayed dry, it was a good day on a gray scud, black copperhead midge and cream mega worm (Dana) Gina and Carolyn had their boys on the Ruby 2 midge and red San Juan worm. Everyone except Jim’s group, started out wading. When the other boys started getting cold, into the boats they went and finished up the trip from the boats.

Connor & Christen – 3/15/24
The last cast of the day for Connor and Christen, they both hooked up with a fish at the same time.