Cold Is The Word For Today!
11:00 a.m. and the temperature is 33 degrees and cloudy. Have a some wind which makes it even colder. After tomorrow, we will get back into the 50s for a high during the day. No more 40s for at least a week. Right now they are forecasting rain next Friday……to be seen.
Strange generation. Yesterday they ran one then two generators for a few hours during the morning. Today they are generating nothing until late this afternoon and then it will only be for one hour. Monday they are scheduled to run around one unit most of the day.
Last Tuesday Darren took Jacque and Steve out for half a day. Generators running so they went through to the normal take out. Good day for them on Sir Camelot and P&P midges. Matt and Jeff were out with Dana. Caught a few on the holographic green crackleback.
Friday, Mike from Oak Grove fished with Darren. Good day for him on a midge larvae, micro scud and zebra midge. Fished the Rockin Chair area and down . Dana had Tim out for half a day. Caught fish on a Ruby 2 midge. Gina had one of her regulars, Dale, on the water Friday and again on Saturday. They

Dale – 11/25/23
fished all day Friday and had a good day on the black copperhead midge, Ruby 2 and a few on a gray scud. Friday they fished from Root Wad to boat ramp area.
Saturday, Dale and Gina fished from the boat ramp to Lookout area. Another good day and basically the same flies. Carolyn had a group on the water for a wade trip. Father, daughters, and son-in-law. Calvin, Holly, Amanda and JJ. Good day for this bunch on the P&P

Calvin – 11/25/23
midge. Everyone stayed active until the sun went in around 2:00 p.m. Slowed down but they continued catching on the Ruby 2 midge and a cream mop fly. Really good and fun day for everyone!