Busy Week and Great Weather!
For this time of the year, the weather has been great! It’s almost too hot. (Not really) Low 80s today with mid 80s tomorrow. Thursday has a 60% chance for shows possible in the afternoon and evening and temperature in the upper 50s. Friday through the weekend and into early next week will be in the low 60s.
We continue to see lots of off time on the generators. The past two days they have projected generating during the morning hours and we have seen nothing until the afternoon.
Darren on the water last Monday with Bob. P&P under the big ruby was the ticket that day.

Steve – 20 inch rainbow – 10/31/23
Tuesday, Steve from here in Missouri was on the water with Darren. Good day for Steve. He landed a 20 incher. It was a #24 midge emerger.
Wednesday, Ansel and Dennis from Indiana, fished with Darren. Good day on the

Ron – 23 inch rainbow – 11/1/23
P&P and chicken midge. Carolyn had a couple of our long-time fly fishers, Kathy and Ron from Louisiana out for a long half day. This as Ron’s day as he caught a 23 inch rainbow.
Larry, from Kansas, spent Thursday on the water with Carolyn. He had a good day on the cream mop fly and ruby 2 midge.
Darren on the water Saturday with Chris and Kyle from Oklahoma. They had a good day on a micro scud, chicken midge, and the P&P midge. Fished the boat ram and above areas.
Saturday, Dana took Cameron out for half a day. Fished the Rockin Chair area with the black copperhead midge and holographic green crackleback.
FYI – Fly tying schedule is out. Check this site and give us a call if you see anything you want to learn how to tie.