A Few Nippy Days!
Day before yesterday was cold and rainy. Yesterday was cold and windy! Today it’s sunny and a tad warmer – low 50s. Thanksgiving day looks to be our warmest day for a while – 62 degrees. Saturday through next Wednesday looks like 40s for the high and 20s for the lows. Burr! Not ready for this.
Generators were supposed to be on yesterday…NOT! They finally came on around 4:00 p.m. They are running some water today but so far, it is not looking like the projection. We’ll see.

Ron with 22″ rainbow – 11/16/23
Lots of fishing going on. Dana on the water last Thursday with Ron and Sammi. Not a lot of numbers but nice fish. Ron caught a beautiful 22 inch rainbow. It was Ruby 2 and the black copperhead midges.
Friday, Gary took Ella out for a half-day wade trip. Good day for Ella on the black copperhead and Ruby 2 midges.

Ella – 11/17/23
Martin and Art spent the Saturday on the water

Art – 11/18/23
with Dana. Full run for them as the water was running. Good day on the P&P midge and cream mop fly. Art actually caught a brown and rainbow at the same

Martin – 11/18/23
time on his dropper rig. Carolyn had Terry and his daughter, Kylie on the water for half a day.

Kylie with 22″ rainbow – 11/18/23
Good day for them on the red San Juan worm under the big ruby when the water was running. When it shut down, they switched to the Ruby 2 and P&P midges. This was Kylie’s trip as she landed and most fish plus a 22 inch rainbow.
Tuesday, Ed from West Virginia spent the late morning with Carolyn. Water was supposed to be on, but they ran nothing until late in the afternoon. Worked hard for fish on the ruby 2 midge, mop fly and a JQ streamer trailing the Tiger Tail.