Good Days! Tough Days!
Looks like a week of sunny days ahead of us. Temperatures starting in the 60s and hitting the low 70s by the end of the week and into Saturday.
Don’t expect to see much change in the generation pattern. Low one most of the day but running all day. We can hope they might start shutting it down for a little while, but Monday will be more of the same. We’ll just have to see.
Jim on the water last Wednesday with Gary from Kansas. Gary pretty new to fly fishing so Jim worked with him. Had some hits, misses and break offs, but not many fish to the boat. No best fly.
Gary and his brother Ansel, fished with Carolyn. Tough day for them too. They handed did land some fish on the ruby 2 midge. Best fish of the day was for Ansel. He caught a beautiful 20 inch rainbow.
Thursday was another day. John and Jack fished with Carolyn and had a good day on the ruby 2 under the big ruby. This was Jack’s first time and he started out with the biggest fish of the day. Fun day for Jack and I think he’ll try this again.
Friday the 13th. Dana had Javier from Kansas out for the morning. Pretty good day on an orange egg pattern, the copperhead black
midge and a ruby 2. Carolyn’s two ladies, Cathy and Karen had a fun day catching on the ruby 2 midge. Several nice fish to the boat.