Spillways Shut Down Yesterday\!!……but…..
We have had some pretty nice days this week until today. High today should hit mid 30s. Tomorrow will be nicer with mid 40s and sunshine and Saturday will see mid 50s and partly cloudy. Sunday and early Monday we are seeing the chances for rain again. Boo! We are hoping it will not amount to much, but we will just have to wait and see.
As I said, spillways were shut down yesterday afternoon around 5:00 p.m. Generation stayed at three units and was shut back this morning to two units, which will be the generation throughout today. This leads me to think we will see two units again tomorrow and not spillways. If we don’t get a lot of rain, and that is a big “if” again, they might leave the spillways closed for a while. This would certainly be nice. As always….to be continued
Dana on the water yesterday with two guys from Arkansas, Mike and Dave. Fun day for these two. They spent the afternoon catching on the cerise San Juan worm under the big ruby.