Lots Of Water!
Had another big rain this past weekend. Rained all day Saturday! Needless to say, almost every place added several more inches to our already wet conditions. Scattered chances for rain today but doesn’t look like anything serious. Think we might have three or four days of sunny weather, then chances for rain again the rest of the week into the weekend.
Generators running pretty much non-stop. In addition, Monday, they opened the ten spillways 1 foot each so this is adding approximately 10,500 cfs to the 9500 cfs from the three generators. There is a possibility they will shut down the spillways tomorrow….we will see
Gina on the water Monday with a couple of brothers, Jeff and Nathen, from Colorado. No generators when they put in but in short order (9:00 a.m.) they cranked up three units. Good day for these guys on the black copperhead midge or Li’l Ruby under the big ruby. Both seemed to fish equally well.