Beautiful Weather! Good Fishing!
Wonderful sunny, not too hot days the past week or so. A slight increase in temperatures for the next few days will put us in the upper 80s. Not typical October weather, but still not hot as we had been. We can handle this. Slight chances for rain by Tuesday and again by Saturday. Then temperatures will drop into the upper 70s for a while.
Past seven days we have seen no generation during the morning hours. Then, one to two units on for two to four hours anywhere from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Of course, yesterday was an exception. They turned on a couple units to start with at 3:00 and ramped it up to four units before shutting down about five hours later. Oh well, keeps us on alert.
Fishing has been good. The dissolved oxygen levels at times are running as low as 2.5 mg/l, but are also getting up into the 6.0 or better range at times. So, we are happy with the fishing right now.
Stan on the water last Tuesday with Mark from Nixa. Second time he and Mark have fished together and they had another good day…all on the black copperhead midge.

Dave – 9/27/18
Thursday, Carolyn took Martin and Dave, from Texas, out for the morning. Good day for these two fly fishermen. They have a few years behind the “sticks”. We caught

Martin – 9/27/18
almost everything on the black copperhead midge. It was overcast almost all of that morning. Jim’s long-time clients, Marge and Price were on the river with him that day. They had a fun day mainly on the miracle scud. Hooked a few stripping a size 10 JQ streamer.

Donna – 9/28/18
Rick and Donna from Illinois, fished with Carolyn all day Friday. They’re gluttons for punishment! Good day on the black copperhead and ruby 2 midges. Jim was on the water for half a day with Mike from Texas. A lot of instruction, but Jim had him catching on a size 10 JQ streamer as well as a P&P midge and the hot hare’s ear nymph.
Saturday Carolyn and Gary spent the day with a group from various places who came to the River Run full-day fly fishing clinic. Think we have some more folks ‘hooked’ on fly fishing.

Sheryl – 9/30/18
Matt and Sheryl fished with Carolyn Sunday. This was their 25 year wedding anniversary and they have spent several of their anniversaries on the water with us. Really fun day and lots

Matt – 9/30/18
of fish on the black copperhead and ruby 2 midges as well as a size 18 gray scud. TJ spend half a day with Gary on a wade trip. They had a really good day too on the tan scud and a ruby 2 midge.