Lots Of Fishing Goin On!

Barbie – 8/16/18
Having a bout of rain right now and it looks like we might get some heavy stuff around 7:00 p.m. Might have some showers in the a.m. tomorrow with the high 80 degrees. Tuesday and Wednesday look great. Low 80s and dry. Thursday and Friday show slight chances of rain, but temperatures still in the 80s. By the weekend, mostly sunny and low 80s. Next week is more of the same, mostly sunny and upper 80s to low 90s. Sweet!
No change in the generation pattern. No generation all morning. One to four hours of generation some time in the afternoon.

Corbin’s 1st trout – 8/15/18
Carolyn on the water last Wednesday with Doris and her grandson, Corbin. Fun day. This was Corbin’s first time fly fishing for trout and he did really well. Doris first fished

Doris – 8/15/18
with me in 2006 and then a few times since, but it’s been a while. It was nice to back on the water with her. She definitely has not lost her touch. Unfortunately, it was one of those days where it would pour for several minutes, stop for a while, then start up again. Everything we owned was soaked! Seemed like the fish liked the rain too as they would hit better when it was raining. We were fishing the size 18 black copperhead midge and the Ruby 2.

Linda – 8/16/18
Thursday, Gina and Carolyn took a group of sisters out for the morning. Linda, who had fished with us before, set up

Diane – 8/16/18
the trip so her sisters could try fly fishing. Gina took Linda
and Diane and Carolyn had Alice and Barbie. We took the new fishers through a quick and dirty roll cast and pick up and lay down cast lesson then to the fishing

Alice – 8/16/18
hole. Everyone had a good day early on the black copperhead or ruby 2 midges. When the water came on, Gina and her group drifted the big ruby

Barbie – 8/16/18
with a scud dropper. Stan out that day with Earl from South Carolina. They had a good day on the black copperhead midge also.
Peter and his friend Charlie spend Friday morning on the water with Stan. That is, in between heavy downpours. Black copperhead midge and ruby 2. Seems it was another day when the fish really liked the rain. Fishing was good while it was raining. When the rain shut down, so did fishing!

Phillip – 8/18/18
Saturday, Carolyn took Dwight and his friend, Phillip out for the day. They had just finished our Orvis 2-day school and wanted to try when they had learned. They both did very well and it was a good day for these guys mainly on the black copperhead midge. When the water came on, we changed over to a sinking leader and stripped the JQ streamer. Not a lot of fish, but they did pull a few this way. Also had an opportunity to see how it was fishing from a drifting drift boat (not much water during the mornings for drifting). We drifted the big ruby with a red San Juan worm dropper.