Might See Some Rain!
Temperatures look good over the next week. Mostly upper 80s. Also chances for rain increased to 60% starting Tuesday and running through Friday. Would not break my heart if we got some of it, but so far, in the forecast then disappears!
Generation pattern pretty much unchanged. Off in the a.m. then on for a few hours in the afternoon then back off again.

Jim, Jackson & Spencer – 8/4/18
Fun day for our Orvis 301 group last Friday. Jim and Carolyn had Spencer, Pat, Tibor and Jackson standing in the water learning

Tibor – 8/4/18
more about fly fishing. JQ and Tiger Tail streamers were the patterns of the day. We did catch some on the black copperhead midge.
Saturday, Stan took Frank and Hans out for the morning. This was Hans first experience with a fly rob and he did good. Black copperhead midge was their pattern for the morning.
Gina had a new lady, Diana, on the water Monday. After they finished working on classroom stuff….knots, rigging,

Diana – 8/6/18
etc. they went to the water to work on casting. Diana is hooked. She got fish on the black copperhead midge and worked with streamers when the water started coming up. Jim, from Arkansas, spent the morning with Carolyn. Fun day just fishing everything. We caught fish on a black ant, the redass soft hackle, JQ streamer, 56er and the holographic green crackleback.
Wednesday, Stan took Reagan and his son, Will out for half a day. Good, fun day for them on the black copperhead midge, ruby 2 and 56er.