Where Has The Week Gone?
Weather has cooled down a little. Instead of mid to upper 90s we are seeing low 90s and upper 80s. Much better. Plus, most of the days, the humidity has not been as bad as it had been. Looks like we might have some rain in the forecast, especially (at least right now) Sunday and Monday. Temperatures look like they will continue to be mild.
Generation pattern has changed a bit. Several days now, we have seen low generation in the morning. Some days they ramp it up early….10:00 or so, some days it is later. This morning it was to have been off all morning until 1:00 then a couple on for the afternoon. NOT! They started it early with a low one and just turned it off at 7:00 a.m. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring. Oh well, that’s fishing on Taneycomo!
Missed reporting Jim and Gary’s trip last Monday. They had a first-time fly fishing family out on a wade trip. Amy (Mom), Brad (Dad) and their two sons. Fun day for them on a size 18 scud and stripping the bug-eyed bugger.

Stephen – 7/19/18
Last Thursday, Stephen and his friend, Ward spent the morning on the river with Carolyn. This was Ward’s first time with a fly rod and he picked it up pretty quickly. Think he even likes it. Had

Ward’s 1st on fly rod – 7/19/18
some water moving this day so it was the big ruby with the #16 red tunghead midge dropper.
Nick and Michael spent most of last Saturday on the water with Gina. This is part of the Orvis 301 fishing program being

Nick – 7/21/18
held by the Leawood Orvis store. Both are fairly new at fly fishing and they had a good, fun day catching on the black midge, white mega worm and stripping the

Michael – 7/21/18
tiger tail. Lots of good instructi0n was going on! Jim had a couple more guys in this 301 program, Stan and Richard. Their best pattern was the dragon fly nymph. Stan was out with Sid and Walter. Slow start in the morning for them, but it definitely picked up after noon and they were catching on the P&P.
Ron and Cathy from Louisiana were back to fish again with Carolyn. Definitely fished better for them than their trip on Friday the 13th. Ruby 2 was the midge of choice and then we pulled several fish stripping either the 56er or the JQ streamers. Stan had Michael and Jeremy out for half a day. They started out with the big ruby and the ruby 2 dropper. Finished up in style stripping the holographic green crackleback. Guys really likes this! Jerrad and Michael spent the morning on the water with Jim. He had them stripping and catching on the JQ and tiger tail streamers.