This past Saturday, April 21, we had an outstanding gathering of women from Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas at the fly shop.  They were there to help the River Runners Women’s Fly Fishing Club celebrate it’s 10 year anniversary.

Most of the charter members who started the club in April 2008

The day was off to a great start with fly tying,

Fly Tying

rigging, making bracelets out of used fly line and browsing

Rigging and knots

through the many auction items we collected for silent and live auctions.  Outside there was casting for those who wanted to learn or brush up.  By 10:30 or so, Dutch oven preparation was starting on some great lunch desserts.

All the ladies in attendance!

After a great lunch, it was fun and games.

Tag team putting on waders

It was a wonderful day of making new friends, sharing stories, learning new things and reinforcing what you thought you new, but the best is still to come.

Live Auction




The grand finale of the event was the fact that these ladies raised over $3000.00 which was given to the Reel Recovery of Arkansas.  This wonderful organization helps men recovering from cancer.

We thank each and every lady who attending our event and helped us celebrate our 10 years as a club for women with a passion for fly fishing.  We also want to thank all the companies and individuals who donated items for our auctions.  Without them, this would not have happened.   THANK YOU!!


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