We Might See Low Generation Tomorrow!
Crazy weather. Three days ago in the 80s. Today we saw snow!!! And, all of it has included 90 mph winds…..well it certainly feels that way when you are on the water. Anyway, we have had some really winds days lately. After we get out of the deep freeze tomorrow morning, we should hit the low 50s with some sunshine and a little less wind tomorrow. Tuesday, it into the upper 70s and sunny to party sunny. Wednesday through Friday we will be 60s and sunshine….no rain until possibly Saturday. Hope not…that’s our women’s day here at the shop. The percentage has been moving all over the place for the past week and a half. Yes, I have been checking it every day.
Generation has been non-stop at 100 mwh the past six days. Looking at Monday’s projection, if they do what they are projecting, they will shut back the generation to a low one unit around noon the balance of the day. Cross your fingers!!
Stan on the water last Wednesday with Jeff from here in Missouri. Pretty good day for Jeff on the size 16 Ruby 2 midge. We started tying these a size larger for the constantly heavy flow.
Gina had Gareth and his wife, Jet out for the day. These two fairly new fly fishers wanted to catch some fish and learn about stripping. Fun day
for them on the ruby two and then stripping the tiger tail, holographic green crackleback and JQ streamer. Murphy thought it was a pretty cool day too
to he dropped by to see everyone.
Thursday, Gina took Phil and his friend Ken out for half a day. Phil was trying to get Ken back into fly fishing as he had not been fishing for
a long time. Slow day, but they did hook up with a few fish stripping the JQ streamer and tiger tail or drifting a pink San Juan worm. Best of all, they had
a good time.
Carolyn had JP and his father George on the river for half a day on Friday. George hooked up with the first fish right away on the ruby 2 under a big ruby. However, it turned out to be JP’s day for catching most of the fish. Got off the river early as the weather was threatening all kinds of severe weather.
But, these two persevered and were on the water again on Saturday with Carolyn for another little longer half day. Good day for both of them. Maybe George caught the most, but they both did well other than fighting the wind. Had a hard time finding places to fish where the wind wasn’t blowing you downstream or collapsing your cast.