Checked on Stan yesterday while he was out on a guide trip and he said his guest had been blown out of the boat and was floating down the river. It was blowing yesterday! I tried to go out the back door of the shop and had a hard time getting it open as the wind was holding it. Glad that’s over. Beautiful day today. Not quite 10:00 a.m. and the temperatures is already 51 degrees and full sunshine AND no wind! Let’s get through the next few days and we’ll be back to sunshine. Good chance of rain starting late tonight and staying around until late morning or early afternoon on Tuesday. Wednesday looks like partly cloudy with very late showers carrying through to Thursday. After Thursday it’s back into sunny skies and temperatures in the 60s, and even 70s by Sunday and into next week. Oops! What is the saying? “March in like a lamb…out like a lion”.
We still have the equivalent of a good two units running every day, all day. However, I believe this will change in 2-3 more days. At that time, Beaver will reach their goal of 1121.43. At this point, they say they will cut back on releases to about one-fourth of a foot a day until it reaches the top of its conservation pool . Their projection is that they will reach conservation pool by March 5. In the meantime, when they cut back on the current flow rate Table Rock will probably follow suite and cut back on what they have been flowing, unless, of courses, there are power needs or we get a lot of rain.

Billy’s brown – 2/27/16
Billy, from Illinois, spent yesterday on the river with Stan. Quite a ride with all the wind. Good day for Billy on the big ruby and the cerise San Juan worm. And he is still talking about the one that got away. It took off up stream and snapped hit 4X in a heartbeat. He did get a good look at it as it was going by and I bet he didn’t sleep well last night! He has fished with us several time and this was his first brown.