Half Way There!
Well, looks like we got those slight chances for moisture of some type! Nasty trip home from the shop Tuesday night. Yesterday was no where as bad. The thin layer of frozen stuff on the road reeked havoc Tuesday! Little more moisture last night, but it doesn’t seem to be causing major traffic problems here. Right now, there is no more moisture predicted for this area. A little warm up over the next three days and moisture rears it’s head again on Monday.
Five flood gates were shut down yesterday. They are still running this morning, but it appears they may have been shut down a little more as the total flow has reduced about 3000 cfs. On one hand I’d just like to see them keep the gates open and get rid of this water. However, boat fishing would be a bit better with no gates.
Talking to several fishers the past few days (brave souls aren’t they?) Quite a few reports of shad in the water. More some days than others. Good news is they are catching fish. Lots of different fish! Bluegill, walleye, and bass, PLUS trout. Best patterns, of course, have been something white.
Speaking of bluegill. Bluegill fly tying session this Saturday at the shop. Have just a few open slots, so give us a call if you want to attend.