
Beautiful day today.  Monday through Wednesday look nice with temperatures in the low 70s.  Thursday and Friday are looking like rain.

Generation continues to be off most of the day.  Of course, except today.  They turned on the equivalent of  one unit using two generators.  Ran it for a couple hours, then off.  Tomorrow looks like it will be off until last in the afternoon and then on for a few hours and back off.

Carolyn had Len and Sally out last Monday for half a day and the generators came on….un expectedly, at 10:30.  We had had a few fish on cracklebacks before this happened, but when the units came on, the water trashed up so we decided to call it a day and try again on Wednesday.

Wednesday, Stan had Bob and his friend Shelby out for half a day, and Carolyn had Len and Sally out again.  Bad day.  Stan’s boat maybe had a few hits and Carolyn’s folks only caught one fish on a red soft hackle.  Thank you Sally for saving my honor.

Thursday was another day.  Carolyn had Know and Gabrille out for half a day.  Morning started off slow, but about mid-morning Gabrille caught a fish and then another.  Knox, decided he needed to catch up and he did and kept on going.  Good day for these two on a #18 gray scvud dropped under the copper dun midge.  Stan had Doc from Oklahoma out for half a day.  They were catching fish on the copper dun midge or P&P midge.  Dick and Kathy from California spent the day on the water with Jim.  Not a great day, but they did catch some fish on the miracle scud and hot hare’s ear nymph.

And then there was another day…..Friday.  Looked like a repeat of Wednesday.  Jim had Dick and Kathy out again, but for only half a day.  They came in early as fishing was bad.  Terry and Yasuto were out with Stan.  They had a full day booked, but after working hard for a few hits, decided to have lunch and call it a day.  Carolyn took Janessa and Brian out for half a day.  We finally found a fish on the miracle scud and maybe missed a few others on the gray scud.

As I mentioned earlier, the dissolved oxygen in Taneycomo is very low.  The fish still look health, but they are definitely just sitting in the water exerting the least amount of energy possible.  Fortunately, there are lots of scuds….tons of scuds in the water, so food is probably just drifting into the fishes mouths so they don’t have to work too hard.


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