Sunny Days!
Looks like we might have two or three sunny days in store for us. Saturday’s forecast is for morning showers with temperatures in the upper 80s. Ugh. Sounds hot and humid to me. Next week is looking “ify” with 60% chances of rain for Monday through Thursday.
We continue to see ten flood gates and the two generators. No major changes in the water flows. Table Rock Lake is holding at 919 feet.
Jim and Stan on the water Sunday with a group from here in Missouri. Stan took Rod and Barry. Barry has fished with him before and could hardly wait and see what we did with ten flood gates open. Ha! Good day for the guys on the big ruby and ruby 2 dropper
Jim’s guys, Gene and Aaron are fairly new to fly fishing, and they had a whole lot of instruction while catching fish on the ruby, hot hare’s ear, and bug eye bugger.
Tuesday, Jim and Paul from Kansas spent the morning on the water with Jim Very good day for these guys on the big ruby with the little ruby
dropper or the hot hare’s ear. Darrell’s guys, Mike and Jeff had a great day with the big ruby, ruby 2 and copperhead black zebra midge. Can you tell these two guys are brothers?
Ken and Tom fished with Stan most of the day. Yep, the usual patterns, big ruby and ruby 2 dropper. If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. They are working! Tom even pulled out a nice brown.