And Another Windy Day!

I know we will be begging for wind come July, so why do we have to get all of it now.  Friday we had 30mph plus gusts and yesterday afternoon was not far behind it.  Today is supposed to be 8-10 mph.  Hope so.  Yesterday managed to get into the 50s.  Weather forecast says we will get there again today, and we’ll probably make it.   60s for Monday and Tuesday, then into the 70s right through Saturday.  By Sunday we have a pretty good chance for rain.  Let’s hope that changes

Generation continues to be almost non-stop.  Off yesterday morning until 6:00 a.m., then they fired uptwo units, then three.  It finally settled to a low two for the rest of the day.  Projection is for generation through Monday. 

Stan on the water Friday with two Davids, Jr. and Sr. from Oklahoma.  The guys caught and quick released quite a few fish, but it certainly did not fish as well as it had been last week.  Best patterns were the lightning bug under the big ruby.  Well, that’s which they call it fishing.



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