Crazy Weather!

The weather has almost been as erratic as the water flows.  One day it is in the 50s, and the next day in the 30s  Supposed to see a warm day today, but tomorrow looks like 30s.  Back into the 50s Saturday through Monday.  Good news, no moisture in the near horizon.  Lots of 40s next week.

Non-stop generation for a whole week.  Table Rock Lake did come up almost a foot after the last rain we had.  Table Rock is now at 905.4 (915 power pool) and droppping. 

Dave and Chris, from Kansas spent half a day on the water with Jim this past Monday.  Good day for these guys.  Fairly new fly fishers, so Jim had them pulling the CQ streamer on a sinking line.  Water running that day, so this seemed to be the ticket.

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