Ready For Spring?
I not sure about anyone else, but I am ready for Spring! Enough of this! Yes, it was pretty….for a little while. Looks like we are going to start warming up. Today is expected to be in the upper 30s, and we are seeing mid to upper 30s through the weekend. Low to mid 40s by next week. Only fly in the ointment is Friday, when they are predicting some moisture, but with the temperature in the upper 30s, it should be in the form of rain.
Other than this morning, we have seen non-stop generation. However, this morning the generators were off until 6:00 a.m. They are projected to go back on today around 11:00 a.m. and stay off until 6:00 p.m. With Table Rock Lake below 914, we might just see some off time.
None of us on the water since last Wednesday…..before the wintery blast. Have had a few customers come into the store and they are experiencing some very good fishing. One gentleman this morning said he caught 20-25 fish in acouple hours yesterday afternoon on a worm brown San Juan worm. He was heading back to the water today when they said it will be off.
We have some trips coming up, so we can hopefully give you some first hand information. Our biggest hurddle to past will be the condition of the boat ramp. We don’t want to turn our drift boat into a sleigh heading for the river at the bottom of the boat ramp!!
If you need some help with your Christmas shopping, we are here to help. Lots of good ideas for stocking stuffers. Just got in several of the new Orvis Encounter Outfit. If you know someone getting started into fly fishing, this is one of the best values and performing outfits I have seen.