Happy Thanksgiving!

Looks like a little more seasonal weather on the horizon.  50s well into next week.  Very slight chances of rain through Tuesday with a little increase in chances both Wednesday and Thursday.  Otherwise, mostly sunny or partly cloudy…your choice.

Pretty much non-stop generation since early last Saturday morning.  However, there has been a window late in the morning into early afternoon where the level has been okay for wade fishing in certain areas.  Levels in the 703 to 704 range.  Otherwise, it has been 705 to 706 and even a bit high on Monday afternoon.

Pretty good day on the water Tuesday when Stan took Dave and his son Bo out for the day.  Best pattern was the big ruby as they generated all day.  Worst problem this day was the wind.  Lots of hits and a good number of fish to the boat.  Carolyn had Ron and Kathy out for the day.  Our best patterns were the big ruby, with a lightning bug or egg dropper, and for a while a size 16 black midge with the copperhead black zebra midge dropper.  WINDY!  Tough to keep a good drift, but it was worth it.

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