Starting To Feel Like Fall!
Not much color in the trees yet, but I think we will have a beautiful Fall. We are looking at day time temperatures in the mid to upper 70s and nights in the low 40s to low 50s through the coming weekend. Slight chances of rain over the coming weekend (30% at this time).
What can I say about the generation schedule. All last week, we had no generation in the mornings and then two to three units on for 5-6 hours in the afternoong. Saturday, was pretty much the same, but less flow in the afternoon. Yesterday, they turned on not quite one unit at 10:00 a.m. and kept it on all day. The projection for today was to be low one unit until 4:00 a.m. then off for 8-9 hours and back on to a low one or two units. NOT! Turned on three units this morning at 7:00 and it is still on. Hopefully, we will go back to our off in the a.m. and then something in the afternoon pattern tomorrow. To be continuted…..
Stan finished up the second day with Terry and Jim from Oklahoma last Thursday. After the blow out on the generators on their first day, everyone decided to just make it a half day just in cast they fired up all three units at once again. Worked out great. Another good morning for these guys on the P&P, ruby and copper dun midges. And, good decision. At 1:00 p.m. on came three units, fast and furious. Jim had David and David out for a full day. They did good in the a.m. with the CQ streamer, copper dun, B-bug, blood worm dropper and gray scud. Not too much to say about the afternoon. They opted for 1/2 day on Friday and that also worked out better for them. Dana also out on Friday with Andy from South Dakota. Good day on the red San Juan worm and a tan B-bug.
Yesterday, Stan took Bob and Linda out for most of the day. Great day for these guys with the low flow they had when they hit the river. Big ruby with a size 18 ruby dropper almost all day.
Marge and Price, from Kansas spent the morning on the river with Jim. Good day for these two, especially Marge, on the CQ streamer and red midge.