Bad Dan Shultz Gang Hit Taneycomo!
Looks like nice weather ahead. Temperatures in the 80s through the weekend. Chance of showers Monday and again on Wednesday. Weather today was beautiful! Low 80s and sunny. Just enough wind to give us a little chop on the water.
The generation pattern is also great. No generation today except for a low one unit at 6:000 p.m. for one hour. Same thing for tomorrow. Monday looks like no generation until noon, when one unit will come on, then another in an hour, with about two units going four 3-4 hours. I kind of expect pretty much the same pattern next week as we have seen the past two weeks. No units in the a.m. then something in the afternoon.
- Bad Dad’s Brown – 9/9/13
On Tuesday, Jim took Jim and Elizabeth out for half a day. Jim is a fairly new fly fisher so Jim worked with him on techniques. They worked and caught fish on the size 12 olive wooly bugger and the P&P midge with a blood worm dropper. Elizabeth enjoyed the morning.
Carolyn had Jan and Mike out for the day. This was the first day of their two day fishing. They have both been in Hungary for two years and this was one of the first things to do when they got back to the States. This was a good day for both of them. Jan did especially well on the ruby midge. Mike caught several on the size 12 olive wooly bugger. Once they turned on the water, it was the big ruby with a red San Juan dropper. Jan didn’t miss a drift almost without a hit or fish.